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Pineapple Love. Beloved Mare. Follow me on Discord: Godfrog#4197 Support me on: My patreon https://ko-fi.com/nailah

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Promotion: My Little Reviews and Feedback · 6:56pm Jul 20th, 2020

"Um...excuse me. Are you open for business?" asked the orange cream pegasus with vanilla like mane and tail.

"Why yes, come in." spoke the book keeper. She was an earth pony, older mare, with a tied up bun in the back. She had been working here at the bookstore for who knew how many moons, but it seemed that this Pegasus was visiting their little shop for the very first time.

"How can I help you? Might I know who you are? And your needs?" she asked politely.

"Orange Cream madam. It's nice to meet you, and um well it's just I have this story I am writing, and I'd really like to know if it's any good. I admit I am not always sure of myself and my skills."

"Oh I see. Well I think I know just the place for you. This is just a bookstore, but every time we get ponies like you in, I point them across the street to the "Reviewer alley." Why don't you go over there, and I'm sure one of the many reviewers they have will be able to assist you."

"Oh I see. Well um what do they do there? Are they nice?" she asked in return, as she felt her whole body shaking as she held tightly onto the pages of her story. She was nervous, she felt the sweatdrops running down her cheeks, as she swallowed a breath.

"Well they are all good people, just some are more critical then others. You have to look through each reviewer's guidelines and see which one suits your needs best. After all they are here to help you improve. I can't say I know a whole lot about the reviewer's but sometimes they come over here looking for good books. But your best bet is to see for yourself."

"Okay..." she whispered as she thanked the mare for her aid, and turned to leave the bookstore. Crossing the street never intimated her before, but seeing the dragon perched on top of the cafe, make her stop and shiver in fright. The dragon let out a yawn, almost seeming bored.

"You here to submit or perhaps become a reviewer?" the dragon asked, not even bothering to move.

"Um, I'd like to submit my story. But um...who are you?"

"I am Azure, head and founder of this group. Without me this whole place would be a mess! Gotcha keep my reviewers in line after all. But yes, you may enter and see for yourself."

Orange Cream walked into the reviewer cafe, and wasn't sure what she expected to see but as she entered it was like a certain weight of nervousness was lifted from her chest.

(ooc: Thank you all for reading this short little blurb, if you'd like to join our group. LINK. If you'd like to become a reviewer, message Azure Drache, if you'd like headpats, comment below.

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