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Where headcanon becomes absurd and canon absurder

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A New One-Shot · 2:40am Jul 28th, 2020

It's based on this song:

And it's about this fella. *Pats Pharynx on the head* Good tsunderebug

*Hisses* "I will cut you."

Report MlpHero · 145 views · #Pharynx #New Story
Comments ( 22 )

Ooooh, I’d like to see that.

Heh, glad to hear

Ooh, looking forward to that.

Heh, glad to hear

Yuck. Modern mainstream heavy metal is so generic I wanna puke. I wouldn't tell this song from apart from a thousand exactly the same ones.

Eh, I can't change your opinion so I won't try

You would have to make a very good argument indeed. People who do not form their opinions lightly are not easily swayed.

True. You have to really push your opinion for people to actually believe it.

Pushing doesn't do anything. Aggression only makes other people feel threatened, Which in turn makes them combative, not receptive. Arguments are akin to fencing matches, to win you need to search for weak spots in the opponent's case and use those to make them doubt their case. After that, you can start showing them facts.

It often takes months to achieve if the belief is important to their worldview. The art of argument is the one to be perfected throughout your entire life and even then it is sometimes not enough. Sometimes people are not interested in being correct and continue believing in demonstrably wrong things simply because they wish it this way and these people are very numerous, especially around your parts.

I guess that's true

Truth gets more and more irrelevant the longer you attempt to find it, I fear.

By attempting to understand one thing, you end up learning a lot about, seemingly, unrelated things. With time the web builds up until you see how inconsequential your original goal really is. Truth is irrelevant, all information is valuable regardless of how true it is. It all comes down to what you do with the information you have.

Your argument can be a total truth, or a total lie. What matters is what are the consequences.

Be careful though. Truth and fact are not the same things. Truth can hurt you if you learn it, while fact will hurt you if you ignore it.

Huh. Okay then.

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