• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen May 25th


I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

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7 Years of The Bridge · 3:45am Aug 4th, 2020

Seven years and one day ago I hit publish on a crazy idea I had combining a childhood series of mine with a series that felt like it was bringing me back to my childhood. Functionally the two had absolutely nothing to do with each other. One was born out of a tragedy of war echoed a decade later in the mind of Tomoyuki Tanaka and company, the other was an elaborate expansion by Lauren Faust and company to reinvigorate a series about morality Aesops and childhood imagination from the 1980s onward.

Over 1 million words, 300 illustrations, easily double that number of inspired illustrations and writings, triple digit blog posts, spinoffs, and hundreds or thousands of hours writing in a collaborative effort between myself, my girlfriend, and the various friends who have helped along the way to proof and co-write; here we are today.

And I do not regret a single moment of it. I can very blatantly say I would be a far less happy of a person if I hadn’t put the work out that I did. And this isn’t me tooting my horn about any talent I have with writing, but rather where that writing took me. And to it brought me to and brought together, the most important of all.

Of vast majority of my friends I interact with regularly I met because they were either in the same fan groups or took the time to see what my crazy ramblings were saying and we got to know each other. Some of them jokingly call me ‘boss’ but I never see myself above any of them, I much prefer being in the company of such good people. Be it on here, the ever-hilarious discord server, or on the various other websites I’ve dipped my fingers into.

The last seven years certainly had their ups and their downs, but I’ve made so many friends who become friends with one another. And because of that influence, either they upon me, me upon them, or between each other, many lives have been improved. If there’s anything I can never forgive myself for besides causing harm to others, it would be being able to do good and not doing so. I know of some folks I call friend who would be in a very bad place if I or others hadn’t jumped at the chance to help. And a catalyst for many of those interactions happening was this crazy story I started.

I love giving to others, main reason I write is to entertain after all and maybe make life just a little bit better. So, I was not expecting to be given something this last anniversary. Many of those on the discord server witness to me having a fairly bad day some months back. I thought they picked me up enough back then… Turns out they were planning. Over two dozen people writing in their thanks for me being who I am, what I’ve done, and being their friend. I cried. I legit, cried.

I've been in some dark places before. Many of the folks I met these past 7 years were among those that helped pull me out. How on earth I got so luck or so wealthy is beyond me, but I will live up to it the best I can.

Congrats folks, the memories, the experiences, over 7 years of gaining friends, interacting, and entertaining people among other measures to try and make life better for others; and everything else came flooding back. I was so grateful for those I’d come to know and appreciate. So much looking at the document still brings me to tears. I intend to keep it close should I ever find myself down.

Art by FallenAngel5414, capital work! Gave everyone on Discord an icon update XD

So, after 7 years of The Bridge, the story I got the make alongside my beloved Faith-Wolff and met so many friends through, I have only this to say.

Thank you, thank you all so much. For every comment, every chat, every stream, everything. I wrote to entertain others half expecting it all to blow up in my face as I was inexperienced and writing a crossover that none would expect to work, and instead I was blessed with co-creation with my loved one and the company of the best friends I could ever ask for.

These last 7 years? Here's to you all. Cheers.

Thank you all.

Comments ( 50 )


It's been a wicked ride and there's still more of it to come.

Seven years? Damn, what a milestone! Congratulations, Tarbtano, and thank you for the great story. :twilightsmile:

*Squeals happily*

This is one helluva ride, Tarb! A ride we are all enjoying ^^

I said everything I needed to say in the letter, so this can be brief:
It's been an awesome ride so far and I look forward to more.

I’m still glad I found this gem and I want to say that you’re actually one of several writers who inspire me to keep writing... even if I’m not working on ponyfics right now.

Cheers, man, and here's to another seven years of fics and friendship. :twilightsmile:

It's a magnificent story you've got here, I'm pleased and honored to be able to read it.

You sure it’s been 7 years? Feels like 2-3 at most

congrats on 7 years and here's hoping it doesn't take another 7 to finish and I mean that in the nicest way possible.

You are the most dedicated write I’ve seen in this site Tarb and one of the friendliest and most humble person I ever met. Honestly, I’m honored to be you friend and I’m happy that your heart is so big to care for each and every single one of the people in your server and the fans who haven’t joined yet. Keep being a great person, the world is a far brighter place with someone like you in it.

We love you and Faith just as much. The best is yet to come.

You haven't just written a successful fanfic.

You've created a franchise within a franchise.

Well done.

huggles and wuggles the Tarb
We're all here, with you on every step of the way with the fun and cheerful times ahead.

A great 7 years!

Cheers friend! I personal owe you quite a lot. Not only did you make this fantastic story but it was the reason that I found this site. Honestly you, Faith Wolff, and everyone who works on this story is the biggest reason why I love the show and the fandom. All my favorite stories, my friends, the memories good, bad, and embarrassing (still remember the time I asked to add a half changeling OC in the story, lucky I’m out of that phase), all of this because of you lot.

So here’s to seven years! I look forward to what comes next.

Prepares high five.

here's to countless more years

As someone relatively new to this fic, (but not fanfiction in general), I loved this story after I first started reading it, the writing is amazing by itself. Then you add the illustrations, and it's even better!

I only came to know about this story due to ThatGuyVex mentioning it when he started his Friendship Souls + The Bridge crossover, and I'm so glad I checked it out!

P.S. Is the Discord group public? I'd really like to check it out.

It's most assuredly been an honor, and a privilege to have followed your story for so long - and to have become friends with you, and your honey bunch. These seven years have been......something to by, but I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world since it involved meeting all of you. May the next seven years, or the years leading up to this stories finale' find you, and you friends and loved ones in good health, and happiness. You earned every ounce of it.:)

Well congrats. 7 years is quite the achievement and it's still not over.

I don't think there is another fanfic as massive as yours on this site.

Congrats on the seven years then

Congrats on 7 years, Tarbtano.

Thanks for being awesome and writing this awesome story Tarb!

I am still so VEry Very behind on this story. Nonetheless thank you for Seven years of dedication to this world you have built. I do hope you finish this story as letting it die now would be very sad hehe:twilightsmile:

And thank you for giving us such a fun story to read Tarb. The Bridge was one of the first fics I read on this site, and it remains one of my favorites. Keep being awesome chief.

You’re welcome, my friend. :pinkiesmile:

Me and Gojipower12 are happy to be part of the Amalgam’verse chat. You were an inspiration of him of making his own Godzilla fimfic. Thank you for making a good fimfic.

7 years ? Damn, a fanfic that's been going on longer than a few entire fandoms. I can assure you that not a lot of people can say the same about their own fics.

I've got to say, it's a damn honor to be able to read it ! Really looking forward for the next chapters of it and its side-fics !

We'll stick by you to the ends of the Earth, boss. ;)

i may not have been here from day 1, but ever since I saw this crossover, I became a BIG fan. as only a G-fan and not an MLP-fan, I first thought this:

"umm...why? they're pretty much the opposites of one another. most likely something cheesy about friendship, love, and crappy shipping."
ohh, was I wrong.

I may not be a "Brony" (and still aren't), this fantastic story you have made was too engaging, too funny, and too cool for me to pass up. heck, my G-fan side was "turned off" so-to-speak for a few years. but when I read "the Bridge", OH it all came rushing back!

MLP may not be my Cup of Tea, but that's what makes it cool, you take a Crossover that shouldn't be...and turn it into thrilling, funny, and amazing stories I never thought could be so damn good! you've taken the 100-foot beasts of my childhood and turned some otherwise bland, one-time monsters (such as Monster X) into full Characters with personality (X/Kaizer being my favorite).

I never thought a silly little Idea could out so grand. thank you for these 7 years! again, I may not have been reading this from day 1, but I'll be staying to the end.

-Shogun Ghidorah

(P.S.: wait... THERE'S A DISCORD SERVER?! is it public?)

I haven't been here from the beginning, but I'm glad I've been here at all. I've had my rough patches where I thought about giving up, but you've helped me through them. Whether it be through your writing, or just talking to me, I owe who I am today in some part to you. You've been one of my best friends for a while now, and I hope I can return the favor one day. I know I haven't been the most positive voice you've heard on The Bridge lately, but I promise, no matter what, I will be there when you publish the last chapter. Whether it's a year from now, or ten years from now. Thank you for being my friend.

It's funny, when I first started reading this, I had only just discovered the site. I wasn't exactly a brony at the time, but I was (and still am) a massive Godzilla fan, and after reading the first chapter, I was completely hooked.

And now, it's a story that I'll never get tired of. Congrats on 7 years of this story Tarb, you've definitely earned this!

Long live the king!

Ditto that sentiment. >^_^<

Honestly I'd never been the, er, biggest fan of the Godzilla franchise as a whole, or of MLP in general. The reason I started reading The Bridge is simply because the story by and large was just that good. The fact that it had some nice illustrations was a bonus, so it's not like we're reading for scale--it's easy to tell a lot of work went into it, even discounting the 1-mil word threshold. And as far as I can tell, the story is continuing to spiral upwards; this isn't just a Xenilla-flavored work, this is straight up Neapolitan.

So thanks, Tarbtano, for all the work you, Faith, and others have put into this over the past 7 years. :twilightsmile:

Ah, I remember this story from some time ago. I quit reading because it infuriated me that the alicorns were ganging up on and punishing some of the good guys for the crime of defending themselves when the alicorns blatanly attacked them unprovoked, only for the kaiju in question to bend over and take the punishment like a bitch.

Do they ever get over that? Do the ponies ever say "im sorry, i was the bad guy and not you." Because someone getting punished for not letting their attacker kill them just says that they will get shit on repeatedly, and people don't really read something with godzilla in it to see him get abused. It was a good story up to that point, but once it passed without them recanting anything tanked it.

Edit: looking back, it was the ponies and Luna attacking Godzilla and punishing him for defending himswlf from people trying to kill him, with him just bending the knee qnd letting rhem punish him, and not changing their minds. Do they ever stop and say "hey godzilla, you're innocent and we're bad for punishing you for defending yourself"?

Long live the king, and long live your fanfic Tarbtano!✊

It’s been 7 years for this fanfiction? Damn time works fast and slow at the same time but it’s definitely been an honor reading your stories, to be honest I was never much a MLP fan or Brony as you call it I am way more of a Godzilla fan if someone were to ask to read a crossover between Godzilla and Ponies before these 7 years I would’ve laughed at them in the face, after seeing the art by Faith and read the previews of your story you Tarb had made the impossible and got me interested, I’m still not a Brony but damn it I know a good story when I read it especially you’re doing Godzilla and the main Kaiju characters justice so I don’t mind.
Congratulations Tarbtano and here’s for many more years of The Bridge to come.

Let me get this straight: the author is trying to share an emotional milestone with his friends and readers, and your first instinct is to insult him?

No, my first instinct was to ask if the ponies were ever going to let up in them punishing Godzilla for defending himself when he was attacked in canterlot.

Okay, let me explain something to you. The Bridge is told from an omniscient perspective. Meaning that we know everything the characters are thinking and doing. The characters, however, don't know everything. From Luna's perspective, Junior was attacking her guards unprovoked and she was fighting off an invader. Also, at no point are the kaiju "punished for defending themselves." Celestia didn't trust them and separated them so that if they tried something, they wouldn't be able to try something. In the end, the kaiju and the ponies, gasp, became friends and ultimately chose to stay where they were. In fact, at a few points in the later chapters, Celestia views Junior as an equal. An apology is pretty unnecessary at this point.

They really didn't punish him any though. He busted in on accident, way overreacted to getting approached by guards due to panic and stress, fought Luna, and got KO'd. When it became clear it was a misunderstanding he was let out of his bonds and free to move about. The only reason the Alicorn sisters split the kaiju up was because the split second they all were in a room together, they broke out into a brawl that could have leveled the castle had Celestia not stopped it. The Equestrians don't know the history he and Xenilla had and were only acting to keep things from exploding into a fray. Reason Godzilla joined up with the guard was because the Captain knew it had been a big misunderstanding and was trying to give him a place to settle in and calm down under her watch and help.

Okay, that's better than what I had been interpreting. It really seemed like he was letting unfriendly ponies suborn him. Apologies if it seemd like I was insulting you, I have an unfortunate tendancy to ramble on at length.

I remember when I started reading this...I was completely baffled by the idea of an MLP/Godzilla crossover...so, thank you, Tarbtano, for writing a story I hold near and dear to my heart

7 Years......7 years of the Bridge.......time flies by so quickly that so much has happened. I never thought that a fanfic that I initially discovered as a NICHE crossover that my brother and I stumbled upon, would have such a PROFOUND influence on my life as a whole.

I still remember that day fondly when I found both this fanfic here on this site, and your youtube videos that gave this series SUCH EPICNESS (especially the Attack on Canterlot).
I remember lurking for months and months on end thinking how great and awesome both this fic and it's Author was, until I got the courage to step outside my shell, and say HELLO to you all. Heck, you were the first user on Fimfiction that I followed Tarbtano.

You all of this fanfic have changed my life in SO MANY ways that you've made me a much better person than I am before.

Thank you all for much. Thank you Lauren and Toho for bringing us these wonderful characters to meet in this light. Thank you everyone in the Amalgamverse for bringing us and this fic together..... You're all the best. Thank you....thank you so much....... :fluttercry::twilightsmile:

I remember first finding this fic after taking the first steps into becoming a brony and decided that as odd as it might seem to have Godzilla crossover with MLP, decided to see if I could get invested into such a story.

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