• Member Since 24th Dec, 2012
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I'm a science-fiction and fantasy buff, creator of the Chakat Universe, and now dabbling in the MLP:FiM universe. I love a good story!

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  • 15 weeks
    Would you like to be a pony?

    Just curious, but if reincarnation was genuinely a thing, would you like to be reincarnated as a pony? If so, which type? And would you want to retain the memories of your previous human life?

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  • 24 weeks
    SunnyWay Art

    I've just added a commissioned picture to A Steady Heart - part 3. SunnyWay did a gorgeous pic of Steady and Mark flying together on their date. Here it is for your convenience.

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    New story

    At last, the story you have been waiting for! Mark Wells makes official contact with Earth. Wish him luck! - https://www.fimfiction.net/story/546902/worlds-apart

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  • 37 weeks
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    I just got a Patreon sketch from RatedPonystar for the "It Takes Six" story – a nice family portrait of Gilda, Big Mac, and their son, Goldspur.

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  • 44 weeks
    Gilda-Big Mac art for "It Takes Six"

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Would you? · 4:14am Aug 9th, 2020

While waiting for the next chapter of "Off The Mark" to be ready, I'd like to indulge in something to assuage my curiosity that is related to the story. I would like your answers to the following:

1. You are offered the chance to go to Equestria and become any species (except alicorn - that has to be earned) of your choice. The new form would be your current age up until young adult. Any older and you get reset younger. The catch is that you can never go home or make contact with anyone back on Earth. Would you accept? Which species would you choose?

EDIT: You do get the chance to say goodbye. Your partner gets the same offer.

2. You are offered the chance to go to Equestria and be transformed, but you have no choice of species or even gender. Age is random between foal and young adult. You can go back to Earth but never return to Equestria. Would you accept?

EDIT: Time passes at normal rate back on Earth.

Report Goldfur · 877 views · Story: Off The Mark · #Transformation
Comments ( 63 )

I think 1 because I don't have that much to lose on Earth.

Choose option 1 and I would be a Minotaur. Never saw them besides Iron bull.

1 is a no. I couldn't leave my family and friends like that.

2 is a... I don't know. It depends on if time passes on Earth the same as Equestria.

1 I'd take so long as I could at least say a goodbye.

2 i'd take if i knew the range of what species are available. I wouldnt trade one heck for another, (or make my situation worse) even gilded so on a particular species or two depending.

For one depends on the "how" on the disappearance, anything left like a body or just straight up gone. For two depends on time issues, that and when you go back what condition are you in.

1no Earth is much better than Equestria plus there's lots of things here I still want to see and do and of course there's not wanting to leave my friends and family 2yes
but if I did choose 1 i would be a dragon either my current to age or around Galluses age so we could be bros

1 No. It's too much price to pay. Even if take a deal on death's door I would prefer to be buried in homeland.
2 Maybe. It really depends if going back is in original or new form.(sorry if sentence wrong, not fluent in English yet.) And if time passes in Equestria slower than on Earth.

If you’d asked me this before the 2020 apocalypse it would have been a difficult conundrum.

I’m onboard. Let’s go. I’ll roll my character on the way.

1 - Yes; I'd be a 21 year-old Unicorn stallion and devote myself to studying and practicing magic and one day construct my own Wizard Tower and use it as a magic shop where I'd live and sell my own wares, and go on adventures to find ingredients and components for my spells and potions and crafts

2 - Likely yes, but could I find some kind of magic to change my form if I want to? Also, are you saying I'd have a choice of going back if I'm not happy in Equestria?

1, No. I have too many people (any number greater than none) who depend on me for basic life needs. If I were to disappear, they would be absolutely ruined and I will not have that on my conscience.

2, This depends on time passage. If no time passes here on Earth, I'd be all over that. See my former answer about responsibilities I can't abandon.

Somebody ask the engineer sweetly to please stop this train. I want to get off.
I'll take a #1 please. Just let me say goodbye to friends and family, so I can become.... A dragon, maybe.

1) yes
2)yes likely. I am not in great health or in a great place roll the dice again sounds good. does kind of depend on what Equestria fallout Equestria no, show cannon yes and to many more in yes no or maybe.

1: Sure, but can I bring a few people with me?
2: Sure? But can I take a few people with me?

Hmmmm, interesting thoughts ...

1 - being on the wrong side of 60 but with friends and family, probably no.
2 - What is the time of duration (vacation, sabbatical, choice)?

You can stay in Equestria as long as you like, but time still passes normally back on Earth.

You can't "take" them, but they can be offered the same choices.

Show canon Equestria, just without the cartoon silliness.

Sorry – time passes normally back on Earth.

Species changing magic is not impossible, but very difficult to find. If you're unhappy with the form, you can go back immediately but you don't get another try.

If you return to Earth, you resume your previous human body. And no, you don't get a time cheat.

You get to say goodbye before leaving and explain why you won't be able to contact them again.

Welp, as long as it was possible, I'd look for it to the best of my ability

Comment posted by Wolven5 deleted Aug 9th, 2020

I would choose option 1. Not much is left for me here on earth. I would like to be a 20 year old unicorn that would hopefully also be cured of my diabetes from the transformation.

I have a lot to lose onj earth. but if I had to make the choice. option one

Option one as a kirin.

option one and i wanted to be a Shires horse just to tower over the ponies including princess

Fair enough, if they're offered the same choices I'd honestly be okay with it. Of course, if no one wanted to come I'd be sad, but I'd still go I think.

1 bat pony all the way

I’m not sure but I’d probably choose 1 and as a pegasus though i would have a stipulation that those I care about come with me. if that’s possible if not i’d probably not go. though one question are any medical conditions you have healed when you arrive, or do they remain with you?

1. ) No, if I can't bring my partner with me, then it's a non-starter. It would kill me inside not to be able to experience such an adventure, but if I can't share it with my loved one, then no.

2.) See above. Yes, if we can go together, even if it's totally random what we become. Otherwise no, and live with the regret of curiosity unfulfilled.

With those in mind.

A question about nr. 1)
Can you choose a 'when' clause on it?

If that's the case, I'd most likely be a bat Pony / Thestral... or Kirin.

2) My biggest, 'oh come on' is that you'd never get to return to Equestria - other than that, it could be one heck of an 'exhange time'.
I'd probably do it, with a safety clause or two, just because I'm too curious not to.

1; yes, as a DragoLing, depending on when.
2: No!

Nothin and nobody here for me chief, so it's a "duh".

The non-return/non-communication clause is the only catch. The ones you care about can have the same offer.

Your partner would get the same offer. Which species would you choose?

Option no1, and I'd choose either a Pegasus or a evolved changeling (I want to fly *_*) . There is honestly nothing tying me to this planet in any way shape or form.
I'd probs say good bye to me mother, as I do have somewhat of a cordial relationship with her. But that's it.

Hmmm. Is draconequus considered a species or a unique creature for purposes of this question?


For that matter I would love to goto your universe.

I guess I'm the only one that would say "neh" to either option. Its not even really because of friends or family either. Nor is it because I don't like trying new things: I love trying out new things.

Option 1: yes, and I'd be happy as a Pegasus, bat pony, or unicorn. I simply don't have enough close ties that would make a chance to start over a bad choice

Option 2: Yes to that as well. There are few options that I can't see an appeal to.

For both, I think my answer would be largely dependent on age. I'd rather spend a childhood acclimatizing to the challenges & changes of Equestria than the prime of my life. Given that age is random...this offer is cursed. I'd likely say no, but both options would leave me racked with guilt for the rest of my life.
As for race - probably unicorn or dragon. Any direction that ends up with me working with gemstones would be a correct one.

Yeah, probably, on both counts.

#1 For sure. Screw Earth. Griffon would be cool because you could fly and still have hands, but I think unicorn magic is just too useful to pass up. Hands are nice, but telekinesis is better. Plus, all the other crazy spells.

#1 as a Unicorn, as long as my partner and kids can come along.
#2 a possible yes if partner and kids came along. Wouldn't matter to me if there were odd changes and the age species and gender were no longer the norm.
For both, as long as I say goodbye before going, I'd be fine not going back.

1) yes as a diamond dog. griffon or changling
2) yes

In that case, my first choice would be a lovebug a.k.a. evolved/reformed changeling. Second choice would be hippogriff.

Option one, Gryphon.

Yes to both. Species would be Pony, Pegasus for No.1 (Stellar, of course). Of course, for No.2 it says you *can* return to Earth, but if you don't have to, then why bother if you're in Equestria?

1. Yes. As to species, I don't know. I'm wary about incurring some sort of unexpected cultural baggage. I mean satyr might be nice (given the overall Greek theming), but we don't know if they even exist. Earth pony.

2. This is not much different to me, as I wouldn't take that choice to return. I honestly not too worried about body dismorphia. Heck, with all the magic around, they might be able to fix it.

Sounds very interesting. I think for option one it would be a yes. And a Griffon

Option 2 would be a no. random age thing sounds a bit iffy...I could end up an old timer.

I assume for 1. you'd already be acclimatized to the body you choose?

1 - Yes. I'd have a chance to do something more in my life, and my family would be happy for me.
2 - No. Randomness puts me off. If there was a certain defined range, maybe, but otherwise no.

I'd take option one if my other half and my stepsons were coming with ... probably would go Unicorn if at all possible, but I'm not leaving my family behind - no matter how badly I want to run from the shitheads ruining my country and the world.

1) Oh for sure yes! It's been my 'impossible dream' for so long! Would hope my roomie and our cat (would the offer be given to our pets too? Would be cool to have our kitty in Equestria with us.) along with a few random friends would take up the offer as well. As for species I would want to be, if it had to be one of the three tribes- probably a unicorn. If any species in the Equestrian world, probably a changeling. What can I say? They have always been my favorites. ^.^

2) I might do this one, would be cool to start out at a young age so I can get used to the new body when it is still small and growing, though if I ended up in Equestria as an old aging pony/etc that might not be as nice... though I wouldn't go back anyways even if i could, especially not if I would never be able to come back.

I'd go with option 1. I have a only few things tying me here and the option to say my farewells to those few is more than enough for me to jump at the offer, especially so with getting to pick my species.

Which is dragon.

Because when you are given the option to be a dragon, you pick being a dragon.
There are very few things I'd pick over dragon. Powerful immortal winged unicorn being one of them but that's not an option sooooo... . Dragon.

Maybe if phoenixes has been shown to have full person level of intellect instead of high level animal cunning (Philomena is smart but is she intelligent?) and kept their personality upon rebirth than I'd might go fire-bird. Hard sell over motherbucking dragon though.

Cat-bird is also tempting, but, again, dragon.

Maybe changling if I was guaranteed to have the potential to work my way up to Chrysalis slash Thorax levels. Though that's conditional there and if I have that guarantee then maybe I could get the guarantee that if I worked for it I could become an immortal winged unicorn. And if I got that guarantee then I'd go unicorn because TK is just too useful to not have though wings are tempting.

But dragons get wings sooooo, again. Dragon... .

Option 1 and dragon or threastral/bat pony.there is a couple of people I would hope get offer as well but for most part would take the offer.

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