• Member Since 17th Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen 15 hours ago


Walk, don't run. Unless you're late for the bus.

  • TMore Than Just the Night
    Johannes hasn't come to Equestria to get away from his past, just take a break from it, and find himself in the process. A new relationship is the furthest thing from his mind right now. But life has a way of surprising us, for better and for worse.
    Freglz · 17k words  ·  89  7 · 1.9k views

More Blog Posts48

  • 9 weeks
    This Too Shall Pass

    Last night, my dog, a brother of 17 years, had to be put to sleep.

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    6 comments · 202 views
  • 44 weeks
    A Tip Jar

    Just in case anyone is feeling particularly generous, I have started my own Ko-fi account. No particular goals or pressure, just if you wanna show appreciation, this is an outlet, as well as the likes you give, your libraries and the comment section.

    0 comments · 124 views
  • 48 weeks
    Eviction Update

    I was lied to. Three weeks, not four. I have to be packed up and move out back to my Mum (towards which I felt feelings of self-harm, suicide and homicide) by August 1, despite both of us agreeing this is not good for us. My aunt doesn't care and is no long diplomatic about anything.

    I don't think I like her anymore.

    4 comments · 214 views
  • 49 weeks

    As the title says, I'm getting evicted. The house I'm staying at is going on the market and at the time of publishing this blog, I only have four weeks to pack and leave. I don't know where I'll go, hopefully not back in with my mother (who was the reason I put myself in the hospital), but not many places or share houses accept unemployed, chronically depressed, welfare-receiving man-children

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    6 comments · 296 views
  • 57 weeks
    I think I hate birthdays

    That is all.

    6 comments · 187 views

New Developments, New Stories · 2:41pm Aug 11th, 2020

So, if anyone has read the previous blog, you'll know that I submitted myself to the emergency department with fears of self-harm, suicide and homicide brought on by an unsustainable and harmful relationship with my mother. I was transferred from that hospital to a mental health ward in the capital city of my state, where I spent just over two weeks recovering. My antidepressants were increased to twice the dose, I received help from the resident social worker and welfare officer in finding temporary accommodation where I could stay upon discharge, and I got in touch with my cousin and two friends I haven't really seen since high school.

Things have been turning around gradually. My ego is fragile at points, despite the medication, and my mood can swing wildly, but at least I can say that I am now in a safe place. My de facto aunt -- my mother's friend -- was willing to take me in, and I'm currently living with her and her nephew, and she has promised that I won't be pressured into reuniting with Mum until I'm ready, and that I can stay as long as I like. This is honestly more than I thought I'd ever be receiving: a bed, a room of my own to furbish, wi-fi without a data limit, Netflix, XBONE with Game Pass, and all for the low price of $72/week.

I don't remember if I mentioned it in the previous blog, but I've put all of my studies on hold so that I can adjust to these changes. Buying my own food, planning my own meals, washing my own clothes -- ironing them at some point -- it's all new to me, and it's hard to fulfill my duties when I'm so easily distracted by just about everything. That being said, I'm sure I'll be able to do this, and I think I've accidentally stumbled into what is the right choice, and the right environment, where I can learn to be slightly more independant, without worrying about being kicked out. I can make mistakes here, and that's a good thing.

In short, my circumstances are better. All that remains is fixing myself -- undoing the damage that depression has and is still causing.

Now, enough about my boring self, so with that update out of the way, let's move onto the main attraction, for those whose interests might be piqued: two new stories featuring pahňázd's R63 self-insert original character, Hotkey.

TMore Than Just the Night
Johannes hasn't come to Equestria to get away from his past, just take a break from it, and find himself in the process. A new relationship is the furthest thing from his mind right now. But life has a way of surprising us, for better and for worse.
Freglz · 17k words  ·  89  7 · 1.9k views

[Adult story embed hidden]

Okay, they're technically the same story, but I can explain. You see, this started off as an ERP he and I did in early June, and I figured that I could adapt it into a fully-fledged clopfic. We toyed with the idea of expanding it with a sequel, in the same way that Damage Control spawned A Lapse of Reason, where the overarching theme would be the dangers of a rebound relationship, but it wasn't until Admiral Biscuit finished his editing pass that I decided how I'd publish this.

So, here's a quick explanation:

  • More Than Just the Night is the actual story -- the meat and bones, focussed on the themes I wish to explore with our two lead characters.
  • What We Do in the Dark is like the bonus features disk you get with a movie's DVD, full of content that seemed like a good idea at the time, but didn't make it into the final product because it was either unnecessary, or clashed with the tone, pacing or themes of the main story.
  • Night can be read without reading Dark, but the chapter(s) in Dark won't make much sense without reading the correspending chapter(s) in Night.
  • I cannot guarantee Dark will see any updates as this largely depends on where pahňázd and I go with each chapter; it shall remain marked as incomplete until Night is finsihed.

Due to my condition and the nature of how this story will be written, all I can say is that this will take a long while to complete, though I'm sure won't be nearly as bloated as A Lapse of Reason. Going forward, More Than Just the Night won't be a major focus; I'll return to it when I feel like it. There are two contests I intend to enter before the end of August anyway, and overdue promises to other friends I ought to fulfill.

Also, this was meant to be a birthday present for both pahňázd and The Cloptimist, but hospital shut that down pretty hard. Send them your best wishes. They seem to be good, although utterly depraved, people.

Here's to hoping this heralds a comeback. Don't call it that, though, because I've always been here, just really, really quiet. And lonely.

Ah, the great irony of my life. I can write romance, drama and decent clop, but I've never been in any kind of relationship besides a myriad of one-way crushes in primary school. Virgin game on point, yo.

That is all.

Report Freglz · 790 views · Story: More Than Just the Night ·
Comments ( 17 )

Fuck'n cheers mate!

Writing aside, I'm just so glad to hear that your life has gotten better! All this time when I would tell you to 'hang in there', and 'it gets better', those were never empty platitudes. Because as long as you are living, life has a chance to get better. And here is the proof!

Don't worry about deadlines. You just take care of you, man. Everything else will follow. And we will still be here. That being said, I'm right there with you, hoping that this indeed heralds a return to writing for you, with you being in a better place, physically and emotionally, to let your creative wings fly once more!

The fact that your life seems to be going better is great news. Best wishes towards it getting better as time progresses!

This is wonderful news, dude. You're a good person and an extremely valued friend, and it's great to have you back.


Glad to hear things are going in the right direction for ya.

Te escribo en mi idioma para demostrar que tu influencia va mas allá, impactas en muchas personas de diferentes lugares, la vida no es sencilla y mucho menos facil, pero vale la pena por esos pequeños momentos.

Me alegro que estes mejor, y aunque no lo parezca, muchos esperan tu mejoría.

No hablo Espanol.

Glad to hear things are going better for you, and good luck going forward. :)

Well, the direction your life's in is the right one now. Keep that fire lit; you've more than earned this turnaround.

And like Shakes said - the show goes on on your authority and yours alone. All we can do is be there for you. Which I swear that I will.

Sorry to hear about the strained relations in your family. Amazing that you still find the energy to write despite this (though perhaps it is theraputic for you?). I find it interesting that you got a story out of an RP.


Translation: I'm writing to you in my language to show the breadth of your influence and how you have impacted so many people in different places. Life is not simple and not easy, but it is important to value the little moments.

I'm glad that you are feeling better, and although it doesn't seem so, many of us wish you well.

Happy to see you're doing alright, this world is much better with you in it.

Take care of yourself, Freglz, and best of luck.

Author Interviewer

Well heck, I'm glad things are looking up for you. :D Take care of yourself first, you should be fine.

Very happy to hear that you've been given quite a bit of kindness. Continue to stay safe, Freglz. All the best.

Muchos gracias, amigo.

Good to hear. Work on your independence. Work on normal things like laundry and cleaning. I'm not saying to drown your sorrows in work, but I am saying it's good to have something to focus on. A goal, preferably.

NOW I understand why there's two stories, I guess I look forward to reading them at a later date, and may the force be with and lead you well Freglz.


It's always good to be better.

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