• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2013
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The Masked Ghost

I am a ghost, I am alone, I am easily forgotten. I am a lone wolf, no one knows who I am, no one cares about me, but I care about them. Also I do some shit on here...

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List of Inner Circle members names for Ghost Saga · 10:40am Aug 14th, 2020

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List of Inner Circle Members names for Ghost Saga

Inner Circles members:

Turkey Taters


MAGA Brony

@_Abuata_ @_excrement

The Great Purge: a purge of members of Ghost’s Inner Circle:

@YorksCapitalist (left on his own)

@flacofruit (kicked over Twitter after pissing off Ghost)

@ElementofWat (kicked over Twitter after pissing off Ghost)

@honkposter (kicked over Twitter after pissing off Ghost)

@Striversurvivor (AKA Eeyore) (Banned by Ghost after Ghost felt he was both too stupid and too young to be part of the Inner Circle, moved over to Inner Circle Short Bus)

@Alex456po (Kicked for posting anime porn in the chat) (excommunicated for a few months due to the drama that he caused with a suicide threat. Ghost forgave him during Episode 417 and let him back into the circle. Allegedly kicked out of the chatroom once again in mid-2017 for coming into the chatroom at an inconvenient time)

@DiscoWaffle (voted out of the chat due to suspicion of leaking info)

@KingEdUndead (was placed on the Inner Circle Short Bus due to having a ripoff of Ghost's show, and constantly talking about internal Inner Circle business on it)

@Elfoxoloco (Not an official inner circle member, but was a part of the chat, kicked for talking behind Ghost's back)

@Godzilla3709 (Kicked under assumption of being the one leaking the chat sessions)

@TheSneakestMan (Kicked due to starting doxing witch hunts against supposed Inner Circle Leakers and annoying Inner Circle Members)

@VetNationalist (Gave up his Inner Circle slot following Donald Trump striking a Syrian airbase in early 2017, after Ghost defended the bombing)

@727Caller1 (On the short bus, left on his own leaving a note behind in the chat)

@InsaneEnergy (Kicked from chatroom for calling Ghost a jew during a show, returned shortly after. Kicked once again for deviating the conversation to troll drama specifically related to a leaked NSFW DM session, eventually returned many months later, left on his own after the Midterm elections.)

@HagalazVA (Kicked from Inner Circle completely after it was discovered that he had done voice overs for extremely vulgar "clopfics" that included pedophilia and trying to lie about why he did it.)

Baselord (Former admin of the discord who was stripped of power then banned due to abuse of power.)

Trumping Capitalist (Told to leave for a month, then banned following tweets and drama with the group. Unbanned and returned in September 2018)

Berry (Unveiled as a Hillary Clinton voter and campaigner, possible CorrectTheRecord shill)

KaraszKun (Left the Inner Circle on his own accord, possibly pressured into doing so by people around him, banned forever following comments made in November 2017.)

@Raw_Cringe (Kicked due to drama pertaining to his various accounts online, such as his FIMfiction account)

Lightning Note (Opted to leave after drama stirred up about his FIMfiction account and tweeting pony art, and was permanently banned while in the process of leaving)

Officer Default (Accused of conspiring against the IC)

Amy Daly (Kicked after attacking members and Ghost during a purging)

Melly (Accused of conspiring against the IC)

Brosiden (Accused of conspiring against the IC)

OnlyFocused (Accused of conspiring against the IC)

Firehead (Accused of conspiring against the IC)

TJ (Accused of conspiring against the IC)

Justa1 (Kicked for screwing with cryptocurrency operations and attempting to scam Ghost and the Circle)

CuckLivesMatter (Left on his own)

Johan (Kicked in the same incident as InsaneEnergy)

Asho (Initial reason given was that he was kicked after calling Ghost crazy for believing the 2017 Las Vegas Shooting was a false flag, later revealed in January 2018 to be because his brother was annoying Inner Circle members)

Norwegian Capitalist (Left the IC in embarrassment after losing upwards of $100k on a crypto investment, later returned and banned in August 2018 for being a part of the "monster meme gang")

Deus Vult (Banned for disagreeing with an Inner Circle mod, CapitalistKush)



@pipes Badmem_x86 (Left the chat on his own)

CapitalistKush (Left the IC and Ghost's Discord following a fight in voice chat with InsaneEnergy)

the_ardvark (Left the chat on his own)

DankeyKang (Left the chat on his own)

Oflameo (Kicked out after drama between him and the group, later permabanned after threatening Ghost and was found to be conspiring against Ghost and the IC in other chatrooms)

RaidenSnake (Left the chat on his own, mostly to due with the amount of drama surrounding him and the people trolling him on the show)

BN King (Kicked after Ghost found out that he was an anime fan and also that he hosted an anime livestream.)

Suppa (Left on his own)

ED+ (Left on his own following drama surrounding his personal accounts, specifically the My Little Pony animations he had made)

Sidekek (Left on his own)

KingFish (left on his own)

Christian Capitalist (Banned for being a part of the "monster meme gang")

Capitalist Mao (left on his own)

Mile High/Popeye (Banned for being a part of the "monster meme gang")

Sparked (Left on his own)

FinchiBird (Left on his own)

berian Capitalist (Banned for being a part of the "monster meme gang")

Grassman (Banned for being a part of the "monster meme gang")

ForestUnicorn (Banned for being a part of the "monster meme gang")

Daruna (Left on his own over a tweet from the Capitalist Army twitter account)

Greenleader (Left on his own)

Eaglecock1776 (Kicked, reason unknown)

AustralianCapitalist (Left on his own)

Boat073 (Making multiple suicide threats)

@Captain Deci (Type CAP to ban Captain Deci...)

The ones that tried to start an uprising:

Officer Default (Accused of conspiring against the IC)

Melly (Accused of conspiring against the IC)

Brosiden (Accused of conspiring against the IC)

OnlyFocused (Accused of conspiring against the IC)

Firehead (Accused of conspiring against the IC)

TJ (Accused of conspiring against the IC)

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