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Where headcanon becomes absurd and canon absurder

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Some Time Away · 4:05pm Aug 18th, 2020

Blue trotted through the hallways, waving at the changelings. Hm... maybe me and the Fangs can do something he thought. Then, he saw Mitchell. “Hey Mitch, how are you—”

Mitchell walked right past, not even acknowledging Blue.

“Okay then... maybe Zenex?” He walked towards the nursery, noticing Hive and Zenex walking in. “Hey you two, I was wondering if—”

They shut the door.

“W-What? Guys?”

He sighed and walked back to his room. Broken always had great life advice. Maybe he could help. He walked in. “Hey big bro. I need—”

Broken walked past, tossing Blue a bottle with a piece of paper inside. He opened it and read it.

Hey Blue. Whether you read this is on you, but I think I need some time away from you after that stunt you pulled. Come find me in a week or so and I might forgive you.


He nodded and sat down on his bed. This couldn’t be so hard. Right?

Comments ( 24 )

Okay...Kydra's playing the "let's see how tough you are when I leave" game...doesn't quite explain why the rest of the Fangs are ignoring him though...

You’ll see. It plays a crucial part in the story

Alright then. I wonder how long Blue will take until he can't stand not seeing Ky...

Yeah, we shall see

Mhm. I'm betting on three days. Especially if the others keep ignoring him

Yep, probably

Yeah. Though finding Ky would probably take a while so he could just try looking for her before the week is up and if he finds her before then, remember her location to find her more easily once the week is over.

Yeah. But that would run the risk of Ky finding him following her, so maybe not...

Well, you’re not wrong

I mean... wouldn’t this be for the best?

If it satisfies the inner masochist in me, then yes

Probably. I'm just saying that Blue's probably gonna crack before the week's up

Even if he does, it won’t cut it.
This right here.

Well, I ain’t lyin’

How do you know? Kydra gave him a punishment for what he did (her leaving) and she did specify that she might forgive him. Not a definite yes, but also not a definite no

So there's no definite as to whether she'll forgive him or not. We have to wait and see

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