• Member Since 10th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


The name's Animatorsnake or short for Anim, welcome to my realm the Living World. I'm a writer and storyteller and I hope you enjoy my content of the world of Equestria & Anim's journey in Equestria.

More Blog Posts204

  • 3 weeks

    ...coming later in the day, just finished writing, but need to add some final touches later on, as I'm busy later in the day morning half of my day...

    I will promise it'll be out by this evening within this week... bye for now.


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  • 4 weeks
    I'm writing... and my brain is slowly being fried

    I'm writing the next chapter for IANG, but its more of an info-dump than an actual chapter. To summarize, imagine a bunch of characters talking about certain details and information that may or may not be relevant later on in the story, and is only being mentioned for the sake of world-building and context into future events that may happen or not.

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  • 5 weeks
    Late May Update & Update for 2024 and the future

    So many of you may or may not had noticed, but for an entire week I have been somewhat "off-the-grid", I was off with family for a vacation, and during that time some thoughts and plans have come up that may delay or bring a lengthy hiatus in the future.

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  • 12 weeks
    You know what time it is?


    (New chapters for IANG & Guidance here & here!)

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  • 19 weeks
    Story Update 2

    So I took a short pause on writing to make a list of characters in IANG - named characters by the way, I'm not including unnamed or background characters that haven't been mentioned/speaking role/appearance in any of the current chapters - for future reference or not... this includes characters that are deceased too - dead characters and characters from the past who've died already.

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IANG News - Art Preview · 3:33pm Aug 23rd, 2020

I mentioned in one my previous blogs, I believe this one --> Click, that I would create some chapter art for specific chapters while writing for the new chapters - and some character art alongside it - well this is preview of one of those chapter drawings.

The sketch is of the fight between Eclipse and Pristine - back when Pristine was a paladin of the Church - the background is taking place the town square in front of Sugarcube Corner, there's also to be several armored Church knights around the two fighting. I've drawn Eclipse and Pristine's models separately rather than drawing them within the actual chapter drawing.

I'm also planning to draw the armor of Pristine's - the Church paladin armor - which is a first as I've never drawn armor on a character - I've drawn clothing or just a full-suit - but I have never drawn a character wearing armor while still showing some parts of their real body before.

So this drawing project will be both tricky and interesting chance to improve my skills.

Welp that's all the updates I can bring up, but expect the next chapter for IANG by a week or two.

Report Animatorsnake · 134 views · Story: I Am (No) God · #art #preview
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