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Jade Dawn

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On the idea of Twilight outliving her friends · 2:11pm Aug 29th, 2020

I don't really have a witty intro in mind for this, so I'll just get right to it.

Look, I get it. Twilight's friends dying before her would be sad. But I really, really don't think that she'd wind up spiraling into some sort of crippling depression over it, and I'm quite sick of seeing stories where she pretty much breaks over it. I think she'd be heartbroken for sure, but it wouldn't destroy her. I think she'd be able to move on. And I don't mean like forgetting them. Of course she'd cherish the memories.

I think the realproblem–and maybe this is a bit too hard-hitting or something–is that people can't stand the thought of Twilight being without her current friends roster in any capacity. Even without the death factor, they still wouldn't accept it being different. I mean, people are still steaming over her moving out of Ponyville and away from her friends to Canterlot, and nobody's died in that scenario.

And I get that. When you get used to a beloved character roster and then it shifts, it's hard. Of course I understand that. People don't like saying goodbye to characters they love. I know I don't.

Except here's the thing: that's life.

Sometimes friends move away. Sometimes people's lives take different directions. But that doesn't mean that those friendships can't last. You can still maintain them if you really want to commit to it. They even show as much in "The Last Problem".

End of sermon.

Comments ( 4 )

“Sometimes friends move away. Sometimes people's lives take different directions. But that doesn't mean that those friendships can't last. You can still maintain them if you really want to commit to it.“

Wise words to be said.

Maturely spoken.

Thank you! Glad that someone else gets it.

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