• Member Since 21st Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 16th, 2023

Lady Brony

Love ponies and writing. So why not put them together?

More Blog Posts87

  • 164 weeks
    I'm Bbaack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I've returned.
    Did you think you all could get of me that easily?

    Also please read my latest story

    0 comments · 169 views
  • 276 weeks
    Giving This Another Shot

    I'm back
    LB here

    I was rereading some of my old stories and it made me really miss it writing fanfics. I going to start writing again. I know said I was done writing on here but a girl is allow to change her min, sue me. Anyway I'm working on a story that I'd never finished. It's father's day themed so I won't be publishing it until June sometime.

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    2 comments · 222 views
  • 337 weeks
    Wattpad Rewrites- Leaving the fandom

    LB Here
    This be the last you see me here

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    1 comments · 330 views
  • 416 weeks
    My Long Break Is Over

    Hey Bronies

    I"M BACK

    I took a break for from the fandom due to medical reasons. that I rather not discuss. Please respect that. Anyway the reason I'm here is to announce that I'm bringing back "Daily Lie". I'm not happy with the ending and many of you seem to feel the same way however I ran of ideas. So you help me out that will be appreciated.

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  • 436 weeks
    Editor Please!!

    Ask me for the details thanks

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Story updates (new story sneak peak) · 1:09am Nov 25th, 2012

Hers's a couple of sneak peaks from my stories. Hope you like them. Note: none of the chapters have been edited or finished and might be done not until mid-dec.

Rainbow Dash Gets a D - (chapter 4 part 2)

“Okay Rainbow, put the pencil crayons matching in the identical color order”. Jade Stone told Dash as she reorganized school desk after school had ended. All Dash had to be cleaned out her desk, getting rid of unwanted items like trash or having things back when there belong.

“No, Rainbow, the cyan pencil doesn’t go with the indigo. There are two completely different colors.” Jade corrected Rainbow. “It should with the cerulean pencils”.

Rainbow sighed, as she follows Jade’s instructions, this going to take awhile. She could be done a long time ago if Jade would just shut up and let her job.

“I didn’t even know that some of these existed but I guess Jade’s punishment could have way worse”. Rainbow told herself. “If I was her I would making myself eat bugs or walk through The Evergreen Forest at night by myself”.

A Dash of Pie (new story)

“Applejack, Applejack”.

A panicked voice called out thorough Sweet Apple Acers. Getting the attention of orange mare’s while doing her farm duties. Applejack looked up into the sky knowing the voice, until she found a familiar cyan blur spending towards her.

“What does she want now; can’t she see that ah’m a busy with apple bucking? AJ mumbled to herself.

“AJ, you gotta help me with this”. A out of breath, Rainbow Dash said landing next to the farmer.

“What is it? Ah’m a tad busy” Applejack replied with a hint annoyance. “Ah have to gret th’ apples bucked by me-self before Granny Smith comes back from visiting me cousins Appleseed and Maple Tree”. Applejack pointed to the area she needed finish her grandmother told her to buck.

Hope like them


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