• Member Since 24th Sep, 2019
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Every day is always crazy!

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  • Sunday
    My Review of Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters episode 3 Prey

    Grading Scale:

    A (fantastic episode)
    A- (an excellent episode with at least one flaw)
    B+ (a great episode with a couple of flaws)

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    0 comments · 39 views
  • Saturday
    My Review of The Big Bang Theory

    My TV Show Rating Score:

    5/5: It is an awesome show!
    4.5/5: it is a great show albeit not perfect
    4/5: It’s a good show with minor flaws
    3/5: It’s overall okay/guilty pleasure

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  • 1 week
    My Review List For June

    TV Shows

    June 1st—The Big Bang Theory

    June 8th—Spider-Man Unlimited

    June 15th—Ducktales (2017)


    June 22th—Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)

    June 29th—Lady and the Tramp (1955)

    Episode Reviews

    June 2nd—Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters episode 3 “Prey”

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  • 1 week
    My Review of MLP: FIM season 7 episode 14 Fame and Misfortune

    Grading Scale:

    A (fantastic episode)
    A- (an excellent episode with at least one flaw)
    B+ (a great episode with a couple of flaws)

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    8 comments · 114 views
  • 1 week
    Between A Rock and A Big Gorilla

    Rating Scale:

    12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding
    11/10—Excellent, near-perfect film
    10/10—the standard rating; awesome film with a couple of flaws
    9/10—a wonderful film with several flaws

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My Review of MLP: FIM season 9 episode 19 Dragon Dropped (+ an update) · 7:01pm Sep 6th, 2020

Before I start this review, I just want to update you all that I am mostly better now. I still have some illness lingering, but it is nothing too serious. All the natural remedies and adequate rest I got were very helpful. Hopefully, I will be completely whole as the new week progresses. Thank you guys for your understanding and patience.

Grading Scale:

A (fantastic episode)
A- (an excellent episode with at least one flaw)
B+ (a great episode with a couple of flaws)
B (a good episode which still could have been better)
B- (a good episode with numerous flaws but still rewatchable)
C+ (a decent episode)
C (eh... it’s not terrible but not good either)
C- (it’s not worth rewatching although it does have good elements)
D+ (a bad episode with a few good things in it)
D (a really bad episode with wasted potential)
D- (a terrible episode with badly written characters and butchered moral)
F (horrible and unwatchable)


Now to this! Here is my review of MLP: FIM season 9 episode 19 Dragon Dropped. When I heard that there was going to be a Spike/Rarity episode that will cover Spike actually getting over his long-time crush, I was really excited to watch this episode! I was like, “Finally! Spike is getting over Rarity and is learning how to move along in life!” I also thought that Spike would actually snap and be angry at her for all the times she used and took advantage of him. Because I always felt pity for him that these idiots (by that, I mean Rarity) keep using him at every chance they get! But... after watching this episode... I was massively disappointed and angered. Wow... so much for moving along, Spike. (Sigh) Well, if the previous episodes sucked, why not this one?!

The episode starts with Rarity calling for Spike who was writing a letter to someone. She tells him that she wants him to accompany her to a gem cave trip to collect some gems. Seeing that he paid no mind to her, she shouts at him to get his attention.

Honestly, Spike, it’s almost as if you weren’t even listening!

Yeah, it’s not like he was ACTUALLY BEING BUSY LIKE HE IS SUPPOSED TO, YOU DUMBASS! Seriously, what gave her the full right to just barge into his room and demand his full attention and presence while he was already in the middle of something? Isn’t she supposed to be the respectful type of lady? She should’ve said, “Excuse me, Spike. If you’re not too busy, may I ask something of you?” And when he doesn’t respond, she should nod in understanding, close the door, and wait outside till he is finished. That’s the most mature way to handle that situation. But nope! Rarity’s a rude and disrespectful bitch so let’s have her behave like one!

After Spike sees the time, he remembers he has an appointment at the post office. Thus, he flew out of the Friendship Castle while Rarity follows behind as she thought he was talking about the gem cave trip. Really, Rarity? If he couldn’t remember one iota of a thing you said to him about it, then you know that gem cave is not on his mind. Spike leaves without her looking and carries on with his own errands. Oh, and again with the cringe-duced “meme” faces she made. Disgusting... Right, Megatron?

Later, she rants on and on and on about Spike leaving her to the post office while Applejack did the gem-picking for her. Oh, so now you want your friends to fill the roles that Spike plays? What is he... your slave or something? That is just absolutely repulsive. We also see this with Rainbow Dash and with Fluttershy in helping her out in certain things. And gosh, that flashback with her and Spike... it’s like she doesn’t want to do things on her own and make him do all the work. The fuck, writers? So she tells Twilight how she’s been feeling and decides to offer an over-dramatic, cringeworthy, and unfunny apology to the baby dragon. Gabby is there and meets with Rarity for the first time. Then it is revealed that Gabby and Spike have become friends. Hmmm... that’s quite interesting. That’s never done before.

Now, let me check to see if the future episodes will pick this up again. Checks on the later episodes; comes back with a frown

Well, that sucks... wait, did I just say “that’s never done before”? Yeah, I did. And this is the last season, right? Ohhhh, I get it now. (Clears throat) TOO LITTLE TOO LATE!! You cannot pair two characters (one a main character and the other who hardly made more appearances) who barely interacted with each other into a friendship, give them one episode, and then completely drop it afterwards like it never happened. This is to give birth new shippers and a poorly thought out plot for the episode. What is the point of this new pairing anyway? Oh yeah...

This happened so Rarity would be pissed off (check), have her be jealous (check), have her be overly obsessed with Spike (check), and now trying to yearn for his attention (check). Now she wants Spike after years of ignoring him and using his affection for her own gain?? That is just absolutely sick and disgusting. We also see her rise to stalker-levels of creepy. This is very alarming; why is this episode green-lit for kids on a show of talking magical horses? A show about love, friendship, and tolerance? Nah, let’s forget that and make an episode that will give a boner to pedophiles and stalkers out there. I hate this episode.

Of course, Rarity causes the conflict! Who saw that coming?! She takes Spike for herself to field trips that sadden Gabby. Gabby leaves him in anger, Spike is heart-broken and depressed, and Rarity doesn’t give a single shit about his feelings. I... I don’t know what to say about that.

I’ve seen this way too many times in other cartoon shows and movies, so this doesn’t really shock me at all. It’s now boring and cliche. And I’m not even going to talk about the ending because it is just sappy and predictable as hell. Trash-ass episode with another F. I’ve seen better plots with better characters.

See ya.

Comments ( 4 )

Gabby doesn't act any older than Spike.

Rarity being a creepy stalker? Why does that sound so familiar? Oh yeah, duh! SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 6, Episodes Squid's Visit and Boating Buddies. Those two episodes give the little yellow bastard a rather unsettling attraction to Squidward, not dissimilar to that of a stalker with an unhealthy obsession. Can you tell me who wrote this episode, because I'm genuinely curious. Btw, so many F's in row. Were the writers running on fumes or what?

You probably won’t be surprised, but this episode was written by Josh Haber himself. Yeah... the fucking trashpile he created.

Not a great episode But I don’t mind Grabby and Spike hanging out with each other since they like the outcast of their species

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