• Member Since 29th Sep, 2016
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Silver Butcher

I shall Butcher your dreams

More Blog Posts297

  • 3 weeks
    Test readers needed

    I need a person or two to read the next chapter of Spike: The Unwilling God of Chaos and help me get the chapter rolling again, I have some writers block and need a hand, (It's not the entire chapter obviously and even the stuff you do read might be changed or expanded upon later)

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    8 comments · 118 views
  • 7 weeks

    I decided it was time to try writing outside of MLP fanfiction. So I will be spending some of my time as Webnovel.com working on my own original stories.
    If anyone wants to read them Just look me up there as Silver_Butcher
    But don't worry I still plan to work on my Pony stories, I enjoy working on them.

    4 comments · 63 views
  • 8 weeks
    Writers block

    I am suffering from writers block. Someone give me a rare Spike ship so that i might use the power of a one-shot to cure my creative blues

    15 comments · 127 views
  • 9 weeks
    What was your childhood game?

    For me, the first game that comes to mind is Jak and Daxter, I had the first 2 games and never beat the 2nd one due to the disk being damaged.
    To day I bought the first 2 games on ps5 and I can't remember the last time I got hit with so much nostalgia.
    So what was your childhood game?

    13 comments · 98 views
  • 11 weeks
    How much wood would a woodchuck, chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


    What the Hell even is a Woodchuck?

    5 comments · 112 views

Spike Pie season 2 Cover · 10:30pm Sep 27th, 2020

One of my favorite stories I've ever made is Spike Pie and I can't wait to make season 2, but before I can do that I need help, What kind of help you ask? help of the artist kind, I know I can just ask someone on the Art for Fanfiction group but before doing that I wanted to see if anyone who actively follows me would be interested in the gig.

Requirements - it has to be digital, and I will be asking for at least one other thing you've drawn to prove your at least passible.
Time restraints - you have none, take as long as you need be, but do keep in mind that I won't be able to pay up immediately (already spent my yolo cash this month so I won't be paying till around the middle of October.
Price - this depends on how good the final product is and how detailed your willing to make it, but a minimum of $20 will be set in place.
Other things - If I end up liking or loving your work I'll probably start commissioning art from you a lot for some of my other stories (depending on how financially stable I am) also as I really like character art your highly likely to be given accesses to chapters (or even stories) that I haven't posted yet so I can have art in 'em before there made public.

if your interested PM me, if your not then feel free to call me a Clod in the comments below.

Report Silver Butcher · 267 views · #Art needed
Comments ( 6 )

Awesome can't wait it to read it too. Who knows how it will starts the next season. XD

Hey. Silver what about Octavio Pie? You are going to add him on the story as well? Or you will just make some 4th wall jokes about him? XD

And I'm. If you want I can start doing a fanart this week or next week as well. XD

who knows.

I dunno who that is.

your welcome to make fanart if you want.

if you are interested to see what arts I did, here is the link of my blog.


And I want to try it XD. I'm really fan of Spike Pie fiction XD

oh I love it, any Spike pie art you send me I'll put in the story (especially if it shows a scene from the story)

thanks dude. I even sent to you an art about the jetpack mach v3 of Spike on the Spike Pie art contest once. XD

oh yeah, I forgot to save the image and couldn't find the Pm again. (if you still have the pic I can see about either adding it to the sequel or making a blog post featuring it)

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