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Double Factober Rainbow Dolphin Blast!!! 🌈🐬💥 · 10:34pm Oct 8th, 2020

I missed a day of Facts, so now I'm doubling down!

Get ready for Double Facts covered in chocolate and sprinkled with...ummmm... truth chunks!


October, 7th Fact.

The Thing has a famously dark ending, but the film’s editor, Todd Ramsay, was worried that such a bleak finale wouldn’t test well. Just in case, he told Carpenter to film a second ending, one where MacReady is rescued and takes a blood-test which proves he wasn’t assimilated by the Thing. To the relief of fans everywhere, while the scene was filmed, Carpenter stood firm to his original vision.


October, 8th Fact.

The thing with a movie called Halloween is that you kinda need to set it in October. The only problem was: it had to be shot in the spring in order to have it ready for a fall release. In order to give the movie the proper ambiance, production designer Tommy Lee Wallace personally painted dozens of bags of fake leaves to spread all over the exteriors of the set.

However, anyone paying close attention would notice that the neighborhood trees look curiously green for October 31st.

Comments ( 10 )

Heh, I was thinking of watching The Thing earlier.

Still need to watch Halloween.

Awesome facts, my little possum! :twilightsmile:

Awww, ty!

~ Smooches~

Both are awesome classics!!

Oh yay! More of them notes!

1. To this day, fans were constantly debating as to who among the final two men was indeed the titled 'Thing' in the picture. Although there were rumors that the guy who wasn't quite 'breathing' was probably The Thing yet other theorists would say otherwise. I will say that this nearly buries the previous adaptation to 'The Thing', which ironically it's scenes were featured during the subject of the second fact. Speaking of which...

2. Sometimes it's tough trying to do a shoot for a season for whatever reason. But to give the guys some credit, they did their best to capture the essence of 'fall' just to get the movie relative close to the time of release. Although, it does take an individual with a keen eye for detail to notice things most moviegoers don't pay attention to.

Hee, yeah that scene has been chatted about forever, lol.

I know the art was always taken with pride, the smallest details painstakingly created.

Nowadays it seems mostly sped through.

Did you know there was even a video game adaptation based off the 1980s 'Thing'? Check this out:

The Thing game

It's a little dated mind you, but it was pretty entertaining enough.

Awesome possum!

But I do agree... a 'blood test' would determine which of the two is not the monster (If not for the fact all their equipment blew up during the disaster). Unless of course the thing will eventually become so evolved, that it 'can' match its blood with that of a human. But then it would have to be another monster.

Gonna need a Triple Factober Blast at this rate lol

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