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State of the Author: Spooktober + New Story In Progress · 3:09am Oct 10th, 2020

Hello :twilightsmile:

So, I thought about doing one of these, once every so often, just to keep track of what the hell I’m doing and whatnot.

First off, it’s been a busy few months, with COVID-19 still out and about and my final year (fingers crossed) of university coming along. My writing has, unfortunately, slowed down considerably – not that it was fast in the first place, heh :twilightsheepish: – thanks (or no thanks) to my thesis-in-progress, and assignments-a-plenty for my classes. 

Despite that, however, I haven’t been idling around, not at all! The First Second of Eternity got a chapter out (huzzah!) the other day, and so did SPECTRUM. The latter’s chapter, Unveiled, especially, was a hell lotta fun to write for reasons that may be evident :raritywink:

Which brings me to Luna. Made an unexpected  breakthrough with Moonbug (which got a review HERE), a fluffy little story of Luna, Pharynx, and lavender, and then The Dreamwalker’s Lament (which got a review HERE), a story of Twilight and Luna, and what it means to maintain a relationship. And now, over the past few months, I’ve decided to write a third Luna-centric story, just to cap this little trilogy off – In Night’s Garden, a standalone, multi-chapter fic telling the life and times of Luna and her garden. 

It won’t be out for some time, though, as I’ve decided (given that I have a few ongoings) that I’ll be finishing it first. Once the first chapter is up, the rest of it will follow, rest assured. No firm ETAs yet, though I’ve fancied a December 21st publishing, as the longest night of the year. Though I still have my commitments to SPECTRUM, The First Second of Eternity and my thesis, my writing focus is primarily on In Night’s Garden. And with luck, Luna’s garden shall blossom by the end of the year :twilightsmile:

Stay tuned, and have a lovely October!



Got a new avatar for this month, I thought it was appropriate :derpytongue2:

Report Sledge115 · 180 views · #Luna #Halloween
Comments ( 2 )

I got, heh, spoiled about your state of the author in the Fimfic Discord, but hey, some new info arose nevertheless.

We have a title! And possibly a gift for the end of the year (no pressure).

Stay safe, enjoy October, and godspeed on that thesis.

No firm ETAs yet, though I’ve fancied a December 21st publishing, as the longest night of the year.

Dew it.

It simply must be on that day night. In fact, take it further and post it on December 21 UTC midnight.

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