• Member Since 3rd Jul, 2017
  • offline last seen June 17th


Epileptic-autistic eldest of four, artist, creative, and horse crazy girl who is obsessed with entertainment media and history among other things.

More Blog Posts277

  • 22 weeks
    Let’s Get This Funded


    If it’s not funded by the end of the month, then the movie doesn’t get made. As part of the epilepsy community, we need this representation so please help us fund this. Please and thank you. There’s only a few days left.

    0 comments · 84 views
  • 61 weeks
    A Note on CreativeVerse and Velvet’s Time at Disneigh

    So in the CreativeVerse universe, Dr. Whooves was at one time a Dapper Dandy (Ponified Disney Dapper Dans) which means he worked at Disneigh alongside Twilight Velvet and Nightlight so that’s fun. Twilight Velvet was Snow Veil (Ponified Snow White) in the parks and Nightlight worked the ticket booths.

    Yes I have art backing this up on my DA which is also Creativa-Artly01.

    0 comments · 119 views
  • 64 weeks
    BTC, TXT Pony, and Enhypone Reactions to Tiger Taehyung

    Jin-worried and concerned
    Jhope-worried and concerned
    Yoongi-quietly worried and concerned
    Jimin-mess of tears, absolute disaster
    Jk-worried and concerned

    Yeonjun-worried and concerned
    Taehyun-worried and concerned
    Beomgyu -worried and concerned
    Soobin-worried and concerned

    Read More

    0 comments · 134 views
  • 76 weeks
    RIP Lisa Marie Presley

    RIP Lisa Marie. 😭😭😭

    0 comments · 174 views
  • 90 weeks
    RIP Loretta Lynn

    Also can’t believe I forgot to say it here, but Rest In Peace, Loretta Lynn

    0 comments · 177 views

Story Links: I Was Only a Foal When... · 10:48pm Oct 20th, 2020

Poor Sunburst.

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