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    I'll be banned from the site again

    Due to, of course, more transphobia and disagreeing with site-majority opinions, I have been informed that I will be kicked off the site permanently starting tomorrow. I have prepared a farewell message in the comments below.

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Did Trump handle the outbreak well compared to the Democrats? · 7:13pm Nov 1st, 2020

Short answer? Yes.

Long answer?

Retrospective and hindsight is the best way to look at this. Do me the courtesy of watching it before arguing.

Report BradyBunch · 302 views · #coronavirus
Comments ( 20 )

He did no such thing of handling the pandemic. -_-*

Inaction versus complete hysteria? Once again I’m going third party on this.

Trump fucked up big time. He only partially restricted travel early on and he has pretty much been denying science. Remember back when he claimed it would "magically go away" in March and thought everyone would be in church on Easter? Remember when he suggested people inject themselves with disinfectants to get rid of it?

He has done nothing but deny science and continue to claim that "we are rounding the corner" when the total number of cases continues to hit new daily highs on a regular basis. Hell he is now taking advice from a neuroradiologist who knows absolutely nothing about infectious diseases. All he cares about is getting re-elected and spouts out what he knows his brainwashed base wants to hear. He also goes out and claims that doctors are inflating death totals because they get more money over Covid deaths, what kind of shit is that? He continues to hold superspreader rallies...and just like clockwork, the communities where he goes see a spike in new cases not too long afterwards.

Trump is a moron who isn't even remotely intelligent enough to handle something like this. I do know one thing, if we had a Democrat in the White House, he or she would have done to this virus what they did in New Zealand, it would have been all but wiped out....why? Because Democrats are smarter...we believe in science while Trump and his lackeys go off of mindless hope, lies, crazy conspiracy theories and feeding his ego.

If you had watched the video, your concerns would be addressed.


I think 8+ months of almost non-stop CNN is more than enough for me to know what I'm talking about. The republican party lacks the intelligence to handle anything like this. They simply pander to their base, a base which places religion ahead of science, which is why they are woefully unprepared for something like this. Just look at all the shit Trump and his idiot factory have done and tell me, do you think that is the type of people who should be doing anything beyond running a lemonade stand? Hell they're barely qualified to do that, much less anything else.

Also, remember when Trump said he wanted to be a "cheerleader?" If he wanted to be a cheerleader he should have just let the qualified doctors handle it and sat back and tried to reassure they knew what they were doing instead of politicizing the pandemic and continued to divide the country further. I know you support that amoral POS but tell me, if he truly did do a good job, would we be in the situation we are in? Hell no we wouldn't. A good leader would have done the things to take us int he direction of New Zealand, Australia and even China. China got it under control, so did the other nations I mentioned.

Trump is the Herbert Hoover of pandemics. Hoover kept on lying about the economy and claimed it would get better, IT DIDN'T! Trump is lying about the virus and it is only getting worse! If you haven't voted yet, take some advice, vote for Biden if you want things to improve. If you have and you voted for Trump, well you obviously either don't care whether the virus gets worse or you simply don't watch the news.


I think 8+ months of almost non-stop CNN is more than enough for me to know what I'm talking about.

Oh boy. Take my advice, find your information from some other source. They always distort the president's statements and edit out context to support their radical claims. They also have a strong Liberal bias. If I had said watching Fox News for months straight would entitle me to know about this, you'd say I was indoctrinated and needed to open my eyes. Take your own advice and open your own eyes.

I'm not even going to try here. You'd find a way to hate Trump even if he found a way to cure the pandemic. I do admire your physical prowess, though; it takes some major gymnastics to jump to your conclusions.

I stopped watching at 1 minute 37. Keeping track of who comes in and out of individual buildings in a pandemic and then pivoting to conflate Trump's border wall? How can you watch this drivel and take it seriously. Also worth noting that he says he's doing a timeline, but fails to start with Trump's dismantling of the pandemic response team, which is where things ACTUALLY started going wrong, long before the outbreak. Based on these two points, I know the rest of the video is just going to be dishonest, if not outright lies.

I'm sorry, is there not supposed to be comedy in politics? The man who uploaded this is a comedian first and foremost, not a political analyst. Of course there's going to be jokes and exaggerations.

Covering the outbreak, you can see that he'd been on it for months. Multiple state governors and analysts in the video claim he's been working on it, as well as documentation of Democrats going against what they think Trump said or did simply because it's anti-Trump.

And if this is drivel, hey, at least ir's better than CNN.

You can't have it both ways. You can't say you have serious reasons for your position, and then claim that flaws in your position don't matter. And then go right back to claiming it's a serious argument. Facts matter. Truth matters. Honesty matters. When your argument for why he handled the pandemic well amounts to ignoring what actually happened and then claiming that accuracy isn't important, that's a problem.

Attacking CNN only works if I get my information from CNN, by the way. Since I don't, it's a hilarious non-sequitur.


ignoring what actually happened and then claiming that accuracy isn't important, that's a problem.

Again, if you watched the video, you would see explanations for everything controversial that people focused on, but got wrong. For example, for the disinfectant claim, he wasn't talking about cleaning products. He was talking about iodine, a natural disinfectant (the term is already used in physiology) that can clean the bloodstream. Few know about the truth of that claim, and you're accusing me of not listening to facts and logic?


All that is the reason why I didn't even bother. I know Brady well enough to know that this would be nothing more than mindless right wing propaganda that spins the truth to the point where it is nothing more than flat out lies.

Trump cure the pandemic? That's a good one given that he can't even avoid it himself nor can he keep it out of his inner circle....and when it comes to Fox News, they quit being news when they held that first GOP debate in the summer of 2015. Megyn Kelly asked Trump a hard question, she got slammed for it and was gone within a year. At that moment, they became obviously pro-Trump and sacrificed all dignity by becoming the official network for the embodiment of the Sin of Greed.

I did watch the video. Up until the moment I had enough evidence to dismiss the rest of it as dishonest propaganda. Evidence which you didn't even try to debunk, but instead dismissed as not mattering. Your argument for why the video matters is literally "ignore the parts that aren't true". How do you expect me to receive that argument? This is an honest question; what is your thought process here that you think telling me that the lies in the video are fine is going to encourage me to take it as a serious source?

And by the way, Trump didn't specify what he meant by "disinfectant" in that conference, so your apologist line on that is a post-hoc rationalization at best, not a "truth the media failed to cover".


spins the truth to the point where it is nothing more than flat out lies.

I suppose it does take one to know one. After all, you do watch CNN.


what is your thought process here that you think telling me that the lies in the video are fine is going to encourage me to take it as a serious source?

My thought process? They aren't lies. There's video evidence on screen, unedited, with context and explanations. All it takes is for you to see past your own expectations and look.

I never said to ignore the parts that aren't true; all I said was there is comedy in the video as well as politics. And you went ahead and twisted those words into something that made me look ignorant of facts, not you. So I know precisely the kind of person I'm dealing with here. So that means I'm not afraid of whatever you lampoon me of.


My thought process? They aren't lies.

Of course there's going to be jokes and exaggerations.

You, earlier, admitting that the falsehoods I pointed out where in fact there. I am looking. I am here, asking you to be honest, and you can't even be consistent in your own position.

I never said to ignore the parts that aren't true; all I said was there is comedy in the video as well as politics.

Okay, let's try this again: My initial comment was pointing out things about the video that were untrue. Your response was to tell me that it's okay because comedy. Do you swear on your life that you didn't say that with intent to dismiss my concerns about things that weren't true, and this is just you being a bad communicator?

So that means I'm not afraid of whatever you lampoon me of.

I'm not trying to make you afraid of me. I'm just here to try to comprehend the mind of someone who doesn't care about honesty. There are a lot of you, so knowing how you tick is kind of an important issue.

You make mountains out of molehills and inflate the smallest things into superficial targets to crash against. Why should I need to defend my position against someone like you?

Alternatively, the problems I'm pointing out are actual problems with your position, and you're refusing to acknowledge them because admitting you're wrong is hard. If you don't want to defend your position, that's on you. I'm not demanding you be sane and rational, I'm just telling you that right now you're not.

My position is, the only reason he made analogies of keeping people out of stores to the Wall was to draw a connection. If it really triggered you this much to the point where you think the rest of the video is all of a sudden irrelevant, that's on you to defend, not me. You accuse him of conflating the border wall, but you conflate the most harmless things yourself. You're honestly pathetic.

Try and debunk some of the plain things in the video instead of getting tied up in a joke. Try and debunk Trump calling the virus a public health hazard in January. Try and explain the Democrats' focus on their baseless impeachment instead of keeping an eye on foreign affairs. Or the Democrats encouraging people to visit Chinatown well into February and March. Or Trump's intuition that ventilators would cause more harm than good, which was proven right, but still ordering a thousand in reserve that were never used. That is, if you can endure more than a terrifying three or five minutes.


My position is, the only reason he made analogies of keeping people out of stores to the Wall was to draw a connection.

I do not dispute that that was the purpose. But the connection made was both irrelevant and spurious, distracting from the pandemic response and failing to understand the important differences between the two things.
Edit 3: Wait... did you seriously capitalize "wall"? Generally speaking, things that aren't proper names are not capitalized unless they're religious relics.

You accuse him of conflating the border wall, but you conflate the most harmless things yourself.

...Do you even know what the word "conflate" means? Because this sentence just plain doesn't make sense.

Try and debunk some of the plain things in the video instead of getting tied up in a joke.

And every time I do, you will just call it a joke again. As you've already demonstrated. Why should I keep going as if you're going to change the behavior you've already demonstrated.

Try and debunk Trump calling the virus a public health hazard in January.

That's not how things work. You provide evidence for a claim, not demand that I provide evidence that the claim is false. What am I supposed to do to prove such a claim false? Present the entire library of Trump's statements in January and go line by line to comment on how each one isn't the claimed statement?
Edit: And if you're going to say "It's in the video", at least give a timestamp; it's a half-hour video.

Try and explain the Democrats' focus on their baseless impeachment instead of keeping an eye on foreign affairs.

Three problems with that; one is the insinuation that only one topic is possible to work on at a time, which is just absurd. Another is that the impeachment wasn't baseless, and although you'll just center on me saying that and ignore literally everything else I say because you think it's an easy point to attack... it's not. It's really not an easy point to attack. Every single Republican line dismissing it is easily falsifiable. Hence why it's now just claimed to be a done deal and criticism of that position is ignored rather than rebutted; actually defending the position in detail is a losing effort. Third, since the impeachment was in regards to foreign interference in American affairs at the highest levels by a major global enemy... it actually IS focusing on foreign affairs.

Or the Democrats encouraging people to visit Chinatown well into February and March.

Fun fact: Chinatown is in New York. It isn't in China. Chinatown was not a virus hotspot. You have just stated out loud the "racism" that Trump has been accused of in repeatedly calling it the "China Virus": That being near Chinese people is somehow going to give you the virus by virtue of them being Chinese. That's not how the virus works.

Or Trump's intuition that ventilators would cause more harm than good, which was proven right,

Okay... what? Ventilators saved thousands of lives. I don't recall Trump even making the claim that ventilators cause harm, and a quick check doesn't find him saying it, so now I'm in the odd position of not believing a Trump supporter's claim that he said a particular idiotic thing.
It's worth noting, however, that you said "Trump's intuition" as though Trump made a decision that requires medical expertise on his own personal intuition rather than consulting medical experts, which is itself an issue with the Trump cult; believing Trump to be all-knowing and infallible, even in situations where a real-estate developer would have no knowledge and would actually need to consult with others to have a clue.

but still ordering a thousand in reserve that were never used.

That is such an oversimplification of how many ventilators there were and when and where they came from and where they went that it's not even worth addressing.

That is, if you can endure more than a terrifying three or five minutes.

I'll endure more of that video when you stop alternating between "it was a joke" and "it's true" (again, these are incompatible positions and that you can't decide which one to use is telling of your anemic relationship with honesty) and can assure me that you won't pull exactly the same crap with every subsequent claim it makes.

Edit 2: Also, downvoting before you've had time to actually read the whole thing is kind of funny. It's almost like you aren't interested in evaluating what I'm saying so much as prejudging it.

No he did not kids have died from this and look at facts please

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