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More Blog Posts1345


Captive Audience · 12:25pm Nov 4th, 2020

As we experience what feels like the world's longest drumroll, I'm going to spend my thousandth blog post to provide explicit, scientific proof that friendship is indeed magic.

Comments ( 10 )

...Huh. Is that actually true? The style of the video leaves me, uh... slightly questioning its accuracy.
Quite cool if it is true, though!

And Happy Thousandth Blog!

Yay, weed is legal in NJ! Still not gonna smoke it, even when I go back to visit my folks. My wife might, though.

As for the horses... I'm skeptical. Mostly because most of the sources seem to be a particular sort of corporate consultant talking about how they heard this wonderful factoid, how it inspired them, and of course they'll gladly teach you for the small sum of lodsofemone. That said, Belgian draft horses are absurdly strong.

Time for Moose Logic:

So... two horses can pull 32,000 pounds.
And a certain song tells us about hearts as strong as horses...
So these hearts... can pump 32,000 pounds of blood!
Good sir! That is a lot of blood!

Author Interviewer

yo, a thousand blog posts! :D

Excellent science! :twistnerd:


You know, when you think about it, this would make a sort of sense, since the more two horses know each other, the more they'll know the best things to do and ways to move and pull in order to work with and bolster the other's efforts and increase their overall loads. Or maybe there's something else going on, I dunno.

Just goes to show, any sufficiently advanced science and technology is indistinguishable from friendship.

Also, happy 1000. Appropriate since, in order to reach that number while reading, commenting on and helping a ridiculous number of stories and writing many of your own, I'm pretty sure some kind magic - friendship, Clarkean or otherwise - has to be involved.:pinkiehappy:

Happy millenniblogiversary! :pinkiehappy:

It is a good way to spend it.

Friendship Is an Exponential Increase in Efficiency doesn't have the same ring to it.

I don't know what this was, but I liked it.

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