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“If the youth are not initiated into the tribe, they will burn down the village, just to feel its warmth.” — African proverb

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  • 130 weeks
    I'm (still) not quite dead...

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Puck the Cat - RIP · 5:13pm Nov 9th, 2020

06/06/2006 - 11/09/2020

I didn't adopt Puck, he adopted me. He literally ran into my life when I was living in Worcester, already about a year old, when the door to my apartment was open one late summer day in 2007. I wasn't actually home at the time, my brother and his girlfriend were, but I'll never forget my surprise when I opened the door to my apartment and saw an orange cat with a bit of fur missing in my kitchen. Ever since then he's been my cat and I've been his person.

He used to like riding on my shoulder, I think it was because he remembered a time that he had been chased up a tree by a puppy that just wanted to play, and I climbed my overweight self up the tree to get him and carried him down on my shoulder. He was also one of those rare cats that didn't mind having his belly rubbed.

I fed him the Purina "Seafood Sensations" dry food for his main meal. He never much liked wet food, he'd lick it clean of gravy but not eat any of the food itself. He was a terribly messy eater. At the moment there's still crumbs surrounding his food dish. But on top of normal cat food he also loved ham and chicken and steak...and bagels and waffles and ginger bread. I have no idea what he got out of the ginger bread since as a cat he had no sense of sweetness. But he liked it. Oddly for being a messy eater he wasn't a big one. I could leave his food bowl full and he wouldn't gobble everyting up, just eat his fill and then leave it alone until he felt hungry again.

He was a fighter. When I lived in Worcester he spent a lot of time outdoors, and despite not being the biggest cat on the block and despite being neutered he was the top cat. When I moved to Northborough he became a full-time indoor cat, but he didn't seem to mind. I think he knew how good he had it. All the same he still remained a fighter. When another cat I had at the time, Nugget, grew up to be very aggressive and mean, he started attacking me. Nugget's final straw had him advancing on me growling. That was when Puck started growling too and leapt at Nugget. The fight was vicious, but he'd distracted Nugget enough for me to break them up and isolate Nugget. Nugget went to a no-kill shelter in Sterling after that; I'd known Puck longer. Puck got a dime-sized chunk of his shoulder bitten out of him by Nugget, but he soldiered on and fully healed.

There's a stereotype that cats are evil, but Puck was Lawful Good. He was loyal, he was odd - he liked to stick his head under running water - he was affectionate, he slept between my feet or curled up next to me on my bed.

I don't want to talk about Puck's end. Suffice to say that even as I was happy with certain events in the world at large, Puck was sick - very sick. And today he passed on. I was with him, held him as he left.

I miss him. But I hope that wherever he is now, he can have all the ginger bread he wants, and is sleeping somewhere bright and sunny.

RIP, Puck the Cat.

Report RainbowDoubleDash · 624 views ·
Comments ( 21 )

Oh, and suffice to say and in spite of my promise, this is probably going to delay the next chapter of Midnight Castle. I'm sorry.

I’m so sorry. I went through a real bad patch last month when our dog went, so I get how bad it hurts.

Take care.

There's a stereotype that cats are evil, but Puck was Lawful Good.

Ironic, given his birthdate. :) I'm sorry to hear that he's gone.


Ironic, given his birthdate.

You can thank my brother for that one. LIke I said, Puck came in off the street already a year old. When we brought him to the vet first time we needed to give him a birth date just for the sake of paperwork, and my brother decided that it'd be funny if he was born on 6/6/06.

My condolences. Take all the time you need to mourn.

Oh I'm so sorry. You have my sympathies, I know what's it like to loose a pet.:fluttercry:

I didn't adopt Puck, he adopted me

That's how cats have always worked, to the point that they aren't technically domesticated.

Awww... he's was a handsome cat... Beautiful coat... i know the feeling mate, I too miss my dear animal friend sofy.

Know the feeling my jack russelle died a couple of weeks ago and the house is just too quiet without him, it's not losing a pet but a member of the family but at least they lived a good long life.

Puck was quite a handsome tom and a true companion to you always keep his love and memory alive. R.I.P

My condolences

Sorry for your loss.

Odd timing though, I only just got home from a trip so my own cat and me hadn't seen each other in a week. I'll have to give him some extra skritchs behind the ear.

Take a lot of pictures of him. Like I said, I just realized I only have the three of Puck. They’re good pictures. The one in the blog post is my phone background. But I wish I had more, like a pic of him sticking his head under the faucet, or sitting on top of the fridge like he was king of the apartment (he was).

I'm so sorry, RDD. :( Puck looks like a good cat, a pretty cat. Take the time you need. That's what's important.

Hugs I know how you feel take as much time as you need and never forget him it’s hard losing family no matter who or what they are

I'm sorry about your cat. It's always difficult losing a beloved pet, take the time you need.

Im sorry about your cat

I'm sorry to hear about your cat. Losing a pet is very painful.

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