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I played Burrito Bison · 2:19am Nov 28th, 2020

There's actually three games, but they're practically all the same so just putting it as one.

Let me give a bit of info about Luchdores (At least as I know them, I could be wrong.) Luchador wrestling is an over the top form of wrestling performance where one character usually epitomizes goodness and values, and the antagonist is so evil there's no wickedness too petty for them. And it's that over the top performance that often makes it so entertaining to watch.

Was that relevant? I don't think it was entirely relevant, but it is a part of the setting for the games.

The first game starts with a Bison luchador casually walking through a grocery store, a suspicious bag of candy catches his attention and as he reaches out to it a giant hand catches him, dragging him into Candy Land.

Next thing you know Burrito Bison is caged in the dark, as the sheet is pulled from his cage you find him center stage in an wrestling ring in the middle of an arena. The gummy bear audience booing and jeering. Burrito must now escape.

Burrito Bison is a launcher game, player interaction in minimal but not nonexistent. Most launcher games I've played the player interaction begins and ends with the launch. Angle, power, and boom. Character flies off and you wait to see the results. While there's plenty of that, Burrito Bison has more.

You start with a rocket boost, but this doesn't shoot you forward, instead it slams you down. Normally in a launcher this is a bad thing, but the slam actually helps you preserve momentum when hitting the ground or police gummies. Even hitting the normal gummy bears slows you down a bit, but not as bad as the others.

But there are special gummies, some carry money, some explosives, others are using items you can take. Generally with items there's a little mini-game aspect to them each has it's own function that you have to use to successfully use the item. Success gives you speed and/or money in addition to advancing your position in general.

There's one more obstacle though: the door. You have to build up enough inertia to break through. This isn't easy and you have to upgrade the ring, yourself, and even the gummies to escape. But getting through the door just gets you to another part of Candy Land. You have to keep going to earn your freedom.

And eventually you do. At the end of the road Burrito Bison pops out of the bag to continue his shopping. Which brings us to the second game: Burrito Bison Revenge.

At checkout Burrito Bison realizes that at some point during his daring escape his wallet went missing. The Gummies must have it. With a leap into the candy bag, Burrito Bison is back to reclaim what's his.

Rinse and repeat with new Gummies. Another new thing are goals for your launches that help you get money faster. These aren't always easy, but do add an new element of challenge.

Get your wallet back, finish your shopping and move onto the third game: Burrito Bison: Launcha Libre

Burrito Bison is back with a recipe book to do some more shopping, as he's in the isles the Candy Bag once more begins to act up, but nobody's pulled in this time. No, now the gummies are invading! Once again it's up to our masked protagonist to put the candy away. But he's not alone, now there's two more characters joining him: El Pollo, and Pinapple Spank. Go forth, and reclaim your recipe book. And maybe save the town while you're at it.

This one is definitely a high mark. Original Soundtrack, while the play style hasn't changed, it's one that works so well for the launcher. New Gummies and a boss at the end. And let's not forget the two new characters, they each have their own ability: Burrito Bison (as we know) slams right down with his rocket boost. El Pollo glides for a moment before slamming down similarly, and Pineapple Spank uses a grappling hook to pull herself towards the most interesting gummy below her.

These abilities are actually a game changer in this. If used effectively you can really ramp up your speed, select what gummies you want to hit (or even avoid) and set new records for yourself. Personally I prefer Pineapple Spank, in addition to her name being fun to say that grappling hook is very useful.

I got this on my phone and it has the usual mobile game issues with adds. But they're not intrusive, you can get extra stuff for watching the adds they aren't forced on you like some other games I've played. So that's certainly another bonus. There's a $5 dollar power up that permanently multiplies your income by four, that does seem a bit overpowered to me, but at the same time it's not the frustrating “Pay to Win” model, just the cost of a game for a bonus.

Juicy Beast has made some fun games and should get some money for their effort.

And before I forget, there is another bonus: Recipes. I swear I thought it was a joke at first, or some “recipe” for an in game bonus. Nope. Real recipes you can make yourself. And they're pretty good, too.

Comments ( 4 )

It’s amazing how ya find all the mlp covers for the games you play

Mostly I just do a search for the game. Or failing that, something related to the game or an element/character from the game.

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