• Member Since 17th Nov, 2017
  • offline last seen June 22nd


Just another FimFiction account

More Blog Posts3

  • 134 weeks

    Well, it's been quite a bit, hasn't it?

    I deeply apologize to those who I never responded to after asking for proofreading last year. My year has been fairly busy and has left me little time or energy to interact with the community. This has greatly affected the writing of my story, but also gave me the step back I needed.

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  • 183 weeks
    New Inspiration!

    Hello! I know a few months ago I had a story in progress and suddenly stopped. That was mainly due to running out of inspiration and energy to write, but also personal issues as well. I will begin writing again soon, I believe I know how to finally start this dark and, hopefully, good story.

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  • 207 weeks
    Another Story WIP

    I am back from reality and the mess I call my life. I am currently working on another story, as I have found it is easier to alternate between different stories so I don't get bored. I might post this one before any other story as I'm more interested in it than my others, thus it's making more progress. To my few followers, I hope you'll enjoy it when it's posted.

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New Inspiration! · 8:02am Dec 22nd, 2020

Hello! I know a few months ago I had a story in progress and suddenly stopped. That was mainly due to running out of inspiration and energy to write, but also personal issues as well. I will begin writing again soon, I believe I know how to finally start this dark and, hopefully, good story.

Report WhatLyesBeneath · 65 views ·
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