• Member Since 24th Sep, 2012
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The original Sunburst!

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  • 2 weeks
    Happy Celestia Daaaaayyyyy!!!


    It's the solstice! Go do something that befits the longest daylight of the year!

    And leave a slice of cake out for good luck. :trollestia:

    4 comments · 57 views
  • 5 weeks
    Guess what's here?

    Test copies of the final production versions are here, and having met with my approval, both editions are ready for printing distribution copies!

    Hardcover limited printing edition:

    "Royal" size (6.14 x 9.21 inches). Linen bound, slightly heavier weight paper, with a nice dust jacket. All the upgrade options. 105 pages.

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    13 comments · 106 views
  • 9 weeks
    Seashell paperback incoming!

    Once again, the proof copy is out for delivery right now.

    The hardcover edition proof copy turned out great - some text mistakes to fix, but no printing errors that aren't mine! Lulu can print a book to specifications! Yay!

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    7 comments · 107 views
  • 11 weeks
    It's coming!

    it's out for delivery

    I can't wait I'm so amped up I can't type good so I've rewritten this bunch of times and I'm giving up now because it's just


    6 comments · 143 views
  • 12 weeks
    Seashell is hitting print!

    That's right. We're there.
    Writing is complete, interior layout is complete, cover is complete.
    Time to print a proof copy! :pinkiegasp:

    I'm super-nervouscited right now. :pinkiehappy:

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    9 comments · 128 views

Cutie Mark Crusaders plushie content creators, YAY! · 12:34am Jan 9th, 2021

May I offer you a triple shot of plushies in these trying times? Because I have three of 'em coming at you today:

Applebloom is made from yellow, scarlet, and some sort of violently pink whose name I have forgotten minky.

Sweetie Belle is made from white (snow), dusty rose, and custom dyed minky.

Scootaloo is made from mango and fuchsia minky. Also, when I was typing this just now, that's the first time I've ever spelled fuchsia correctly on the first try! It's finally sticking, yay.


All three were made for the same commissioner. Sweetie Belle was the most interesting to make owing to custom dying the purple color for her mane and tail, and the design challenges of her hair swirls. As with all first iterations, I see numerous little things that I would like the chance to correct in subsequent versions, but overall I'm liking how these came out.

In fact, how to address those changes was also pretty instructive in this project. You see, the little things you want to correct are an... interesting conundrum in the course of making a matched set like this.

Imagine it: you're walking through an office reception area. It clearly hasn't been updated in a while; there's those infamously hideous 1970s brown and lime-green and orange upholstered couches and chairs, and wooden tables with rounded edges, and other period-appropriate trappings. Then suddenly, out of nowhere: BAM, there's a cluster of pieces done in, say, early 2000s minimalism. It hits you like a brick. There's no ignoring that it's mismatched and clashing.

Someone has made a grave mistake – they've committed a heinous crime against fashion. :raritydespair:

All one style or all the other would have been fine (lol no not really, but you know what I mean, "fine"), because it would have been thematically unified. There wouldn't be a "good" part and a "bad" part, they'd all be the same part. But now you've created contention between disparate elements. One fights the other. Your interior space is no longer at peace with itself (tacky as that peace may be), it's at war.

That is not the effect you want in things that are supposed to go together as a set.

So it was with these plushies. Once I finalized one of the common styling elements shared between all three in any one of them, the others had to go along with it and follow suit, otherwise those style elements become inconsistent, and that becomes a jarring asymmetry of visual aesthetic. Even if I thought partway through working on the set that a visual style or design element could be improved a little bit, it was more important that it be consistent across all three, instead. One plushie cannot be "better" or "worse" than the others by virtue of a redesigned stylistic element of which the others got the different version. It ruins the effect.

So I guess what this project taught me is something about how to work with collections, as opposed to a la carte pieces individually.

Cool. I mean, I'm still no fashionista or anything, but... well, I thought it was cool. And at the end of the day, isn't that what a hobby should do for you? :raritywink:

Report Winston · 162 views · #CMC #plushie #commission
Comments ( 18 )

You made them? They look great!

That’s so cool and cute

You really do some lovely work, Winston. And yes, a hobby should teach us , as well as help us be creative.

You did amazing job on them :twilightsmile:

Do you take commissions and if you do what do you charge?

Edit: also LOVE their looks, they look very close to their show counterparts and the color matching is amazing!


Gotta ask, do you do OCs? It’s okay if you prefer not too but I have to ask anyway :pinkiehappy:

Edit: it’s hard to find plushy makers who charge below $600 for one :raritydespair:

Yep, I do. Most of my commissions so far have been OCs.


Have you done two or Tri toned manes and tails? It’s the signature of my OC and I don’t know if that kinda thing is possible with dye?

If it's a sharp line between the colors, that's really easy, because it can just be sewn with solid color fabrics. I've done a lot of those.

If the two colors need a smooth transition, it can be done without much trouble, but might require a custom print. It costs about $30 extra because I have to design the pattern and order specially printed minky fabric.

Either way, the answer is yes.


It’s a sharp contrasting line between colors (ala Twilight, but more evenly distributed) you would have to see a picture to understand I think :rainbowlaugh:

It will likely take a couple of months to put the money together though before I could even consider doing a commission sadly :pinkiesad2:

Oh, nice. :)

(And, hah, congratulations on the spelling progress? :D)

And thank you for the commentary. :)

And, aye, glad you're not only making these and getting better at it but enjoying yourself in the process!

That’s amazing, first I’d like to say that you did outstanding work. The plus he’s of the CMC are right on the money, from the colors to how well they resemble the actual characters. They look so well made and the sewed on cutie marks are SHARP. :pinkiegasp: I would totally love to commission a plushy from you! I’m guessing you work those through deviant art? Do you use PayPal and do you ship to different parts of the globe or locally.

Yes, I use DeviantArt, although you can contact me through a PM here on FimFiction just as easily. I do use PayPal, and I have shipped a plushie internationally before (to the UK), although depending on where you are in the world it can get expensive.


Nice... have you ever created Celestia or Luna? Just curious since I don't see them in your DA gallery... :unsuresweetie:

They're both on the list of plushies I want to make, but haven't yet. I'll get to them someday, though!

Those look great! Very nice work.

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