• Member Since 17th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 10th, 2021


I'm an irritating fangirl who also writes. A lot of my stuff is sad. I am sometimes overly sex-positive, so if you are sex-negative, I might have called you an elitist taint jockey. Sorry about that.

More Blog Posts92

  • 160 weeks
    is it wrong to hate and fear humanity

    my wife tells me I can bring joy to others

    my wife says my words bring comfort

    maybe I no longer believe the world is worth the risk of helping, because humans are fundamentally predatory.

    so if the world fundamentally betrays you, what would make you want to share those things with them?

    serious question. trolls and bullshit gets deleted and reported.

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    1 comments · 256 views
  • 160 weeks
    A Few Lies Later

    (this didn't feel like a chapter proper but might end up one eventually. just getting it out so I can actually try to sleep myself :applejackconfused: )

    The memories always returned. AJ didn't figure that was ever gonna go away. How could you forget family?

    And yet, how could you survive remembering they were gone?

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    0 comments · 176 views
  • 176 weeks
    slice of life microfic in one of my settings

    Twilight sighed. "You do amazing work, Rarity. Even when you're just setting up beach chairs for the attempted relaxation."

    "Well, darling, I can't take all the credit. The lovely little Supersprites handle so much for me, I can't help but owe them thanks."

    Twilight shrugged. "Still, it's amazing. And to think they were a pest before."

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    0 comments · 174 views
  • 176 weeks
    well, this should be interesting

    issues? as if, this lass has a feckin' subscription.

    story ideas are terrifying and frequent lately. very unnerving.

    for me. :rainbowderp: :pinkiecrazy:

    0 comments · 176 views
  • 176 weeks
    clichéd as fuck

    Writer's block.

    I hate those words because they're so damned meaningless when what truly blocks you is the world.

    It's not even exactly the writer who feels like the problem. Can't write because of this person you know, or that one you knew. What if I express something some rando will gonna attack me over? Or send some fuckboy SWATter friends at me?

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    0 comments · 156 views

A Crushing Weight, Soft Feels, Grief · 4:58am Jan 9th, 2021

I promise this is not a bad post in the end, but it goes bad places a bit. And it's about non pone areas of the internets, so be warned. (And political shit is mentioned. I'm not looking for a "debate", debate, or even a conversation about it. I'm not even looking for feedback about the Nazis, and please don't start. If you start, I'll understand what weight to give your word: None. You don't know how to follow directions or honor simple requests. You will tell me you're either a human wasting themselves or a computer forced to waste themselves. Both sadden me. Don't.)

(Can't remember how to get the post to do a "READ MORE, so I'm gonna just add shit and test test test!)




Anyway: I sank off the site a few times. Mostly because the Orange Reich was gearing up and some big personal reasons I'm not going into. (And this isn't the focus here either, anyway.)

The short version is like this.

I drifted away from a writer group (elsewhere) that I'd bonded with a bit, because some of them started being people I simply could not be around. Explaining that the press didn't matter, that Nazis weren't real, that racism wasn't 'real' but that they needed to fear the hispanics near THEIR house, or that somehow the phrase "her emails" actually meant anything, the whole range from the Becoming A Fascist bingo cards.

Then I found Mastodon, somewhat later than some folks. Made new friends. Reassured myself that people did care, somewhere, at least some of them.

And then one died under circumstances I can't relate.

And then my sister died.

And then my stepfather died (the closest thing I had to a good father for much of my life).

And I fell off everything.

Facebook was Naziville. Twitter didn't give a Shitter.

And then Nazis came to Mastodon.

(I'm sure some were always around. How did Mal put it? People will be get the idea that they can make humanity different, better. But it's the idea that's the problem, in most cases. I hope. I truly do.)

So I went through a massive grief spiral while watching a nation I'd found a tiny bit of pride in turn into a shitty copy of Watch Dogs 1, and that's saying a lot, considering how bad that game truly was. (Not going there either. I got it free and wanted a reimbursement for time I can't get back. Profound fail. WD2? Fabulous. WD3? Not bad, at this point. Hoping for some small but vital add-ons/changes, tho. It needs some tuning.)

I don't know if I'll be around a lot. I'm 99.9% sure I won't be getting back into the fandom deeply, or that I'll even be watching the rest of the show past where I trailed off.

But I miss this place. I came back because at least this place seemed to be --

And then I saw Aryanne. And people I thought I knew defending her, seemingly sincerely.

And I died a little more inside, knowing exactly why this was happening, why people were announcing their proud Nazi whatevers.

And then the capitol was rioted by a giant pile of delusional middle aged and ancient white people with money, along with any minorities they could convince into working against their own best interests.

As coups go, this was pathetic. Engineered by a demogogue with the subtlety of a drunken elephant loose in EPCOT, I watched the best that white supremacists could come up with for Civil War II's kickoff turn out to be absolute chimpanzees.

I counted myself lucky and wished it hasn't ever happened in the same moment.

I'm honestly concerned about the next two weeks. But I'm crossing my fingers.

The point of all this venting and nonsense is: I'm blocked as fuck.

I can't seem to write. Sometimes I can't sleep about the fact I can't.

And I have thought, perhaps, that time writing ponies might help. Why not?

So I might look at my catalog and find the incompletes, see what's salvageable or finishable. Maybe the one about Angel; I really wanted to figure out a way to make it work.

But I miss this place. I miss the feeling.

Those things are, in their own separate ways, ephemeral.

You can't ever really come back to anything -- everything always changes, even if you pause a game the world changes around you while it's paused, altering context ever so slightly -- but you can revisit memories and visual and textual aids help.

I miss you all. I miss the feeling of warmth this fandom seemed to have that honestly seemed to come at just the right time for a narrative about an ensemble of people teaming up and staving off disasters.

Avengers rode that same formula pretty hard. (Yes, I know, I'm biased because of that one fic. I'm old. Leave me alone about it.)

Anyway, I hope the show didn't turn horrid, but I don't know how to reapproach it yet, nor if I'll ever know.

I might be around. Message me if you want, if something is worth saying, if you remember good times.

(Oh, and if Pence runs in 2024 on a "values" platform, don't say I didn't warn you.)

Report Cola_Bubble_Gum · 134 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

I am very sorry for the loss of your sister and step-father. I lost my father in August, so I might have at least a little perspective on that. I am not looking forward to the day I'll mourn the loss of my mother, or a sibling—or to how they will do the same for me.

As for the rest... There are good people out there, separated from all of the things that are done by other people who think that hate is the best answer to all of their confusion and personal problems. I hope you'll hold on to the good people here, if/when you find them, and stick around.

I also am sorry for your loss, but am as pleased as punch you're back! I know it won't be forever, nor maybe even for a considerable amount of time, but I truly missed you and your wit.

As for all the happenings of the past few years ( and days ), all I can say is we'll get through this.

We always do.


I'll believe it when I see it.

And nothing's bringing the dead back.

Tragedy is simply a genre of reality sometimes.

I'll be sort of okay when there's real justice -- and if that happens in my lifetime, I truly doubt.

But I appreciate your sentiment all the same. :twilightsmile:

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