• Member Since 13th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen June 4th


A writer who grew from their many mistakes, and who still loves ponies deeply.

More Blog Posts153

  • 144 weeks
    MLP: A New Generation Thoughts

    Howdy howdy~

    Derply here dropping off some quick thoughts on the introduction to Gen Five that just dropped today on Netflix!

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    2 comments · 579 views
  • 152 weeks
    Poisoned Update (Entry 10)

    Howdy howdy~

    Derply here with another Poisoned Update! This time we have Entry 10, Bridle Gossip! I've been eagerly waiting to get to this episode for a while now, and I've got some really fun stuff planned for it! I can't wait to share it with you ^_^

    In the meantime, here's how much progress I've made on it so far since the last time I've spoken with ya'll!

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    2 comments · 567 views
  • 160 weeks
    Chapter Release Date (Poisoned Update)

    Howdy howdy~

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    1 comments · 372 views
  • 162 weeks
    Poisoned Update (Entry 9)

    Howdy howdy~

    You know the drill by now, folks! I'M A DESPERATE ATTENTION HORSE WHO NEEDS CONSTANT VALIDATION I'm a swell lass who likes to keep you updated :) Below you'll find where I'm currently at with the next update of The Poisoned Barb's Tale!

    That having been said, here we goooooo:

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    2 comments · 431 views
  • 167 weeks
    Eye's are bigger than my stomach (Poisoned Update)

    Howdy howdy~

    Derply here with a quick update! The next three chapters of The Poisoned Barb's Tale shall be releasing Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of this coming week...

    … That's it. That's the whole update.

    See you then!

    … Still here?

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    5 comments · 425 views

UUUUUGGGGHHHH.... · 4:40am Jan 24th, 2021


Why does this keep freaking happening when I want to finish an entry lately?!

I SWEAR I've been trying to cut these done to more manageable portions! Honest! In fact I've been thinking of going back to Boast Busted and putting the ending part in it's own chapter...

... but that doesn't solve the problem now!

Please forgive this humble idiot as she tries to restructure this final lap to be a bit more digestible :twilightblush: Was really hoping to upload these too by the end of the month... Bleh...

... G'night, everypony,


Comments ( 18 )

Jesus Christ, I can't imagine writing that much to cover a single episode. That's over 54 000 words to cover Dragonshy of all episodes (and if the already released chapter are any indication, it doesn't even cover most of what happens in that episode)! That's longer than a lot of completed stories on this website! The closest I've done is 15 000 for a chapter merely inspired by an episode, and that nearly killed me.

You are freakin' crazy, and I look forward to reading it all when you are satisfied with whatever editing/rewriting decisions you make.

Freakin' crazy...

... Yeah, that sounds about right :pinkiecrazy:

Ty for the encouragement; really makes me feel like it's all worth it :twilightsmile:

... Side note, I swear to Solaris that I'm going to finally sit down and read Chrysalis: Saviour of Time one of these damn days. Been sitting in my read later for ages, darn it!

long is fine:twilightsmile:

Huh, so this is what it feels like when an author you admire says they want to read one of your stories. It's a very flattering thought. I can't blame you on having things in your read later folder for ages. I have literally over a thousand stories in my read later folder, and currently 163 unread chapters in my tracking folder. So many things to do...read, write, work, non fanfiction related hobbies. It's just so much.

I gotta second what Robo Bro said. That's a lotta words. Brevity on the first draft isn't your strongsuit, is it? :twistnerd: I'm just teasin

Still, the blog-updates are appreciated. Good to get these friendly reminders from time-to-time that make me excited for whenever the next installment comes out. :heart:

Good luck finding the perfect spot to cut the chapter down, nerd.

Ooohhh I know THAT feel. Honestly fan-fiction-writing-mode only seems to activate for me when ALL my other hobbies have run dry; when I'm caught up on all the shows I'm watching, video gamed out, and have read a decent chunk of my back catalogue. Really wish I could stick to a healthier balance, especially so with the goal of actually FINISHING this story someday, but I guess you gotta work with what you got :twilightblush:


After a good nights sleep, I think I figured out exactly where to cut this behemoth done in size at. It'll result in Dragonshy becoming a freaking ten chapter epic... but, considering the implications of it for the rest of the story, I guess it can't be avoided.

To think the original rough draft of this episode only called for four chapters... brrr... I can't even imagine how long Unbridled Havok is going to turn out to be now-

Opps; I meant to write Bridle Gossip there, not Unbridled Havok...


... :raritywink:

But... b-but the hype is real :fluttershysad:


... :derpytongue2:

Oh my lord.

I should've listend to those physicists.

the Big Barb is coming. DUN DUN DUUUUUUU

How can we be annoyed at you for providing us more of the content that we came for?

I'm really, really self-conscious about 10K+ long chapters for this fic in particular. Since it's mostly made up of scenes of Barb talking, writing, or watching someone longer chapters, at least to me, tend to run into issues where a lot of words get repeated. "Snorted...chuckled... angrily turned head... blinked blankly... as a result... however... though..."

... T-though maybe I'm just being silly :twilightblush:

Barb: “Sit down folks, I’ve been thinking a lot.”

Three things:
1.) Doesn't that kinda describe this ENTIRE story though lol
2.) No joke, I wrote something similar to this line about two weeks ago in Entry 8, Part 7... double lol
3.) Since this freaking thing mutated into FIVE WHOLE CHAPTERS...


... I've decided to release them all throughout this week...

... See you tomorrow :pinkiecrazy:

Don't look at me, I like 10,000K plus chapters

*Stares judgingly*

... Hehe, nah. I do like the occasional long chapter too! When the story is good and the world interesting, I'm more than willing to read those big ones all day long...

... Editing them, however, is my least favorite thing to do :twilightblush:

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