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    Kaiju Profile: Gomora


    Title: The Subterranean Knight
    Alias: Three Horn, Goms, Hot-Shot, Rookie, ’Ding Dong.’

    Giving up isn't a word in my vocabulary!

    Species: Cloned Titan 

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Kaiju Profile: Gomora · 11:54pm Jan 27th, 2021


Title: The Subterranean Knight
Alias: Three Horn, Goms, Hot-Shot, Rookie, ’Ding Dong.’

Giving up isn't a word in my vocabulary!

Species: Cloned Titan 
Gender: Male
Height: 90 Meters
Weight: 58,000 tons        
Length: 200 meters
Faction: Terran Defenders. 
Morality: Although Gomora means well, he still has a lot to learn. He’s very energetic, both inside and outside of combat. This energetic nature usually leads him to throw himself headlong into battles with opponents who are far stronger than he is. Not out of cockiness, but out of wanting to prove and better himself. Although he means no disrespect, he believes it’s one day his destiny to rise up and be like Godzilla and Gamera before him, one of the greats. With that in mind, Gomora wouldn’t be at least as successful as he is without the help of his best friend, Rei. The two have a sort of brotherly relationship. 
Traits: Has three horns: One on his snout and two protruding out the sides of his head, tough hide, burrowing.

Physical Prowess:
Amongst his brethren, Gomora physically speaking is an above-average Kaiju. Capable of tossing opponents a few meters into the air with just his head alone. 

Gomora has proven to not go down easy, as seen during both several scraps and sparring sessions Gomora has proven he just doesn’t know when to quit. Combine this with his hot-blooded determination and tough hide, you won’t find any other defender who can last in a fight. His underbelly is reinforced with heavy armor plating, making it even more robust than the rest of his body.

Shockwave Cannon- By briefly vibrating the horns on the side of his head, Gomora can channel the heated molecules down to his nasal horn and fire off what is known as the Shockwave Cannon. The blast comes out in multiple ‘waves.’ The blast is rather concussive in nature and has the capacity to level a skyscraper or city block. As a finisher, Gomora tends to shove his horn into his opponent’s body and sends the energized shockwaves through them, which usually ends with an explosion. The power of his horn is such that it could even pierce the heavens. 

Mega-Ton Tail - While Gomora is definitely a robust kaiju, most of his muscular strength comes from the lower half of his body, but primarily his tail. Getting hit with Gomora's tail is like getting hit with a baseball bat made of metal going Mach 3. It hurts and has proven to easily break bones. 

Weaknesses: Although Gomora doesn't possess major weaknesses, Gomora does have difficulty fighting foes beneath the waves, as his robust build makes it hard for him to move around and swim. Due to how his skull structure is, Gomora has a sort of blindspot in his peripheral vision. But the biggest weakness Gomora possesses is he constantly keeps throwing himself against opponents and going beyond his own limits in a self-destructive manner. 

The early days of the first civilizations were an age of resurrecting the past. While many of them were resurrecting the dinosaurs of old, one such civilization, Nilai-Kanai, decided to tap into the same field but pull from a different pile. During this time, Titans walked amongst them. Nobody had yet to pick from that pile of old genes, all but except Nilai-Kanai. From the selection they found was an ancient species of Titan. Unfortunately, this DNA was not complete and thus was filled in with the only thing available: Dino DNA. Using bits and pieces from the  Ceratopsian genome, the scientists of Nilai-Kanai were able to fill in the gaps and create a new breed of Titan: Gomora. 

Due to the nature of cloning a natural Titan, the embryonic Gomora was stored in a container deep underground to incubate. As cloning a Titan was something relatively new and guessing how long one took to mature was like guessing if man could naturally fly. This location safeguarded Gomora from the Toba Catastrophe, with destruction surrounding him, all Gomora could do was sleep in his man-made time capsule. For thousands of years, he lay dormant, until the year 2006. A Mysterian Hybrid by the name of Rei discovered his incubator & telepathically communicated with him. Startling the relatively young Titan awake.

The two shared a conversation, with the Mysterian Hybrid catching the young Titan up on current events and what was going on in the world. During this little exchange between Gomora and Rei, the Mysterian Hybrid got notified of an attack nearby on radio. A monster known as Black King was en route to Osaka. Something in Gomoras heart was lit aflame. With Rei in hand, Gomora dug his way to Osaka to do battle with Black King. 

Soon the young Titan arrived in Osaka, sending Rei off to help evacuate civilians. Gomora stood against Black King and the two engaged in combat. The fight only lasted about a few minutes, with Gomora, fortunately, driving the attacking Kaiju off. His actions in saving Osaka soon caught the attention of Raiga, who upon seeing his good heart, went to recruit him amongst the Earth Defenders. Gomora left with the Godzillasaurus, but not before giving his new friend Rei a fist bump goodbye, sealing not only their partnership but a friendship that would last for years to come. 

-When not out and about fighting, Gomora tends to spend a lot of his days either training or legitimately just hanging out around Sollgell and interacting with his fellow Kaiju like Orka and Gorgo. If not talking to Rei whenever he gets the chance.

-During his early months of being a defender, Gomora often would go to watch Raiga train in order to study her techniques and discussed advice on how to fight better. She's only a friend, Gomora swears!

-Gomora participated in the final war event. Some notable moments included: Gomora taking on and defeating a Zaragas, with the help of the Karyu was able to best a Guilala, and going up against Monster X. He was able to go toe to toe with him for a good few minutes, eventually getting pulled out of the fight by Godzilla Junior as he was losing the battle. After taking a few days to recover, Gomora continued to participate in the war, teaming up with Raiga in a few battles until joining in on the final push against the invaders.

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