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Nothing special here, move along, nothing to see, just ignore the lump under the sheet and the red stuff...

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Still Alive and Kicking (despite myself) · 5:23am Feb 5th, 2021

Ok, summary above the break so it’s less annoying for people. Covid sucks, writing on too many stories slows each individual story updates AND tends to get you stuck at the difficult parts on each of them, and never watch the news when sick.

Ok, personal stuff first, since I haven’t posted for a month. Remember last post when I said I had visited the grandchild’s house, caught a cold, and had a negative Covid test? (Ok, you probably don’t remember, but nod anyway. There’s a cookie in it for you) Well, Covid tests are not accurate early into the process. Found that out the hard way.

Updated time line: Visited the grandchild’s house on Christmas, had the son-in-law call two days after we got back because he had tested positive for the flu and Covid (he had the first shot the week before we visited, so he didn’t really have symptoms). Wife had us tested at the doctor’s office and we both showed negative. Well, the *next* day I’m coughing and snorting and on NyQuill, and the wife moves into the basement (because I really sounded terrible). Days later after considerable misery, I get a second test. Ding! Only good thing is the nurse told me I could interleaf 2xTylenol and 4xMotrin (where I had only been taking *one* Motrin), so I went from abjectly miserable to ‘I really don’t want to change the NetFlix channel so I’ll just watch this series to the end from under the covers.’ We figured I caught the flu first, then Covid. Ouch. After two weeks, I was feeling better. I was hungry for tacos. (which is good because the previous two weeks I ate like four bananas and some pudding cups total) I got up, did my morning stuff, got dressed (wearing pants after two weeks is an odd feeling), changed two light bulbs in the house (because they were burned out)... and went back to bed and slept for three hours. When they say this saps your energy, they mean it. End of third week, got the green light from the county health department, and went back to work (by means of heavy Pepsi consumption). I tell people it’s like being hit by a truck, which then backs up to see what it hit, then drives off to go hit somebody else. Still didn’t get any tacos yet. Taco Bell has a horrid drive-thru line 24/7.

While sick, I had to make some changes. I did *zero* writing, so I’m behind there. I stopped watching the news because I think I saw a guy in a buffalo hat get elected to Congress, and I don’t need those kind of delusions. I still have a nagging cough, but it’s almost gone. The wife moved back upstairs, so that’s a bonus. I managed to wash laundry. I’m about half-done at work catching up on everything I missed.

Still, I did manage to do some writing.

Got an extra chapter in my two doodling sci-fi stories.
Letters From a Little Princess Monster is done with the Windigo fight, and I’m organizing the post-fight scene.
Sweetie Belle - Hogwarts Exchange Student got about two paragraphs added, but they’re important, and it should be more downhill writing from here. (except for the musical number, and I may beg for help there)
Substitute Librarian is almost to the point where Emerald will ask his mysterious friend what she really is.
The Last Nightguard is getting almost into the schizophrenia/lost in time section, where Princess Luna, Eb, and Peanut try to work a can opener.

Here’s what I call my ‘Root beer’ section of Nightguard:

The Last Nightguard
Learning Experience

There was a certain fraction of dignity restored with a sheet when sprawled out across a hospital bed, hairless, and otherwise naked under the direct observation of a princess. It was a very small fraction, but it kept the simmering fury of vengeance from breaking out in goosepimples with every draft of wind.

His hatred of Nightmare Moon continued undaunted, although he could feel it slip away with every hour of fitful slumber. When your whole world is nothing but a single thought, one screaming thread of eternal agony, and that thread is suddenly cut, the tension recoils like a snapped clock mainspring. The shredded clockwork of his life filled Ebon Tide’s head throughout the remainder of the day, with occasional breaks as he woke enough to be fed or relieve himself.

Hatred was one thing. Hating the creature who was feeding you and applying a cold bedpan to your under-furred bottom…

“You are a loathsome traitor,” muttered Ebon from under the fringe of his sheet.

“Truth,” agreed Princess Luna. She looked over the new tray of foodstuff which had just been delivered to his hospital room, and which had woken him up when it had been pushed into the room. The nurse had beaten a fairly rapid retreat, or Ebon would not have spoken. He allowed more pudding to be spooned into his mouth, determined that he would only taste ashes and vengeance, but it seemed to be some sort of egg-based whip with colorful topping.

“Is every bit of food in this pestilent era covered in sugar?” he grumbled once the bowl was empty.

Without saying a word, Luna speared a piece of some sort of pastry with a serving fork, then held it to his lips. From the look of it, the substance needed to be chewed with the small stubs of teeth that he had begun to grow through pain and itching, but one bite and it dissolved onto his tongue, filling his entire mouth with a slimy coating that left Eb coughing until Luna gave him some water.

“What deception is this,” he managed between coughs, “that something sweeter than sweetness hath such a cloying touch that it strangles the mouth? ‘Tis a sugar’s sugar cloaked in disguise.”

“My sister calls it cake,” said Luna, observing a second forkful of the substance with considerable skepticism. “I call it flank padding. And yet, if you eat a little of it with every meal, one begins to anticipate it, and eventually I presume it becomes a requirement.” She dropped the fork on the tray with a clatter and turned her head. Even from his awkward placement on the bed, Ebon could see the beginning of twilight outside the window, and it became obvious what the princess was avoiding.

“The evening approaches,” he growled. “Why are you not at your task, Princess?”

The way the late sunshine reflected off her coat made it obvious that Luna flinched. The washed-out colors shifted in long ripples along her flanks, and her eyes definitely remained fixed upon the sugar-laden tray. “I have a responsibility to your care.”

“Your responsibility is to Equestria. I am a pathetic excuse. Even the least of the timorous creatures who populate this place of healing could stick a tin pot under my rump and stuff sugar into my face.”

The fire under Eb’s ribs only flared as Luna ignored him. He breathed in through bared gums and the faint gritting of growing teeth, enjoying the cold air against the itch and pain.

“Coward,” he snarled. “You are no princess.”

“I am no coward.” Luna’s voice was flat and tense.

“Then why do you hide? Rise to your destiny! Night approaches, and your place is to raise the moon!” Eb had pulled himself to the side of the bed and leaned out over the tray of over-sugared food, ignoring how bits of his spittle were flying as he shouted.

“Your sister stands in your place as you hide here, quaking in terror. Why would you need my assistance to take your worthless life if you give yourself to Nightmare again? You refuse to raise more than a spoon! Even the Nightmare would turn its nose up at your pathetic—”

ENOUGH!” Luna stood up with one motion, upending the full dinner tray onto the ground with the shattering of ceramic dishes and splash of wasted food. She turned and left the hospital room in several swift strides, letting the door close silently behind her.

The swirling boil of anger that supported Ebon Tide proved to be a fickle master. He sagged back onto the bed, gasping for breath after his unexpected effort while a nervous nurse poked her nose into the room.

“I heard—” she started, only to break off at Eb’s fierce glare.

“Princess Luna hath departed to raise the moon,” he managed. “Clean this mess so she is not faced with a menial task upon her return.”

Report Georg · 679 views · #Covid #TheLastNightguard
Comments ( 36 )
Georg #1 · Feb 5th, 2021 · · ·

Cake is Equestria's root beer.

Glad to be getting over covid there. And glad you and family are okay.

5448032 None of them got it. Four of us in the house, and I'm it. I understand the phrase 'Misery loves company' better now. I mean it's good they didn't get it, but...

2xTylenol and 4xMotrin

Ah yes, the panacea of soldiers everywhere. Don't forget to drink water and change your socks.


Garak, Quark, and Odo are the absolute best characters Star Trek ever gave us. Discovery and Picard wish they could think of characters half as intriguing and entertaining.

Good deal that you're feeling better!

I’m sorry the Rona came to you and yours, but glad you’re back on your feet. :heart:

Glad you are recovering. A bit surprised you had 1) a hankering for tacos, 2) a hankering for tacos of Taco Bell-level quantity.

You do realize that Taco Bell has yet to win the Fast Food Wars, right?

In Colorado, the IT restaurant of the year is In-N-Out Burger which just opened up two locations.

And then promptly managed to get 168 of their employees sick with COVID.


On second thought, maybe Taco Bell is not a bad idea after all.

Oh God, that sucks that Covid got ya. Glad to hear you're over it, though.

Out of curiosity, whatever happened to Twinkle Twinkle - Speaker To Dragons?

Can understand. My sisters kid got it, and he's clean and eats healthier than the rest.

Thing really doesnt care one fricken iota. I worry if i ever got it, due to weak heart, throat, and bad lungs. (disease is fun!) And the way it is, i dunno.

Magic be you’re just not a sharing person. :rainbowlaugh:


In my family we had three of the five adults get it and none of the kids. I am one of the lucky adults. One of the adults here still hasn’t fully regained his sense of taste yet. Beyond that I know only two other people who have had it so I may have been very lucky.

Glad to hear you are recovering and no others in your house got it.

Sounds like you had it rough. Me, my two sisters, and my parents (in their 60s) all had it. Not nearly as bad as you had. I was the worst off, being bedridden for two days, everyone else was only one. Granted, like any flu, we all felt like shit for a couple weeks.

Look at the bright side, you got those sweet, sweet antibodies now :yay:

I’m just glad you’re alright Georg!


Likewise, I am glad you are well.

Hope your sense of taste and smell are okay.

Glad to hear you're bouncing back, even if the ball's moving through ballistic gel. Here's hoping you continue on the upswing. :twilightsmile:

Georg don't dare let frigging Covid get you, you're too important to be lost to us Damnit.

Oof, you caught covid? Glad to hear you got through. Any lingering side effects? I had a great-aunt who couldn't smell anything for months afterwards. Worst part, she kept herself perfectly safe but got it from the medical personnel during a minor surgery. :facehoof:


Site Blogger

Gods, I love Quark and Garak. Also, Quark will regret that whole 'Cousin Gaila' thing (not sure if I spelled that name right).

Glad to hear you're getting back on your feet.

Don't die. Just say no and demand that Death respect the rights of consent.

Glad you survived.

And let's hope that cake Equestria can save them all.

Glad you’re on the road to recovery…but take it easy and don’t push yourself too hard.

Yikes. I’m glad you’re on the mend. Hopefully the rest of the family isn’t next in line :pinkiesick:

Glad you are recovering man! Covid is horrid and yeah, Im glad I havent personally lost anyone to it *knocks on wood*
Hang in there.

Glad you're doing better. Tacos, huh? I think this is Sonata indicating she want some screentime.

I'm flattered at all the concern, but in hindsight, I really wasn't that sick, just miserable. My normal process for getting over a cold or flu is to vanish under the covers and only come out for NyQuill and bathroom breaks, like a turtle. If I had known to dose myself properly, it would have been much easier to live with since I never had any trouble breathing or complications. Internet connection, laptop, cell phone to text the wife my demands, drugs, and that's it. The only concept of time I really needed was the paper on the bathroom mirror where I recorded my pills as taken so I didn't accidentally double up on something.

5448326 No, I'm just cheap, and only go to Taco Bell about once a month for a Frito Burrito and such. I lived on Taco Bell at Everfree NorthWest, since the prices in the convention center were so nuts.
5448041 Technically, Taco Bell Burritos and occasionally during happy hour, one of their fruit freezes. I'm cheap, not too picky about the way something looks, and if I want *real* Mexican food, I'll either go to Carlos O'Kellys where my son used to work, or drive to Southwest Kansas and have my foodie son-in-law cook for me. (six hour drive)
5448295 5448283 Had some near misses and some of the people from church around here passed away, but no relatives.
5448244 Post-Covid pushing varies. Going from sleeping 23 hours a day to 12 was quite a push. So was wearing pants again. Honestly, I think part of my recovery was just lazy.
5448243 Thanks. I have yet to meet anybody who said "I thought you were a gonner." yet. :)
5448182 I admit I had one rough patch where I was thinking "If I die, my wife will throw out all my antique computers, including the Commodore Amiga."
5448145 Feet, heck. I'm back on my butt at work with my headset on, trying to put out a month's worth of fires. (since I took the last two weeks of December off)
5448143 Hang in there, dude. We're rooting for you.
5448123 5448082 Close here. My son-in-law works at a hospital and already had his first shot a few days earlier. None of his family caught it either, not even the flu part. Thing is, the first week (incubation), everything tasted exactly the same, but I lost my appetite. (which for me is a giant blinking red light) Second week (the sick part), I thought I had turned into a were-oppossum and was going out to eat roadkill at night, because something had died in my mouth. (that didn't help the appetite either) Third week (recovery), everything seemed normal, but the whole taste spectrum was dramatically shifted. Chocolate was the same, but my favorite cheap McDonalds meal (McChicken/small fries/large Sprite) was wildly out of wack. I had to dump half my drink, and those of you who know how cheap I am should be concerned. Gatorade was fine, bananas were fine, pudding was fine, that will do it. The new three food groups.
5448053 Need to find out when I can donate blood to the Red Cross again, because I gave power reds last time.
5448120 5448102 5448058 5448043 I'm pretty glad I lived through it too.
5448042 Twinkle Twinkle is about 3/4 of the way done with the next chapter, where the Dragonlord gets his rump fixed.
5448039 5448037
5448035 There are a number of immortal pairings in various TV shows. B5 had several that rocked. Londo/Vir and Londo/G'Kar. Star Trek had Kirk/McCoy/Spock. The Winchesters in Supernatural. Game of Thrones had a bunch, because the actors all played so well off each other. Aria/Hound Tyrion/Varys Hell, Peter Dinklage showed what a good actor he is during every frame with anybody.

Oh, dear! I'm sorry you were sick with both of those at once! I'm glad it sounds like your recovery is proceeding well, even if it isn't finished yet.

Oh, glad it sounds like it wasn't that bad for you either. :)

And good luck in general, to you and yours, aye.

That's one really interesting teaser there. Definitely going to read The Last Nightguard when it comes out.

Good to hear you're recovering as well (not good that you got bit by the bug).

Relieved to hear you're alright, Georg.

"Just miserable" is bad enough if you ask me. Glad you're on the way to recovering well, though! :yay:

I'm sorry to hear about your illness, but I'm glad to hear you're getting better!

Good to hear you're on the mend.

That and I don't think any member of the Loyal Order Of The Water Buffalo would stoop to join congress.

Sounds like you had a miserable experience. An uncle had a verified case and all he got were some sniffles.

Interesting excerpt. I would like to know more about the background.

5455996 Sounds like somebody wants to help edit. :)

I haven't been an editor in well over a decade but I'm game.

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