• Member Since 20th Feb, 2012
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My stories tend to focus on emotional drama, especially family drama--and much feels, to boot. Buy me a Ko-Fi! ko-fi.com/brokenimage321

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  • 33 weeks
    Random Brainstorming: Celestia X Sombra Nextgen?

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  • 54 weeks
    Reminder: Minecraft Survey

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    [Ourcraft Survey]

    Thanks so much!!

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FimFiction Demographic Survey -- Please Share! · 2:37am Feb 7th, 2021

Paperwork will be the death of me...

Hey everyone!

As you may be aware, I am interested in professionally studying fanfiction and fan communities. I've recently been reading a lot about fanfiction websites, and, according to that research, FimFiction might be more than a little unusual. In order to figure out how exactly what's going on with this wacky little website of ours, I have put together a survey to figure out the demographics of FimFiction users.

If you have a minute, please take the survey below. It shouldn't take you more than a few minutes, and it's completely anonymous.


I'd also really appreciate it if you could share this survey with your friends, perhaps even give me a signal boost on your own blogs. I'd like to get as many responses as I can, in order to ensure I get accurate statistics.

Thanks for your help, everyone!

Report brokenimage321 · 2,514 views · #Research #surveys
Comments ( 68 )

Survey taken, signal boosted. Here's hoping for a rich data set!

Oh what the hell. Why not?

Unusual you say? Sure, I can do that.

Boosted in like a dozen other servers and on my blog.

Damaged #5 · Feb 7th, 2021 · · 1 ·

A slight problem I had with it:


This question seems to imply that I have a single, universal headcanon for the show. I shift my views based on whatever story I'm writing at the time. It was unclear if I could skip the question, but it appears it was skippable.

Site Blogger

A suggestion: the "preferred ships" query needs one extra option: no preference. I fall squarely into this category, yet the survey forces me to choose between types of ships that, in truth, don't strike me as more or less interesting than the other options.

At any rate, my response has been submitted. Good luck!

If you do turn this into a more formal survey, the shipping questions could use the addition of choices for 'No Preference' and preferring to avoid ships.

The participation question could also be divided into major participation (writing/editing) and more minor participation, like commenting or blogging, or even further subdivided into individual questions for writing, editing, reviewing, blogging, commenting, and reading, and probably more I've forgotten.

A minor point I would add to the ones others have brought up: I do not have a definite headcanon for any Mane 6 member's sexual orientation. That's just not a thing I think about, like, ever, and it bothered me just a little bit that there wasn't an option to express that (I *guess* mixed sort of counts, but that still suggests to me a definite, decided-upon list, which I don't have in the slightest).

EDIT: Someone already said this and now I feel dumb.

But I still think it.

I approve of this.

I was (very mildly) frustrated that many of these were radio buttons and not multiple choice.

Also do I have to be the nitpicky guy who points out 'nonbinary' is a gender, not a sexuality? :twilightblush:

Done and done, plus a signal boost for good measure.

And I just did it myself.

done and done

Survey taken, signal boosted!

Done. I'd be very curious to see the results.

Yeah, I had to choose "other" and explain that I had no preference.

(I may have just outed myself to the surveyor, if I was the only one that did that)

What this person said! "Nonbinary" is a gender orientation, not a sexual one!

Did done do it~

Well, I know we have an uncomfortably large number of neonazis lurking in the shadows. Which is certainly something.

Survey taken and boosted in a blog. Good luck! :yay:

done and done

Done! I hope what I have provided will help!

I have done so, thank you for doing this! I'm really curious to see the results.

Interesting. I look forward to the results.

Completed. And I very much appreciate that you're studying fandom, but...

Forgive me, but I have to echo some of the criticisms others have voiced. Further, I respectfully submit that this survey strikes me as a bit rigid for an initial exploration of MLP fandom. I don't claim any particular expertise on survey design, but the questions and the available options for answers seemed too narrowly focused. Check your survey design in terms of, "What are the trends as they are, as opposed to what do I think the trends are?" Just a modest suggestion, fwiw

Finished, hope you find something interesting while doing this research my friend. It seems very interesting

Find it kind of curious that you asked about whether or not you present as a different gender online than you identify as, but I don't think you ever asked if someone is transgender.

my friend it’s called freedom and there’s nothing to do about it
even if feels dumb or wrong

you are free to think or do whatever you want about them to, literally the only thing that stop us as humans is the risk to being hit back by other humans

well this place is literally as colorful as ponies so... yup you nailed this thing

On the preferred ships I picked straight because if I had to pick one, I do have that preference, but I almost put other to say that it doesn't really have a bearing on what I decide to read. I like mostly comedy, adventure, and slice of life stories, and lots of the ones I read don't have a romantic focus. And if a story happens to have any other type of ship, it's not the be all end all of whether I'll pick it up. I just like good stories. Not everything is about sex.

Early on there were lots of lesbian ships because there were way fewer male characters and people were broadly against OC's, but the atmosphere has always been welcoming to everyone. It's not like there are never toxic people and drama, but this fandom seems less toxic than most it's age, and FiMFic policies and moderators have helped keep it that way in this particular corner of the fandom. The site creator, Knighty, has always strived to make a professional platform, and I think that has also helped set the tone positively. FiMFic encourages professional writing and the growth of authors and readers alike.

There have been many studies of the MLP fandom. Has anyone compiled them all? :trixieshiftright:

Survey taken and signal boosted. :)
Good luck!

Signal boosted. Please let us know what you find!

*principal component analysis intensifies*

When I fit number one and number two. :twilightsheepish:

I'm glad you're doing this survey. The world needs a lot more real survey work.

Found this posted in my Discord, so I'll gladly submit my entry.

As others have pointed out, the headcanon orientations and preferred ships questions really need an "Any and all" option.

And that's not just a distraction; I feel like the willingness to accept multiple headcanons at once may be a large part of what makes Fimfiction unique. Rather than get bogged down in our own camps, many of us will happily enjoy stories with contradictory views as long as the writing is good.

The correct answer is "gay".

5449516 To be fair, I have probably rolled though all those at some point in time. (Yes, even turning Fluttershy into a stallion and having her get it on with McIntosh.)

TIL there exists a queer ship that's too much even for me. Thank you, I think.

Yes, exactly! "If the author can sell it, I'll buy it."

How often do you visit FiMfiction.

All the time 😎

And how often do you actually read fanfiction on this fanfiction website you visit 12 times a day like an internet addicted lab rat pressing the random dopamine button?


Sounds like interesting research! If possible I hope you will publish the results for the public to see.

Do you have any plans to try to reach out and survey other fanfiction communities? Because the stated goal is to check if this one is "unique", but that's not much use if you don't have a baseline, and I doubt there's been much research on this topic to ground the supposed common knowledge of how fanfiction communities are composed.

Well, isn't this an intriguing little gem.


Done and bosted. Waiting for the results (I mean, I hope you plan to publish them?) :unsuresweetie:

On yeah, I always try to go with whatever canon the author says, as long as it makes sense on it's own terms. Each story is it's own world, and exploring those worlds is half the fun! :twilightsmile: You can't do that if you stick to your own view and disregard anything that runs the slightest bit contrary.

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