• Member Since 15th Aug, 2018
  • offline last seen June 11th

Saint Kartano

I may not be (very) active on here.

More Blog Posts57

  • 3 weeks
    Finding A New Discord Home

    Some years ago somebody called Chill Sweet (difficult to track them as they've had about a thousand different accounts) created a group called The Carefree Group. The related Discord server became another home for me until that slowly died off.

    I'd be curious to know if anyone else has a "found home" server they hang out in. It's incredibly lonely these days.

    0 comments · 20 views
  • 3 weeks
    My Father Is Cancer Free

    It's nice to get a piece of good news occasionally. But my dad is clear of cancer.

    5 comments · 38 views
  • 36 weeks
    Amalgamating friends

    Since I rarely get onto this server to end up chatting with or catching up with anyone, I'm just amalgamating everyone to the one server:

    Use this link, or the invite ID of waXUFgtKFW

    No, sorry - somebody has since carbonized and defecated all over my old server.

    I have a somewhat-personal server here instead - or the server ID 8hTyPruApc.

    0 comments · 60 views
  • 67 weeks
    Vale Antsca - Andy. Rest In Peace.

    God I’m broken up so badly.

    We will all love and miss you so much.


    0 comments · 105 views
  • 70 weeks
    Mr Derp Face

    This is another of those obscure FIMFIC members that I remember conversing with a great deal on my old account.

    They were hilarious to chat with and had this fascinating writing style - including a habit of engineering completely new words!

    I often wonder if they're still around.

    0 comments · 104 views

SCE to AUX, Work and editing · 7:44pm Feb 23rd, 2021

Generally whenever I get paid, I use my money to help the people I know who need financial assistance.

This time around I bought myself a little treat! I have wanted to buy a mock up of the famous SCE panel from the Apollo CSMs to mount next to my work desk and I've actually purchased one!

If there is any manner of odd glitch with the software I'm writing, I shall take great pleasure is simply stating that I must try "SCE to AUX" - I realize that a dummy switch is not going to fix a bizarre issue in the same manner that John Aaron was able to for Apollo 12 ... but perhaps it will help to reduce my stress levels when things DO turn to shit.

I had been worried that once my current work project was completed, that I would be terminated. They seem to have given me additional tasks to work on, which is a relief. As the work I'm now doing involves rebuilding and cleaning some branches that we have, there's no seriously intense deadline to worry about. "Then we should thank God for small mercies!"

I have been spending a little time helping my lovely friend Hudson Hawk with a story he is working on. It feels nice to be editing and proof reading again, and that's now lent me further impetus to get to work on my current story. I don't understand what it is that causes my interest in my current story to wax and wane. I keep meaning to write more to it, then by the time I have the opportunity to continue working on it, I have lost the willpower. This is not a phenomenon that is isolated to my story writing - it has affected my various software projects, my model making, my desire to continue my EMT studies, my desire to go back to scuba diving.

As I am sure many people know, the most righteous Tynal has been making daily quote posts here for some years. He also posts these quotes to other platforms he is involved with - so one software project I am working on is to be a system that allows him to automate the posting of his quotes across those platforms. Additionally the system will have RESTful web services that allow folks to do things to grab random Captain Haddock insults, random funny sentences and so forth. This is something I've wanted to work on now for some time! I just need that drive to get it completed, to get it live for him.

After years of being so close to my love, Lady Q, finally told me to fuck off yesterday. I have always told him that if ever wanted me to go, to tell me and I would do so. I let him know that if he ever does want to talk to me again, to just say the word and I'll be back. But it is taking a great deal of personal discipline not to go and send him messages. I do have an electronic birthday card arranged to be sent him on his birthday in a few days - but other than this and buying him a game I know he wanted from Steam, I'm keeping my distance.

It's heartbreaking - I love him so very much, and I care about him so very deeply. It is this care that I want to employ to make sure I keep a comfortable distance from him.

But if he never says another word to me ... I know I am always going to love him. It's a compulsion for me. He's one-half of my world, and he is dearer and more precious to me than he will ever believe (when I've told him how I feel, he still feels that I am lying).

Thus, I am heart broken. But I am at least treading water.

Recommended song du juour: Jesus Built My Hotrod - Ministry.

Comments ( 2 )

We love you <3

Thank you, Ty! I love you all too!

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