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Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

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It looks like we know who the filly from the leaked Generation 5 Storyboard Animatic is, now..... · 3:05am Feb 24th, 2021

This happened faster than I thought. I didn't expect we would find out her full look so soon, only a little more than a month after we saw her in the leaked Generation 5 Storyboard Animatic. This is her, on the top of the blanket, the filly of the stallion from the leaked animatic, just look at her:

The mane matches up perfectly. The only difference is that she has two scrunchies in her mane, not one, but everything else aligns and the lowest part of her mane can't be seen in the leaked animatic. This is definitely her. Now we already know her full look thanks to that early listing of Generation 5 themed bedding. I will immediately buy that once it is out.
And with the reveal of her full look, we also get the confirmation that she is an earth pony. Which eliminates my hope that she is a crystal pony, and that the main location is the Crystal Empire due to that, but we also learn that she is indeed a mane character in Generation 5! And many other, exciting things more.

What strikes me as important already is the fact that we have three fillies here. Or in other words, three foals. The earth pony filly from the leaked animatic isn't the only one on this bedding, we also see a pegasus filly and a unicorn filly on it. And it's clear that all three of them are foals. In the leaked animatic, we have seen that the earth pony filly is very small, when she was sitting on her father's back:

And the pegasus and the unicorn have the same size as her, meaning they are roughly the same age, and this confirms them as fillies.
The three mane characters of Generation 5 are foals and I find this wonderful beyond comprehension. Foals are underappreciated and have been throughout all of Generation 4, even Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle weren't given as much credit by the fandom as they would have deserved. Not to mention countless background foals. But now there will be three foals as the primary mane characters in Generation 5 who cannot be overlooked anymore and they will show what foals have really in them!
Speaking of which, these three fillies already remind me of a certain other three ponies:

An earth pony, a pegasus and a unicorn..... Yes, I have most definitely seen this somewhere before. :scootangel:
We don't know yet how far into the future Generation 5 will show us Equestria and there is a chance this future will be so distant that even my Crusaders don't live at this time anymore..... But seeing this, three fillies of all three pony races as the mane characters of Generation 5, soothes me somewhat, if it should really come to this..... They're giving me the feeling that a part of Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle is still left in the future, that something of them lives on, and that is comforting.

Something that's different about them, though, is that they have cutie marks. When we met Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle for the first time, they were blank flanks. These fillies aren't, all three of them have their cutie marks already:

The cutie marks of the earth pony filly from the leaked animatic and of the pegasus filly cannot be seen well on the bedding, so here is an art piece by DinkyUniverse with an interpretation of their cutie marks, that she decided to draw yesterday after meeting these three fillies for the first time.^^
The only cutie mark we can see well enough to identify is the unicorn filly's cutie mark, a blue heart with a button in a lighter shade of blue in the middle and three red sewing needles on the left side. I was instantly thinking this means that her special is talent is sewing. But after a few minutes, I also had a more interesting thought. Buttons aren't used for just clothes, they can also be used for other things. And sewing needles can be used to stitch together any kind of fabric. So, what if she is a plush maker?
Buttons are often used as eyes for plushies, for cheaper kinds of plushies, so it could be that her cutie mark is indicative of the special talent of plushie creation. Even the heart in her cutie mark fits to that, a heart is a symbol of love and a plushy is something that's very much loved and also meant to be loved.
The heart in her cutie mark stands for the love one feels for plushies, the button is a symbol for the eyes of plushies and the sewing needles are in her cutie mark because that's what she uses for stitching the plushies she makes together. Yes, I definitely predict that plushie-making is her special talent and that she is a plush maker.
Maybe she gives every pony who she meets or who feels down a self-made plushie as a gift and crafts new plushies at a speed that would make Pinkie Pie jealous? Now I picture her going around and be like: "You get a plushie and you get a plushie and you get one and you get one, too, and here is another plushie for you and....."
I already can't comprehend the cuteness of that.

The earth pony filly's cutie mark is one I first interpreted as a shooting star. A red shooting star with a green tail trailing after it. Then, after looking at it for a while longer, I started to think it could be a flower, a green stem with a red blossom at the top. Which is something that gets partial confirmation if we look at the leaked Generation 5 Storyboard Animatic:

She is seen as being very enthusiastic about flowers there, she immediately ran up to a flower once she saw one and took a strong sniff at it. This behavior lines up very well with the interpretation that her cutie mark is a flower. Which is why I think that her special talent is tending to flowers and that she is a gardener. This isn't a prediction like with the unicorn filly, the information is too vague here, just a theory, but a theory that seems very likely at the moment.

The cutie mark of the pegasus filly is the hardest to make out and it also has a very abstract shape compared to the earth pony filly's cutie mark. At the first look it reminded me on an old, japanese temple gate with a bell under it. But there is no Japan in Equestria, so that needs to be ruled out. My next guesses were a pair of rollerskates and then the moon in the nightsky behind clouds. And I still don't have a theory what her cutie mark might be.
How cool would a pair of rollerskates be? Scootaloo is a pegasus and she rides a scooter and does stunts with it. If this new pegasus filly should really have a pair of rollerskates as her cutie mark and rollerskating as her special talent, then she might also do stunts with her skates all the time and that would mean she is a lot like Scootaloo. I kind of hope this is the case now, then I would feel even more that there is something of Scootaloo left.
But at the moment, her potential cutie marks aren't even theories, just guesses, so all I can really do here is wait until we get a better look at her cutie mark or until I get a better idea what her cutie mark could be. Of course I'll be keeping both eyes on her.

Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of this trio of fillies that we learn about are the wings of the pegasus filly and the horn of the unicorn filly. The wings of the pegasus filly have a completely different color than her coat, they are white while her coat is pink. And the horn of the unicorn filly has yellow markings on it. And it is differently-colored than her coat, as well. What does this mean? Why do this pegasus filly and this unicorn filly look so different than other pegasi and unicorns do?
There is definitely something special about these two and I already feel there's an interesting story behind this. Could it be something genetic? Are they offsprings of two different races or species? I could see the unicorn filly being the offspring of unicorn and kirin parents. Kirin also have markings on their horns. And the wings of the pegasus filly make me think of angels. Angels don't exist in Equestria, as they are of biblical origins, and there is no christian bible in Equestria, not even a religion as far as we could tell in Generation 4. But then again, we have seen lots of creatures in Equestria during Generation 4 that only exist as part of mythologies on Earth, so, who knows? That each of them are offsprings of two very different parents is not farfetched.
Or did something affect them during their birth or before they were born that changed them? Or was there a magical accident? The feeling their different wings and their different horn give me is that they have accidentally fused with something, an object, that changed how their wings and horn look like and maybe even what abilities they have with them. This is also just pure speculation, like the cutie mark of the pegasus filly, but the idea excites me.
What is clear in any case, though, is that the pegasus filly's different wings and the unicorn filly's different horn are very diverse. Fitting for a show that has diversity as one of its themes, I can definitely see why these two are part of the mane characters of Generation 5. Perhaps they are being bullied or treated as outcasts because of their looks? We don't know yet, but I am excited to find out.

Something else that also implies diversity are the more general looks of the bodies of these three fillies. They have visible fetlocks and the wings of the pegasus filly have a lot more visible feathers than the pegasi we've seen in Generation 4, making them look more detailed and realistic. In my analysis of the first, concrete Generation 5 news, I predicted that Generation 5 will have a diverse animation style that, among other things, animates wings of pegasi, alicorns, griffons and hippogriffs in much more detail, to show how diverse everything is and to represent the theme of diversity in Generation 5's animations.
Based on what we see here, it looks like I was right.

One of the great mysteries about them are their personalities, about which we barely know anything. We can say about the earth pony filly, thanks to the leaked animatic, that she is very cheerful, outgoing, happy, lively and enthusiastic and that she has a huge interest in flowers. And the pegasus filly greets us with a wink on the bedding and this feels like she has a very motivating, encouraging nature and that she is very confident (another possible similarity with Scootaloo, huh.....) and can easily cheer up and motivate another pony.
Beyond these few details, however, there is nothing we can tell about their personalities yet. The unicorn filly is the most unclear one of them all. Her pose on the bedding could be interpreted as deliberate posing with how she looks behind herself and places her left forehoof on her chest, which would then indicate a passion for modeling, but it could also be that she was cheering while turning around and that she got caught in the movement while she did that. Her portrayal is too ambigious to allow for any secure conclusions about her personality at the moment. I enjoy my interpretation that is related to her plushie-making profession, though. Maybe she will give Pinkie Pie a run for her money.

As some last thoughts, the earth pony filly strongly reminds me on Kettle Corn:

Most of her colors are very similar to Kettle Corn's colors; mane, tail and coat alike, and she is also an earth pony. Do we, assuming that Generation 5 will really show a distant future Equestria's, look at a descendant of Kettle Corn here?
And the words on the bedding read: "Everypony can make a difference". A great message to put on merchandise for a show that is about activism and one that definitely holds a deeper meaning that Generation 5 will reveal to us. Will we see a team of heroes that are outcasts and who nopony believes in as mane characters in Generation 5? Or perhaps the message that even one single pony can make a huge difference if they do the right thing at the right time?
I can't answer these questions right now, but I think they are a good finisher for this analysis and blog entry. After the reveal of these three fillies for Generation 5, I am even more excited than before.

Stay easy as a filly!

~ Fluttercheer

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