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Dewdrops on the Grass

A lady in her 30s who likes to write. Like my works? Feel free to donate to my Ko-Fi account. :twilightsmile:

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  • 14 weeks
    Hiatus For Now: Phoenix and OHS Both

    Hello my lovely readers,

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  • 18 weeks
    Small Update: State of Dewdrops

    Hello my lovely readers. I'm sure you've been waiting for the next Phoenix, as well as other things from me.

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  • 24 weeks
    Phoenix Update: Set a New Record!

    Hello my lovelies. If you've not already seen, Star Trek: Phoenix has released its latest full chapter, episode 7 for season 3, "Under the Sea." As you might surmise, it involves hippogriffs, and was a huge ton of fun to write.

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  • 26 weeks
    Update for Phoenix Plus Other News

    Hello, my lovelies. If you've not yet seen it, we have an interlude up for Star Trek: Phoenix written by my editor, Vic Fontaine. It features a couple of characters we haven't seen for a long while.

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  • 28 weeks
    Commissions Open! -- See Details Inside --

    Hello, my lovely readers! Last week or thereabouts you saw me explore the idea of commissions, which I am now opening! I will have a limited number of slots available; once those slots are filled I will close commissions until I have fulfilled them. This post will be regularly referred back to for the commission rules, which are as follows:

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Epilogue Up! (March 24th) · 4:02am Mar 24th, 2021

And that’s a wrap folks. The Epilogue is posted, making Danganronpa: In Harmony’s Wake officially complete.

I said it in the author’s notes and I’ll say it again here. Thank you, all of you, so much for following along with me on this journey. I cannot overstate enough how important being able to finish a story like this was for me. It’s a remarkable feat. It’s something I can look back to for years and say “Yeah, I did that.”

So thank you, for all your thoughts, your reactions, your enjoyment. I know from time to time this story was…hard, given the characters involved. We all love these characters or else we wouldn’t be here, and watching them suffer and die is… it’s a bitter experience, even if the story is good.

I’m taking the lessons I learned from writing this and applying it towards future works. Will there be a sequel to IHW? There could be. There’s a few sequel ideas I have floating around. The obvious Cruise Mode I’ve only mentioned like ten times by now. Then there’s a followup from the epilogue, which would effectively involve Earth and Equus in a Cold War type situation, constant tension risking true war at any time. I’m not sure if I could handle the kind of political intrigue this story would require. Then of course there’s a couple of different ways a killing game sequel could roll. I think of the three, Cruise Mode is the most likely, the KG would be the most similar, and the Cold War would be the most interesting.

But I won’t promise any of those. And at this point if they surface at all, it’ll be after the Star Trek story. Given the way work's been getting rougher, I don't want to promise anything much right now, haha. :ajsleepy:

A few notes for particular points in this epilogue. I did my best to try and take a realistic tack on “what would happen after a killing game” because it’s not something we ever see from canon. Granted, canon loves to emphasize despair in the moment but never seems to care about the lasting trauma. Thus having all of them change in some particular way as a result of it only makes logical sense. Things like the constant recurring nightmares, the comfort eating, all of that is… well, it’s stuff I go through a lot too thanks to my own past.

The whole lockdown of Canterlot High is actually a deliberate reference to something in said past. Fifteen years ago there was a hostage crisis at the combination middle and high school that my siblings and I went to. Although I had already graduated, none of my younger sisters had, and they were all stuck there. My family went through hours of not knowing what was happening, if any of them were safe. I later found out my ex-girlfriend was in the classroom with the hostage taker, and he ended up killing one of the students, who was my sister’s best friend at the time. My sister's not been the same ever since. Drawing upon stuff like that has informed a lot of this story.

Yes, the song referenced in both the epilogue title and mentioned as the one they sang is “The Last Goodbye” from the end of The Hobbit movie. I wanted to include a song somewhere, and while I did consider a few of the fandom’s takes on the ending of EQG, they were all too happy and didn’t acknowledge the losses. This did, even if it’s a bit improperly gendered with the focus on the word brothers. Thank you to Rainstorm for suggesting that, as it helped me title something I was otherwise struggling with pretty hard. Up to that point my working title had been Shore Leave, which had the unfortunate side effect of implying they’d be thrown into another killing game, which wasn’t my intention.

As for Lost Moments, that will continue to be updated when I have the notion to. Dabbling in it will help satiate any real DR cravings I’ll have for a long while, at least. “The Right Target” has several mysteries potentially planned, should it carry on past Chapter Two. It’d be abridged, compared to the original IHW, but it could still be some fun mystery solving. I’ve already floated the mystery ideas to a couple of people and they all said they sound both intriguing, different from what we saw before, and just as difficult to solve as the actual mysteries, so we’ll see!

Of course the occasional short will show itself sooner or later as well. Whatever fancy strikes me.

In any case, take care everyone. I plan to go enjoy my birthday this year doing… something. :rainbowlaugh:

Comments ( 15 )

The obvious Cruise Mode I’ve only mentioned like ten times by now.

I know you've pretty much stated that if Cruise Mode ever does happen, it'll be a prequel, but I kinda want it to be set up so that it leads in an entirely different, and happier, direction overall in the end. (Like just when Cozy decides she's had enough and is about to wipe their memories again, Princess Twilight from the timeline of the original fic goes back in time and stops her, and while it doesn't affect her timeline (per Endgame time travel rules), she's happy that she was able to give at least one version of the group a happy ending)

Not sure if I'll read the Cold War one if/when you ever do it. I've never really been a fan of real world politics

Then of course there’s a couple of different ways a killing game sequel could roll

...Despite what I said about the original fic, I'd actually be interested in reading that. It'd especially be interesting if it involved a group of villains, rather than heroes. (Not like in DR2, though)

Granted, canon loves to emphasize despair in the moment but never seems to care about the lasting trauma.

Spoiler for DR3: The anime actually does delve into that, especially with Makoto

Also, that story about your past... wow that's pretty heavy.


I know you've pretty much stated that if Cruise Mode ever does happen, it'll be a prequel, but I kinda want it to be set up so that it leads in an entirely different, and happier, direction overall in the end.

:raritywink: I can safely say that the chances of a Good End to Cruise Mode are very high. What would said Good End entail? You'd have to see.

As for the Cold War one, I don't blame you. Like I said I don't know if I could handle the intrigue necessary to write it, and honestly I don't know how much I'd actually want to. It's the most interesting in terms of its content idea, but... yeah.

...Despite what I said about the original fic, I'd actually be interested in reading that. It'd especially be interesting if it involved a group of villains, rather than heroes. (Not like in DR2, though)

Yeah if it did involve villains it wouldn't be like that. I've actually got a couple of tentative casts sitting around in a document for such a KG sequel. One, in fact, would involve every single villain from the show, reformed ones included, and could potentially feature Cozy herself as the protagonist. Or Starlight Glimmer, but witegirlninja's already doing that and I don't want to copy. The other would be more in the vein of a full on followup, with sixteen canon EQG characters who are all very aware of the events of the first one, and would include, among other people, Applejack, Shining Armor and Aria Blaze.

The anime actually does delve into that, especially with Makoto

So I've heard. I was referring to the games though.

Also, that story about your past... wow that's pretty heavy.

Yeah, it's... well, let's just say I've seen a lot in my life and leave it at that.


I can safely say that the chances of a Good End to Cruise Mode are very high. What would said Good End entail? You'd have to see.

Consider me even more hyped (even though you made the point of saying you haven't confirmed doing it yet)

One, in fact, would involve every single villain from the show, reformed ones included, and could potentially feature Cozy herself as the protagonist.

Okay, I'd actually love to see that, especially if Spoiled B*tch ends up a victim (even though she's not a main villain, she'd be one of the few who deserves to die)

The other would be more in the vein of a full on followup, with sixteen canon EQG characters who are all very aware of the events of the first one, and would include, among other people, Applejack, Shining Armor and Aria Blaze.

Oh god... I can already imagine the horror and fear they'd be feeling.

So I've heard. I was referring to the games though.

I know


Okay, I'd actually love to see that, especially if Spoiled B*tch ends up a victim (even though she's not a main villain, she'd be one of the few who deserves to die)

She's one I'd toss into the list, yeah. In fact, here's the full list(subject to change):

  1. Starlight Glimmer: Ultimate Cult Leader
  2. Nightmare Moon: Ultimate Princess
  3. Discord: Ultimate Chaos Lord
  4. King Sombra: Ultimate Tyrant
  5. Queen Chrysalis: Ultimate Impersonator
  6. Flim: Ultimate Swindler
  7. Flam: Ultimate Con Artist
  8. Tirek: Ultimate Spellthief
  9. Stygian: Ultimate Scholar
  10. Cozy Glow: Ultimate Manipulator
  11. Storm King: Ultimate Conqueror
  12. Tempest Shadow: Ultimate Knight
  13. Chancellor Neighsay: Ultimate Administrator
  14. TGAP Trixie: Ultimate Illusionist
  15. Lightning Dust: Ultimate Athlete
  16. Spoiled Rich: Ultimate Debutante

As you can see it's actually balanced gender wise, unlike the last set of cast members. Though I'm still not sold on including both Flim and Flam. I might swap one of them out for some other dude. And I couldn't help include Trixie again. I know she's a repeat. But dang it... Trixie.

Oh god... I can already imagine the horror and fear they'd be feeling.

Especially because Applejack's been through the first one. She'd have her full memories. She'd know exactly what it is, and would be the protagonist in that one. Imagine suffering through such a thing, surviving it... only to end up in another one.


As you can see it's actually balanced gender wise, unlike the last set of cast members. Though I'm still not sold on including both Flim and Flam. I might swap one of them out for some other dude. And I couldn't help include Trixie again. I know she's a repeat. But dang it... Trixie.

If you do decide to swap out Flim or Flam (I wouldn't mind if they BOTH bit the dust, but that's just me), then Svengallop, Wind Rider, or Blueblood would all be good choices.
And yeah, including Trixie in this just makes too much sense.

I do have some ideas on who would kill whom in the scenario with the 16 listed, but that might be best suited to PMs just in case.

Especially because Applejack's been through the first one. She'd have her full memories. She'd know exactly what it is, and would be the protagonist in that one. Imagine suffering through such a thing, surviving it... only to end up in another one.

Even worse if, unlike Sunset in the first one, she ends up getting killed. Doubly worse if she ends up a blackened. At least if she's a victim, she could rest in peace with the knowledge that she at least didn't break in either case.


If you do decide to swap out Flim or Flam (I wouldn't mind if they BOTH bit the dust, but that's just me), then Svengallop, Wind Rider, or Blueblood would all be good choices.
And yeah, including Trixie in this just makes too much sense.

Hmm, yeah. I think of those three, Wind Rider is who I'd like the most, because I like the idea of a washed up old Wonderbolt and Lightning Dust interacting, but Blueblood would probably be the better option. Especially because it'd give me a cowardly character. Svengallop, eh, I barely even remember him compared to the other two.

As for ideas, please, go right ahead, PM away.

Even worse if, unlike Sunset in the first one, she ends up getting killed. Doubly worse if she ends up a blackened. At least if she's a victim, she could rest in peace with the knowledge that she at least didn't break in either case.

I'll be honest. If I did write this one, the temptation to make Applejack a blackened would be excruciatingly difficult to resist. Killing her would also be very, very hard to resist. Though I have no idea who'd take over for protag. Honestly that one I was finding a lot harder to fill character slots for than the villain one.


Though I have no idea who'd take over for protag

Honestly, I'd think Shining Armor should be the one to take over if AJ ends up a blackened or victim.

I suppose that's possible, but Shining's a police detective. Going to be pretty hard for him to stay alive. Assuming this ever even gets written, which who knows. Still, he'd be a very good choice. I do like him a lot.

It being difficult for him to stay alive would actually make things more interesting. Especially if he ends up foiling attempts to murder him without killing the would-be attacker

Ooooh, yes. This would dovetail nicely with an idea that Rainstorm kept suggesting to me about trying to deal with a would-be blackened or victim being injured and having to be watched over/cared for. Shining repeatedly handling murder attempts only to never do so lethally would be impressive, and cool.


This would dovetail nicely with an idea that Rainstorm kept suggesting to me about trying to deal with a would-be blackened or victim being injured and having to be watched over/cared for. Shining repeatedly handling murder attempts only to never do so lethally would be impressive, and cool.

Especially since that was never done in the games. The one time someone fought off their attacker was Leon, and that was fatal.

That's because Leon was a freaking moron who thought it was a good idea to go and try to open up the door. Whether it's for the manga reason of trying to save her from hurting herself, or the game-implied reason that he wanted her dead... he could've gotten out of there without a death.

That said you're not wrong. Definitely it's an idea that will show up in a future KG of mine if I write another one, regardless of where or how or who's involved. Doing things the game didn't is something I was fond of trying to do with IHW, and this would be another thing on that list.


Doing things the game didn't is something I was fond of trying to do with IHW, and this would be another thing on that list.

Another fun thing would be a Chapter 3 situation where the two victims are also each other's blackened's. Even better if it's not premeditated

Fun fact: this was actually intended in the original story I was going to write, the one that featured the blackeneds from all three games. Mikan and Peko were going to be each other's blackeneds. This is one of the murder ideas from that story that didn't make it into IHW, though most of the other ones did in one form or another.

Still, I have other ideas for a different sort of Chapter Three. Including one that if I ever get around to writing it you'll get to see for The Right Target.

Well consider me intrigued.

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