• Member Since 11th Feb, 2012
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Sea Otter, Tempest domain Cleric, Gamer, Writer. Currently nestled out on the east coast, watching icebergs float past. Discord: Tundara's Fanfiction Forum

More Blog Posts197

  • 14 weeks
    Winter Update for Sunset of Battle

    Going to be a short update.

    Chapters 15 and 16 are in the final editing phases now. I'm waiting to publish anything however until after chapters 17 and 18 are done so I have the latitude to tweak 15 and 16 as needed. Once the current story arc is finished I'll start posting the chapters on a weekly basis.

    That is all...

    Like I said; short update.


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  • 32 weeks
    A minor alteration...

    I made a minor edit to the most recent chapter. There were two little words that had become a massive pain in my arse working on the next chapter. They were, 'to her'. :twilightangry2: It was leading to rabbit holes of character arguments that spiraled into hellish domains where finding a feasible 'out' for Sunset grew dire indeed. After several attempts I've decided to just rip out the root

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    4 comments · 224 views
  • 38 weeks
    I Live!


    That is all.

    I slink now back into my resumed writing.

    May I post again in less than ten months time...

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  • 122 weeks
    New Cover Art? Discord? A blog of some random thoughts...

    This blog will be a little more rambling than normal.

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  • 124 weeks
    Nearing the end of Schola Arc, and future planning.

    So, as I begin to near the final rise in action for the schola arc of Sunset of Battle I'm looking more and more ahead to what I want to do with the story and where to go next. My general plan is to do a time-skip to when they are novitiates and start the next arc in-media res. But what to do and who to have as the antagonists?

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    34 comments · 294 views

The Sisters of the Cerulean Chalice (Models!) Big Blog and Picture Dump Place! · 10:20pm Apr 2nd, 2021

Since there are people interested in my (Below average) painting skills for my Sisters of Battle army that I feature in my Sunset Shimmer/40k cross-over story, I figured I'd start posting some pictures. I'll be using this blog as a big ol' dumping ground.

First off: My Phone SUCKS at taking pictures. Or it is me. Either way, they always turn out blurry. :fluttercry:

Sister Rarity: My first attempt at kit-bashing. Very simple. Used Morgweath's model from Underworld, replaced spearhead with a Sister Superior's chainsword. On the head I put a spare icon I had from some Zephyrim. I snipped the sticking out spikes from her crest and smoothed down the spikes and some other stuff on the shins/bodice. Then added a pistol, rosarius, and purity seals. All that is left is using a micro pen to dot the eyes.

My Hospitaller, partially finished. The scroll with a dove had a defect that caused it to snap super easy. I've since reglued it on and finished the painting of the medicea arms.

Low quality/blurry pic of the army all placed out. You can see the unprimed Sister Rarity before she was made fabulous. :raritywink:

Blurry Sister Sunset. Used a Canoness Viridian model. If I ever get to play I'll use her as a Palantine, most likely. Her hair did not turn out how I wanted, at all. Was also the start of my 'Let's paint the Sisters hair as if they are MLP-Equestria Girls!' mini-kick.

Not Sisters, but the Jean Yoinkers. I got a couple models when the new line came out a few years ago, and then bought a friend's collection when he was looking to sell them. Full blurriness of my phone in full effect, sorry.

I'm not even too sure what I have for the 'Stealers. My plan was to go full Mad Max with pretty much mostly vehicles when I got the Magos and Locus models. ATVs and Bikes, Atalans galore, Rock Grinders, a Baneblade all grunged up. ... Other than a single set of bikes, that hasn't happened, obviously. :rainbowlaugh:

Comments ( 24 )

Nerds rule!

Nerds forever!

Respect! :rainbowdetermined2:

I, for one, think your painting skills are pretty good :derpytongue2: I paint myself, and also a fan of Daughters of Khaine!

Long live Morathi! :rainbowwild:

Looks good!
How many points is that all together?


It is currently at 1736 points with all the wargear. :twilightsmile:

My current list:

HQs: Celestine, 2x Canoness, Triumph of Saint Katherine.
Troops: 3x Battle Sister Squads
Elites: Preacher, Celestine Squad, Zephyrim Squad, Hospitaller
Heavy Support: Retributor Squad, Exorcist, Mortifiers.

Not all that impressive, I know. :twilightblush:


I've been given a few daughters of Khain kits. Well, a Start Collecting and a Khinerai Bloodletters. I've been toying with the idea of using witch aelves to make Repentia. I really don't like the new Repentia models. Especially the lore-break of them having Black Carapace plugs for power armour. Of course, they are further breaking the Repentia/Sisters with having Repentia be a punishment forced onto a Sister, rather than them consigning themselves to the Repentia for a perceived failure/sin. :unsuresweetie:

I am afraid most of what you said went over my head :twilightsheepish: I don't know a lot about 40K, only really AOS.
But Witch Aelves have some nice bits, so I do support the idea of using them to make regular Humans more interesting :derpytongue2:

That's actually a pretty decent amount!

I've personally never went with Sisters myself, being a Space Marine player myself ( Dark Angels are my jam), but I do like the revamped models for the line


I have so many plans for the Order/army too. I got the bulk of my army in the first wave all at once. There is so much I need to get to have a properly well rounded army that I can bring to a game... if we ever get to play again. :pinkiecrazy:


My friends and I have come to the conclusion that AoS has the better rules, models, and releases, but the lore is total poop, while 40k has the lore/setting, but the rules are bad and the models are... hit and miss would be a good description. I have a friend that plays Tyranids, and she is sad about the age of her models. We remind her that, hey, at least she doesn't play Craftworlds, Imperial Guard, or Orks. :trollestia: Meanwhile, my brother who plays Spess Marines is all, 'Stahp! Stahp given me new stuff! We have enough already!' :facehoof:


Indeed! Nerds will inherit the Earth! :twilightsmile:

That last part sounds exactly like the reaction from the people in my local gamestore xp


I'm reaching that point with Sisters in terms of models, units, and options. All I want is sisters on bikes for another fast attack option and the army is fine. Great even. No need for anything more...

And there's no chance of kitbashing and just putting some Sisters on bikes from other models?


Not at my skill. :rainbowlaugh:

Welp, better get practicing then! :pinkiehappy:

Personal, I think they look pretty good. Do you have any other armies, or is it just Sisters?


I have a few Genestealers and Daughters of Khain. I'd like to start a Hedonites army at some point and have been saving up for the Shadow and Pain box set.

Those sisters look great! If you ever decide to do any lining with their armor, I wish you the determination to not waffle as I have with my first SM army. I especially like the cloth, how did you achieve the effect? Was it a wash, a glaze, contrast, or something else?


For the blue on their cloth I used Talassar Blue contrast paint. It can be a bit of a pain to use as it is soooo easy to accidently get it places I don't want it. You can see where I made a bit of a mistake on the Canoness Veridian model with her tabard.

I actually missed that on my first look through. I’ve never worked with Sisters before and I can’t remember playing against someone who used them. I’ve used some contrast paint myself and I’ve found it’s easier to touch up mistakes than with regular paint. Of course, if you’re feeling daring, you could make the little bit that got the inside of the tabard part of a design.

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