• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2012
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Axel Nyan

Eh, No one special.

More Blog Posts101

  • 437 weeks
    Excuses, Clearing the Air and Empty Promises

    So ignore that last post of the similar name, after not having done jack SHIT on this site, I forgot the hotkeys for stuff.

    Who even reads these? Hell, who will even notice?

    So. First things first.

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    0 comments · 442 views
  • 481 weeks
    A toda vela

    De colores,
    de colores se visten los campos en la primavera;

    De colores,
    de colores son los pajarillos que vienen de afuera;

    De colores,
    de colores es al arco iris que vemos lucir.

    Y por eso los grandes amores, de muchos colores, me gusta a mi.

    Canta el gallo,
    canta el gallo con el kiri kiri, kiri kiri kiri, kiri kiri kiri;

    La gallina,

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    0 comments · 350 views
  • 509 weeks
    It's your choice, in the end...


    <You know, it's more exciting if you press the button.>

    "And if I press the button, countless die needlessly."

    <And if you don't, they continue to live their happy, boring little lives. Mindlessly working away at a hard-set schedule, never truly knowing what it's like to live.>

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    0 comments · 349 views
  • 537 weeks
    Oh yeah, i'm still alive.

    and for some reason, i'm not doing ponystuffs. huh. well, have some shenanigans from /write/

    [4:36:21 PM] Axel "Out-Of-The-Hospital-And-Still-Dead-Tired" Nyan: Axel, I wanna caress your hairy butt and whisper sweet nothings about monster trucks and football in your earstrangely, not the weirdest thing i've had said to me, not by a long shot

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    2 comments · 535 views
  • 546 weeks
    [SPOILER] On the newest episode...

    Well, hawt damn! That was actually a pretty good episode.

    So who's driving the wagon?

    2 comments · 370 views

You people don't know how badly I am laughing right now. · 11:34pm Dec 1st, 2012

So, get this. There's this dude, and he's being treated bad by these people, and they're part of a huge group, but they're the lower dregs of the group, so who cares, right? Well, apparently, knighty does. TWE's gone. And I'm not sad. As I said in the title, I'm only laughing. How naive can people be so as to think that deleting the ENTIRE group would do much good? Sure, I can see why he did it. But the only REAL valid reason he had was the group name, which I'll admit, while comically clever, was a big insult if you ended up there as anything other than a member. Unless you WANTED to be there. Or you ended up in the Events! or Padded Cell folders. That aside, the only thing that this solves is that the people who were making us look bad, and we ourselves whom were being insultive pricks, will no longer have the TWE tag to add to our sig. Unless you're like me and you know that the group is never really gone. Anyway, I'm gonna go ahead and leave with these two pics that very clearly reflect what I think right now.

~Axel Nyan, Remnant and Supergrunt of the TWE

Report Axel Nyan · 204 views ·
Comments ( 11 )

Eh, I actually really liked the group, and sometimes they did give advice and try to help, but they've definitely gone over the line too many times, so I can't say it wasn't deserved. It's not particularly fair when new authors are subjected to something along the lines of graffiti tagging. Oh, well.

What I want to know is who/what was harassed enough to have incited the wrath of the olympus. It would have had to have been pretty mean. The comments have probably been deleted by now though.

562236 That's the funny thing. No one really knows. WrathoftheGod says it MIGHT have been him, since he had once told some kid to report the TWE 'cause they were bullies, but no one really knows.

Maybe there wasn't a single incident at all, but rather a few scattered abuses over time. I mean, it's not like the group could control what it's members did in it's name, so I suppose it was inevitable that there would be instances of overstepping common courtesy's. Meh, it's too bad. I enjoyed seeing them swing by now and again.

562288 Heh, well, it's not like they're really gone. Just the group.

What? You think they're going to keep dropping woosh* pics and doing the same stuff?

562325 ... You don know that THAT particular piece of bullshit was one of the first things the group went to stop when we started getting organized, right?

Understandable if the original pioneers never intended for it to be a trolling group. I'll admit I though the train meme pics were funny, especially because the writers rarely knew what it meant, but it was rude and unhelpful. IDK. Lot of mixed opinions going around right now over this. Several people, including myself, feel it kept some of the really bad trash off the site. It was a really messed up way of doing it, but I can't say it didn't get results. Because of their work, random browsing sessions weren't as such big wastes of time, and the average fic level was heightened.

562400 Yes, well, do note that the front page will be a bit clogged in the days to come. With people catching wind of the TWE being deleted, they'll most likely post anything and everything they have.

Yeah, that seems to be the consensus from some. On one side there seem to be cheers for outstanding morality, and on the other, are grumbles because of the inevitable trash pileup that it going to hit. I mean, I saw some of the worst of what they... encouraged, off the site. It was fucking unreal. Hopefully it won't get too bad; Like, fanfiction.net bad, but... Idk. It's selfish and wrong of me to say it but I liked having that filter. We'll have to see...

562478 Well, just be assured that the remaining TWE members won't stop reviewing JUST BECAUSE the group is gone.

:ajsleepy: Dang it...

And I had finally gotten over my fear of Critiquing. DERN IT! I WAS COMPLETELY PREPARED TO GET BLASTED! I WANTED IT! Now what shall I do? TWE was my frame of comparison...5 weeks of mental preparation down the drain...

But seriously, TWE DID provide a necessary service: It made sure you understood there are standards, and people expected you to follow them. Granted, their methods were abrasive, but at least they came out and said "You suck, here's why, try again." instead of just "YOU WROTE BAD AND YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD!" So they brought the smack of reality and gave you a checklist. I count that as a welcome service.

Anyhoo, if you're not too bothered by it, I'll get over it. R.I.P. TWE, ya did what ya could.

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