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“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.” - Patrick Rothfuss

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  • Wednesday
    It Is Recommendsday, My Dudes #167




    And we begin with crime

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  • 1 week
    It Is Recommendsday, My Dudes #166

    Time to move on to the birbs! Continuing the Young Six series, I'm turning this week towards Silverstream. 

    First up: There She Goes! by Miller Minus

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  • 2 weeks
    It Is Recommendsday, My Dudes #165

    So hopping along, the next of the Young Six I'm gonna pull out is Smolder. (This time it's only semi-random: remember me mentioning semillon last week? Yeah, I'm having to actually sort this series to make sure not to feature them twice in a row.) So who am I gonna pull out first for Scoota-dragon?

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  • 3 weeks
    It Is Recommendsday, My Dudes #164

    Right. A month or so ago I mentioned that I was getting ready to launch some bigger thematic batches of stories, which is why I was trying to clear up my new authors folder. The bigger one of those was a focus series on the Student Six, which I'd planned to start as soon as a month came up with five Wednesdays.

    …Yeah I was supposed to start it last week. Bother. 

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  • 3 weeks
    Followers vs. Account Age: A pointless data review: The Return

    Earlier today, I was shooting the shit with Aklinstar about some of the statistics blogs I've done in the past and I noticed there was one I never did an update/follow-up on. I promptly dropped everything to do exactly that, which is because I'm deeply interested in stats and data and not at all because I'm frustrated with the way my

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It Is Recommendsday, My Dudes #3 · 6:10pm Apr 7th, 2021

A rather strong contrast in the two selections today.

First up is a rather sweet, fluffy story - Sweet Carrots by Epic Yarn.

Despite being a very long established set of characters in canon, the Cakes largely have their stories fall into one of two categories: acting as supporting characters to Pinkie Pie or porn. Their lives aren't an area that's been strongly explored - and this story does.

It's a look back to how the two met: appropriately, a baking competition. It's not a complex story, but it's light and cheerful and touching. It's just a read that makes me smile as the pair compete against each other while learning more about who they are. Plus, I mean, it's well written but I figure y'all know I'm not going to be recommending something that's not.

TSweet Carrots
Chiffon Swirl just wants to win the Ponyville Baking Contest. Carrot Cake just wants a certain blue somepony to notice him. Both think this was a bad idea.
Epic Yarn · 12k words  ·  93  1 · 1.2k views

The other story on the block is a far cry from that: The Book of Might Have Beens by the ever excellent Cold in Gardez.

This is easily one of the most emotionally difficult stories I've ever read.

Conceptually, it's fairly simple. Twilight has a magical artifact: a book that, when you write something in it, answers you on what path your life could have taken. Twilight wants to destroy it, but Starlight asks to have it for just one night. This is a horrible mistake.

As I said last week, I'm not really one for horror. This is horror. Not a slasher movie villain or a blood-filled gorefest - but it's still horror. That 'Slice of Life' tag is a total liar.

It's horror because Starlight - a character already dealing with a rocky and problematic past - is faced with not just the choices she's made but the choices she could have made. A darker take on this tale would easily have driven her mad. Gardez keeps it lighter than that, but it's still a psychologically tough read for what it does to her.

And I love it.

TThe Book of Might Have Beens
The book was Twilight Sparkle's greatest creation – ask it any question about how your life might have been and see the answer. It is a work of genius. It is a tempting, insightful, wonderful marvel of magic. It is a terrible mistake.
Cold in Gardez · 8.4k words  ·  953  11 · 10k views

New or catching up? Try Recommendsday: The Index for your story needs!

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Comments ( 3 )

But I read all of these already >:C

Aye, but The Book Of Might Have Beens is good enough to read a fourth time

This is correct!

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