• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2019
  • offline last seen 46 minutes ago


"If you're going faster than the speed of sound, keep going faster." - DangerDean

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  • 2 weeks
    What do you think of this car

    The 2026 Bugatti Tourbillon

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  • 2 weeks
    Here's some I like

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  • 2 weeks
    Danger City Le Mans Hypercar Challenge

    I had this idea with the 2024 Hypercar line up for Le Mans so I thought I do a race with this inspiration

    #1 AMR Wonderbolt Racing - Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR Pro - Rainbow Dash
    #2 Cadillac Racing - Cadillac V.Series - Earl Bamber
    #3 Cadillac Racing - Cadillac V.Series - Scott Dixon
    #4 Porsche Penske Motorsport - Porsche 963 - Felipe Nasr

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  • 6 weeks
    New stuff I like

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  • 6 weeks
    What are your thoughts on...

    A story based on this video I recently watched:

    with the characters: Danger Dean, Sonic Flash, Crimsonia Dragonsfire, Azura Dragonsfire, Blazing Lionfire and Sparkling Lionfire (aka Crimson Firestorm)

    0 comments · 24 views

New Story Idea. · 9:01pm Apr 7th, 2021

Hey guys, the only pegasus that has a Masters degree on Oscura torturing, DangerDean here and I have a idea for an upcoming story and it might be a follow-up to this story: F1 Equestria: Duels of the Century by Akula966 (one of my favourite, go and check it out if anyone hasn't already), you see I planning to have a race on the DangerDrive Motorsport Park (in the DangerVerse) but I'm not going to publish it until Akula's F1 story is finished, So that would give me some time to plan out the teams. The teams are a mix between what you know and love in the F1 story and some DangerVerse teams and I think that whoever is in the leaderboard in the previous story, will be automatically qualified for that place on the starting grid. For example, if one of the drivers, e.g. Fluttershy finished 5th in the driver's championship, she will be qualified 5th in the race.

The story is called (though it's a working title): Grand Prix of the Heroes

Do you want me to reveal the DangerVerse teams are and who drives for them and their numbers in a future blog post?

Report DangerDean · 172 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

Nice concept

Honestly I’d like to join in on that action.

I know you’re not doing collabs at the moment but still

That's something to consider

Do you want to give the car names but I'll put an asterisk 'cause they are DV cars'

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