• Member Since 14th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 43 minutes ago


I like big ponies and I cannot lie.

More Blog Posts931

  • 9 weeks
    Fun Police People?

    Just think about it, you and a couple of friends are watching classic South Park or something edgy. And then, some person comes who's not even a fan of it, demands changes (censorship) or outright turns off the program. Just why do people do this? Why do they ruin everyone's fun?

    13 comments · 193 views
  • 14 weeks
    A story based on this image would be nice

    I think it would be quite cute. Art by icey.

    derpibooru link: https://derpibooru.org/images/3327595

    3 comments · 184 views
  • 20 weeks
    My thoughts on Stellar Blade

    Her ass is not fat enough. That is all.

    Ponies got much better asses.

    2 comments · 227 views
  • 33 weeks
    MLP Gen5 Butts are too small

    Seriously, they are. This is by far the most important issue, if they made their asses fatter it would improve viewership. If they made the ponies thicc prudes would complain, which would only draw in even more viewers. Twilight Sparkle, the protagonist of the series has a fat ass, and her teacher Princess Celestia, who's ass is even fatter.

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    16 comments · 391 views
  • 36 weeks
    I don't like anthro

    The main reason is uncanny valley. When something looks human but not quite. A perfect example would be a robot trying to mimic being human, it looks unsettling. It's somewhat insulting towards the ponies, you have Twilight Sparkle there a beautiful unicorn and you can't embrace her just because she's not fully in human shape, even though she has all the qualifications to be a sapient-minded

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    17 comments · 301 views

Did you ever write a hatefic/reactfic? · 4:26pm Apr 8th, 2021

I am guilty of this sort of thing. If you dig through some of my older works, you will find many. Most tend to be mocking parodies of stories I dislike heavily. Though some not really hatefics, more like reactfics.

Report Bendy · 109 views · #hatefic #writing
Comments ( 5 )

Most my parody-fics/trollfics are hatefics in a certain capacity.

Never knew that was a thing

I haven't technically written it yet, but there is a detour in the seven year plan to deal with the caribou.


I was tempted a few times, but decided not to :unsuresweetie:.

I've wanted to do that quite a few times. And I dont think its unreasonable. LIke, I wanted to do a more realistic take on the Ending story. One that would hopefully plug a few holes in the story and take in elements of other peoples sequels that I liked, while over all toning it down. A part of my feels a little guilt about that because I'd be making it for myself than anyone else, but maybe its alright to write like that

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