• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2019
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"If you're going faster than the speed of sound, keep going faster." - DangerDean

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Drivers for the New Story Idea · 1:20am Apr 9th, 2021

There are as follows:
Midnight Skies (MID) No. 4 : Bugatti (Bugatti T252*)
Sunset Shimmer (SUN) No. 6 : Audi Sport (Audi R19 e-tron*)
Shadow Wings (SHA) No. 9 : Jaguar (Jaguar R6*)
Blazing 'Blazey' Lionfire (BLL) No. 11 : Chaparral (Chaparral 2Z-19*)
Sparkling 'Sparky' Lionfire (SPL) No. 12 : Chaparral (Chaparral 2Z-19*)
Inferno Tempest (INF) No. 16 : Nemesis (Nemesis NGP19*)
Diamond Rush (DIR) No. 18 : Bugatti (Bugatti T252*)
Celeste Flame (CEF) No. 20 : Toyota (Toyota TFSO-19*)
Sonata Dusk (SON) No. 22 : Bentley (Bentley EXP19*)
Starlight Glimmer (STA) No. 25 : Bentley (Bentley EXP19*)
Trixie Lulamoon (TRI) No. 26 : Bentley (Bentley EXP19*)
Arietta Sky (ARS) No. 28 : Toyota (Toyota TFSO-19*)
Adagio Dazzle (ADA) No. 69 : Audi Sport (Audi R19 e-tron*)
Estrella Dragonheart (EST) No. 73 : Nemesis (Nemesis NGP19*)
Azure Flame (AZF) No. 74 : Bugatti (Bugatti T252*)
Black Flame (BLF) No. 75 : Lamborghini Squadra Corse (Lamborghini TZ-MMXIX*)
Rolling Thunder (RTH) No. 76 : Koenigsegg (Koenigsegg CVK-019*)
Rotten Apple (ROA) No. 107 : Jaguar (Jaguar R6*)
Lolestra Maledicta (LOM) No. 113 : Koenigsegg (Koenigsegg CVK-019*)
Aria Blaze (ARI) No. 114 : Lamborghini Squadra Corse (Lamborghini TZ-MMXIX*)
Vapor Trail (VPT) No. 119 : Lamborghini Squadra Corse (Lamborghini TZ-MMXIX*)
Anti-Pinks (ANP) No. 221 : Jaguar (Jaguar R6*)
Miranda Maledicta (MIM) No. 273 : Nemesis (Nemesis NGP19*)

(*DangerVerse Car)

Report DangerDean · 181 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

Actually Akula, this is planned to be a follow-up to F1 Equestria where both universes would race. Don’t worry, you are in it.

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