• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2012
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Axel Nyan

Eh, No one special.

More Blog Posts101

  • 437 weeks
    Excuses, Clearing the Air and Empty Promises

    So ignore that last post of the similar name, after not having done jack SHIT on this site, I forgot the hotkeys for stuff.

    Who even reads these? Hell, who will even notice?

    So. First things first.

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    0 comments · 442 views
  • 481 weeks
    A toda vela

    De colores,
    de colores se visten los campos en la primavera;

    De colores,
    de colores son los pajarillos que vienen de afuera;

    De colores,
    de colores es al arco iris que vemos lucir.

    Y por eso los grandes amores, de muchos colores, me gusta a mi.

    Canta el gallo,
    canta el gallo con el kiri kiri, kiri kiri kiri, kiri kiri kiri;

    La gallina,

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    0 comments · 350 views
  • 509 weeks
    It's your choice, in the end...


    <You know, it's more exciting if you press the button.>

    "And if I press the button, countless die needlessly."

    <And if you don't, they continue to live their happy, boring little lives. Mindlessly working away at a hard-set schedule, never truly knowing what it's like to live.>

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    0 comments · 349 views
  • 537 weeks
    Oh yeah, i'm still alive.

    and for some reason, i'm not doing ponystuffs. huh. well, have some shenanigans from /write/

    [4:36:21 PM] Axel "Out-Of-The-Hospital-And-Still-Dead-Tired" Nyan: Axel, I wanna caress your hairy butt and whisper sweet nothings about monster trucks and football in your earstrangely, not the weirdest thing i've had said to me, not by a long shot

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    2 comments · 535 views
  • 546 weeks
    [SPOILER] On the newest episode...

    Well, hawt damn! That was actually a pretty good episode.

    So who's driving the wagon?

    2 comments · 370 views

Just a small note. · 3:08am Dec 2nd, 2012

Since I took part in a troll crusade, of which I will admit loud and proud, I will most likely be banned in the near future. Just thought I'd let you all know.

Report Axel Nyan · 84 views ·
Comments ( 10 )

what happened?

562329 Since the TWE got deleted for an inane reason, some of us decided to trolololol and went over to some story you might have noticed floating around the popular stories list that was originally what would be considered 'bad'. We trolled and got it all the way up there just because we wanted to throw irony in their faces. A certain mod caught on, and has now banned a couple of the people. You know, for being trolls. On a site that has TROLLfics.


562372 okay then, one more question, what's TWE?
edit: never mind

562383 Ah, The Train Wreck Explorers, a group that WAS dedicated to searching through the badfics and trying to find the gold nugget covered in shit among the, *ahem* wrecks around it. Some of the people on the group had taken it a bit too far in it's purpose and had been too harsh. While honesty was what was needed, they overdosed on it. That being said, there were also people on the OTHER side of the field who took the criticism that was given to them, often times it was criticism that was accompanied by an offer to help them fix their fic, as an affront to their knowledge or person or such. Eventually, someone whined too much for knighty to bear, so he just up and deleted the group, hiding behind the "they are bullies" bull shit excuse.

562421 Ah, I do that sometimes looking for new fics

562441 Do what, if I may ask?

562447 look for a gem of a fanfic among the dirt of the bad ones

562464 Ah. I still do that. Hell, did it long before all of this.

While I think what you all did was rather childish and dumb.

It was fucking hilarious. Well... At least you went out kicking.

562576 Hm. I regret not a damn thing. It may have been a shitty thing to do. The author involved may be insulted. But I stopped giving a damn. Hell, the only reason I stopped was because a friend asked me to stop. I would have gladly kept it going had he not told me to stop.

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