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  • 42 weeks
    Would you look at that?

    Hey there, hello. Hope this finds you well.

    I was looking at my profile a few days ago when I noticed something pretty striking. August 19, 2013, the day I first created this account, was almost ten years ago. Today, it is ten years ago, exactly. A whole decade. For whatever reason that felt a bit like like getting full-on slapped across the face out of nowhere.

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  • 63 weeks
    Voiced Reading

    Hi, all,

    Thanks to the efforts of one Fire Hearth, What a Strange Little Colt now has a reading on youtube! If you're interested in that sort of thing, why don't you go and take a look?

    That's all for today. Until next time,


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  • 128 weeks
    About the Story Hiatus

    Hi, all,

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  • 134 weeks
    Upcoming Interview With the Barcast

    Hey, all,

    I've been invited to go onto The Barcast Podcast for an interview this Saturday, November 13, from 7-9 PM Eastern Time. I'm looking forward to it!

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  • 136 weeks
    New Story

    Hello, everyone, and welcome!

    As you may have seen, I’ve just posted my newest fic: Her Eyes Reflect the Stars! Wow, it took some effort to finish but I got it out just in time to send off the spooky season.

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What a Strange Little Colt - Afterward · 1:32am Apr 24th, 2021

Hello, everyone, and welcome!

This is my little extended final author's note for What a Strange Little Colt. I didn't want to clutter the story page itself with my miscellaneous collection of thoughts that I wanted to share, so this is my way of keeping separate subjects separate. If you haven't finished it, stop reading now, as this post contains spoilers.

If you're looking for the word 'sequel' then you're in the right place. If that's all you're here for and you don't want to read this post, that's fine! Just scroll down to the bottom and look for the last paragraph.

First off, thank you very much for reading! Thank you for all the feedback, and wonderful comments! I'm happy that people seem to like my story, and it's very encouraging! I really appreciate all the kind words. Even if you didn't like the ending, or preferred the slice of life sections over the dramatic stuff or vice-versa, I'm still very glad you took the time to read my work, especially if you sent some constructive feedback my way, and there was tons of that.

So, What a Strange Little Colt is finished, and wow, was the posting process so much more than I thought it would be. Hopefully, you enjoyed the ending! It took me a while to nail down exactly which ending I liked the most, (I considered a number of other endings, a couple of which would have required the 'sad' and 'dark' tags, and none of which I liked as much) and even then, I still had trouble tweaking it to feel how I wanted. With any luck, you enjoyed it as much as I do.

Of course, the story isn't perfect. I have a list of edits and tweaks to make to the story beats/character reactions as well as cleaning up paragraphing and making the punctuation internally consistent. Just housekeeping. I'll also probably also clean up the authors' notes and remove anything related to the active posting of the story.

Some of you may have noticed that I mentioned in an early comment that the story was about 95k words. Obviously, that didn't pan out. Between tweaking my wordplay over all but the first 3 chapters and adding a number of short scenes across the story, I somehow funneled an extra 10k words into it. Didn't plan on it, but I think it worked out. Weird little quirk, I guess, but I felt like explaining myself, so there.

And finally, the sequel. Short answer: yep, eventually. I plan on writing a sequel to What a Strange Little Colt, I have some fun ideas for Gabriel's future in Equestria, and I'd like to get them down on paper, so to speak. However, I have other issues to handle, and after that, another story I want to finish and post. I think it's pretty interesting, but that one isn't even halfway done, so, uh, don't hold your breath.

It'll be a little while, but I'll be back.

That's all for now. I hope to see you all again soon.
Until next time,

Update 7/1/21:
This story now has a small side fic!

Report Lynwood · 11,124 views · Story: What a Strange Little Colt ·
Comments ( 82 )

Hey, as long as the possibility for a sequel is still there, that's fine with me. If you ever need any help at all with any of this (your other story, the sequel, whatever), you have me in your corner.

Considering the low number of stories you have under your belt, you are really lucky to have had a story take off like "Strange Little Colt."
Sure, that will come with the criticisms since you are still evolving as a writer and that's valid (I know I'VE gone through that.), but having a hit just means you can get more constructive feedback!

Considering your last chapter and epilogue there are A LOT of story threads you can follow in the sequel, so I'll wait as long as I need to in order to see it. If you ever feel the compulsion to ask for assistance or need a sounding board (I've always found it useful for me), you've got one.

In the meantime, you've DEFINITELY earned a follow and I can't wait to see what you do next and how you AND Gabe will evolve.

BTW, at what point in canon are we right now in Stange Little Colt? Obviously show episodes occurring won't be EVERY chapter, but it'd be nice to know what's in store. In the end, Gabe being an "oracle" is only just part of the story now.

The most important thing you did in this story is establish Gabe's core support base that will always be by his side no matter what: Rainbow, Sandy, the CMC, and Luna (Obviously this can still change with time, but for now this, with one story, this is good). You did that REALLY well. Now that everything's out in the open, all that's left to explore the consequences and how that effects Gabe's new life.

Can you tell I'm excited even though it's still probably several months before the sequel is published?

Anyway, thanks for the Afterward and good luck with your other ventures!

Woo! A Sequel. And that is some nice teaser art for the sequel.

B_25 #3 · Apr 24th, 2021 · · 2 ·

I'm gay

The most important thing you did in this story is establish Gabe's core support base that will always be by his side no matter what: Rainbow, Sandy, the CMC, and Luna (Obviously this can still change with time, but for now this, with one story, this is good). You did that REALLY well. Now that everything's out in the open, all that's left to explore the consequences and how that effects Gabe's new life.

This, right here, is why I said in a previous comment that the story felt like the intro to a much larger work. There is just SO MUCH left to explore. All that has really happened so far is to solidify the setting. There are still things like how Gabe's presence changes the show canon, or his relationship with the other foals (esp. Scoots and DT) that need exploring.

On a different note, I'm glad you went with the ending you did. I'm not really a fan of downer endings.

Lastly, just for speculation, I wonder if the girls will pick up on Gabe's unconscious habits. Having lived with someone who suffers severe PTSD, when they know something is going to happen, they HAVE to prepare somehow. So eventually someone will notice that he, for example, puts together a go-bag just before any major event.

Personally, I would love to see more of the human world, either as flashbacks or, if you are felling up to it, a crossover, in the sequel. Of course the story mostly focuses on Gabriel, so finding away to do something like that might be difficult. Either way, I am interested in reading the sequel and hope to learn more about Gabriel’s history one way or another.

You are pog

It's in a good place, this story. I hope you visit it again soon.

This story was fantastic to read through! It's truly been a fun experience so far and I can't wait to see where you take it! It'll be interesting to see how this develops over time and with the wealth of materiel you have to dig through from the show itself, it'll be fantastic to see how you weave Gabe into it! Plus hey, it has Rainbow Dash! Any story containing her is automatically 20% cooler by osmosis.

This was a very good story, one that reminded me of the golden days back when the fandom was young and everything was still fresh and new. I loved it the whole way through, both slice of life parts along with Twilight and Inquisitor Glass' drama hour. I had tons of fun brainstorming with people and trying to figure out what exactly Gabe was and where the story was going. I will be completely and utterly honest though, your mention of a sequel worries me.

Both from my own experiences writing and countless experiences in media, a sequel born of demand and not a story needing to be told at best is bad and at worst can retroactively ruin a good story. Since this story already feels so complete I am filled with dread that any sequel will not be the same lightning in a bottle and take the happy ending we have and somehow break it. Perhaps it is just my own paranoia and tendency towards darkness, but I can only see any such sequels carrying a very heavy "Dark" tag.

I'm glad to have come along for the ride, and I cant wait for whatever you got planned.

I will watch your career with great interest.....

It was an amazing story with an amazing ending. Looks forward to reading the seequel. :rainbowkiss:

Truthfully? I'd gladly settle for a simple slice of life episodic type thing that expounds a bit on the relationships forged in this story. I would also be interested in a grand epic of some sort featuring many of these same characters...lol This is one of the best reads I've had in a good long while that wasn't rereading something I had already carved through in days past. I am sad to see it end, but pleased it ended so well. It's also the first story I've actively mashed refresh on my feed hoping for a browser glitch being the reason it wasn't showing up... lol

Well said, i was going to say the same thing, but i think I’ll just say “me too.”

Great stuff. I really loved the story and I know you said the next one is a ways away. But just know so long as I draw breath you have a reader

I can understand your point. Having a sequel done comes with the worry that it will not be as good as the one before it.

However, I would like to argue that based on how much tid-bits of information subtly sprinkled around within the story (Celestia's long-game interest in what Gabriel knows, possible side-effects of two Alicorn soul pieces within one body, building relationship/friendship with Luna), our respected Author Lyn already had some ideas towards the future before finishing this first story. So it would eventually be a sequel written not because people wanted it, but because there is just that much more story to tell.

Beyond that, I can say that I had a pleasurable time reading What a Strange Little Colt with you all.

You've gained more followers from this, me included

The comfiest ending to a wonderful story.
I am eagerly looking forward to whatever you write after this - you have an amazing creative-mind and I can't wait to see what happens next in Gabriel (my little brother's name, incidentally) life!

Yes you landed the story with the best possible ending in my opinion, and you did a very graceful and smooth landing at the end of it making it feel whole right after the turmoil of feels, what many authors lack in fimfic is the disability of landing a story at the end without "crashing" it. A fine example is a story like "That others may live" a story about 2 humans thrusted into Equestria in search for a lost VIP, this guys are military and the story is more military guided but there is a little bit of everything in it, In that story I felt that the author either got tired of writing and just made an emergency ending to not tag the story as "Hiatus" or the author wanted to end the story the way it ended. It has so little likes even less than what I remember it having due to the last 3 to 2 chapters. The story was initially a bit dark but what was attractive of it was 2 characters, an equestrian and a human grunt that everyone wanted to see them together or at least at a good ending "happy" at least somewhat, but the author decided to show how fate can be very cruel and SPOILERS AHEAD and killed the guy the pony was very close to. I have to admit the shock of it was great, specially because it was at the end of it all when almost at the finish-line, the romeo died a tragic death on his way from the last mission and the pony got to see her close friend still warm corps carried out of a chariot. The story ended one chapter after that describing the loss of the pony, her faith on her kind dashed and built a hatred towards the princesses The story left me with a bad taste in the mouth, it was all very good until you reach the end to swallow a bitter pill and then suddenly it all just ended there. it stirred a feeling of left floating and falling, disoriented and bitter.
Your story is the exact opposite to that thank God hehe.
you managed an engaging starting point, then a good slow burn plot with small mini climaxes and ending it in the big climax and then smooth it all out into a pleasant lul or a promising cliffhanger for a "to be continued". To me at least thats my favorite pace of story hence why I loved this one very much.

We will watch your career with great interest :)

While the majority of the story was good, the ending just killed it. If there IS a sequel, that could be where you ultimately fix the problem with the story. Namely this notion that it is a rightful and just thing that Gabriel, the victim, sacrifices himself to the villian so that they might live and not face the consequences of their mideeds.

For that notion to be set into place and never be erased says that Gabriel is living by a philosophy that the selfish desires of another are worth more than his own right to be happy and alive. And that's just a horrible and miserable way for anyone to live, which is why the ending doesn't work, because tries to tell the reader that a bad thing is actually good.

For a sequel?

Jokes aside, am very happy to hear about q possibility of a sequel. The story's great!

Eagerily awaiting for more content from you

Oh my...GOD. 105k words in under 2 months? That's 2k words under the Harry Potter: The Prison of Azkaban.

...Tho, I do suppose writing a fanfic is slightly easier than coming up with an entirely new world and keeping continuing plot lines...

Anyways!, I loved the story! Looking forward to more work from you in the future! My only regret is I never noticed to change the tag on the story from Tracking to Favorite, until now (where it goes in my Favorite. Would Read Again list.)

Can't wait to see what you put out next, even if it's not an extension of Gabriel's story. Truly inspiring stuff.

Honestly, this story took most anticipated as soon as I read the first few chapters. Great job. Inspires me to go back and write again. Thanks for that and this story. I hope to see more soon!

Strange Colt vs Discord

That’s going to be a fun match to watch also... it would be funny to annoy Discord by yelling out false things of him like “Discord has hots for Rainbow” that way Rainbow comes out of nowhere and beats Discord up :rainbowwild:

:rainbowderp: Oh the Wedding would be one interesting event for the colt. Hopefully he doesn’t get bit by love... He probably should stay far away from Cadence since she is a walking ship shooter... :trollestia:

Hopefully he gets to fly. Thank you for the story!

Can't wait to read one of you stories again!

I liked it a lot, thankyou. I look forward to the next one greatly :)

That was an awesome story! Kept me interested and excited everytime I saw an update posted. It has been a long while since I last had a story so captivate me and it was a very refreshing change of pace. I look forward to any sequel you have planned, but even if one never materializes, I am more than content with how this one went and ended. You have some serious talent!

It was very well written. I will be pleased when the sequel eventually comes out in due time

Hehe, think of it this way:
There is no clear villan or hero, everything is just various shades of gray in this particular situation: Gabriel is not 100% right in the head due to past war and loss trauma he lived through, it was implied that he felt guilty for his sister's death, It was implied that he hates and despises loosing friends/good people. And he lost everything back in Earth. That carries a tremendous survivor's guilt.
Then you have the Princess that screwd her spell, in the last chapter before epilogue Luna describes how she made the mistake and admits the risk of summoning something at a VERY FAR distance, before that Princess Celestia never considered that something like Gabe could happen in her panic and rushing of things, the Spook stallion that brainwashed twilight was carried by ambition to serve and be rewarded by the crown, sort of fanatic towards the crown. Point is they all made mistakes that led them to this situation and so you cant just blame Luna, now even if you could there still is the fact that Luna poses an important role in equestria, if Luna was to die who is to say Celestia would not grow depressed knowing she was to live her life alone to see all friends wither and die for she is immortal and not having that hope and anchor of her sister would drive her mad eventually probably to a point of becoming a villian herself. And destroying the world in a fit of madness? Gabriel identified that Luna was 1 of the 2 immortal supperpowered demigods that give direct inputs to the whole of their planet based on their moods and thoughts. Direct inmediate and also long teem input on the fate of the world, If you kill 1 of those 2 fate will be inmediately unkind to Equestria. Gabe identified the impossible level of importance the survival of those 2 demigods meant. And so with no other option that would be better he made the correct choice. Give equestria a chance to not fall into dissaray in combination with the "survivors guilt syndrome" he was experiencing. It makes perfect sense things turn out how they did. Even the part of Luna and Cell reviving him in a jurry rigged shared spell that was way easier than other world summoning bevause Gabe was already a Colt and was already existing there. I should go sleep im ranting hehe.

Err did you read the story? You said it was good until the ending because of gabe's philosophy, while the whole time he's had survivors guilt and it's heavily foreshadowed he's gonna sacrifice himself. Luna mutilating herself and him being able to save her makes her an idiot, but hardly a villain.

I could see Apple Bloom being the one that does this. She's the de-facto leader of the CMC, plus she has enough responsibility and awareness combined to notice Gabe's tendencies and know the best ways she knows her can help him deal with it.

Considering Luna visits Gabe's dreams, perhaps we can see more of the human world through her.

Remember, the ONE rule in this story is that we NEVER go to Gabe's perspective. Not saying that there might not be a good reason in the future to break that rule, but for now, that's what we're working with.

ArcherStern woke up and decided to speak facts.



would that image be the cover for the sequel?:rainbowhuh:
I only ask. because it looks like an earth pony:rainbowderp:

A slice of life sequel would be interesting.

Especially because of how Twilight’s development would be effected after the evens of the story. Rainbow’s development in the show would change sure, but Twilight’s actions and choices have a greater impact on the future/state of Equestria.

A story behind Gabriel’s cutie mark would be very interesting...
As well as what happened regarding his soul, what does it mean for him and the Princesses?
Diamonds’s change in attitude would most certainly effect the future of the CMC.

Personally I don’t want to see Looking again outside of minor roles, he was a brilliant character and he filled his role in the story perfectly, but he corrupted best :twilightangry2: pony, and that is an unforgivable offence.

Don’t know what you could do with Sandy, her development has kinda reached it’s climax.

It will be interesting to see how the School of Friendship and anything involving Starlight will be effected/handled in the sequel, but that might be thinking ahead jusssst a bit.

Changlelings are going to be hilarious, I can tell. Can’t wait to see where his relationship with the CMC go’s (especially with a certain unicorn :raritywink:).

Spike... you have something planned for Spike, I can tell. Maybe an arc about his relationship with Twilight or Gabriel, I don’t know. But I do know you’ve got something...

Can’t wait for the sequel, but let me guess, It’s going to take a while?
If it is, then know that I for one will be eagerly waiting like a kid on Christmas morning!

I’m glad to hear you have a sequel in mind. I loved evert single minute of “What a Strange Little Colt”. Thank you for creating and sharing.


Ah yes, I cannot wait to read the sequel: What a Strange Little Filly feat. Rachel

Pure speculation of course but I’d like to think there’s a lot there. Especially with the possibility of Looking Glass returning as an antagonist and the harmful side affects of both soul pieces being inside Gabriel.

Thank you for your offer to help! It means the world to me.

Yes! I consider Strange Little Colt's success to be mostly luck - and the fact that people like HiE. I didn't write the story to be popular, I wrote it for my tastes. It turned out pretty good, though! Hooray!

As for the point in canon, this line from The First Choice is the single best hint at the story's place in the timeline.

even young Cadenza called her 'Auntie'... though with her plans for that stallion of hers she’d been rather distant as of late.

I'm glad you're excited, that makes me excited too! Thank you, and good luck to you too!

Thank you! It was kind of last-minute, hah...


Thank you. I spent a long time picking that ending.

Thanks, Sonic. There'll be more about Earth, don't you worry.

This comment is pog.

Thank you!

There's a lot of material to go through. I'm going to finish watching the show first, though.

Funny you mention the old days. I remember back in '15 and '14, even '13 and '12, before I even made an account, when I read the most fics. (Fallout Equestria: Heroes is to blame for hooking me on this site) I've been in and out since, oh, I dunno, maybe '16 just because of life. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that the fact the story reminded you of that wasn't a coincidence.

As for the lighting in a bottle thing, I'm not going to pretend like I can catch it again whenever I want. I'm gonna write a story that I like, and post it, same as I did this one. If people like it, great. If not, then that's too bad, but I don't have to plans to write for anyone but myself. Think of that what you will.

Can't say anything about tags because I haven't even decided that myself. Food for thought, though.

Thank you! Glad to have you around.

What's that? Something tales about very wise darths?

Thanks very much, yeah!

Haha! I'm glad to see that you're interested Gabe's story.

I'm flattered, really and truly. Means a lot.

Hit the nail on the head, there. Glad you had a good time reading.

Yeah, a fair few more than I expected.

Thank you! I love comfy too.
I wish Gabriel the best.

I'm really glad you think so. Thank you again for reading.

Hah! Thank you, truly.

Thank you!

More like five and a half months. I wrote the whole story before I started posting, and I only wrote a few scenes and did a bunch of editing during the process. I'm glad you liked it!

It's its own thing, but hopefully, people will be as interested in it as I am.

I'm super happy to hear that you enjoyed it and that I inspired you! Good luck writing!

You're very welcome. Thank you for reading.

Thank you!

Me too!

Thank you very much! It's good to know that even if something happens or things fall through, people are happy with what's there.

Thank you!

Thank you very much!!!!

It's not a cover for the sequel, it's just some art I made very quickly when I got inspired. Holy hell I forgot the dang wing. Edit: It bothered me too much. I fixed it.

Funny you mention christmas... I'm just kidding. I have no idea when a sequel would post.
I'm glad you liked the story! Thank you for reading and all your feedback.

Thanks very much! I'm glad you like it.

I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thank you very much.

I loved this story, and I think that this story will remain in my Favorites shelf for the rest of time

Well That's awesome, we're going to get a new story and probably a sequel.
Now as much as I like to see them Please don't over do yourself bud, I know you'll want to write your next story and you have to deal with irl stuff.
Just remember I (and probably good bit of your readers/followers) Don't mind waiting, you can take your time with this.
And with that I wish you a great day/night and keep on going bud.

This is a great story! Can’t wait for more! This will be on my favourites shelf until the sun turns pink.

Not just Gabe's actually. You did an amazing job with his caseworker. Heck, she was interesting enough that I would be interested reading a thing about her exclusively. Luna's motivations as well are an interesting tale unto themselves. The Agent? His story is also a fascinating one in many respects. His early familiarity with Twilight and his arc I to who he ultimately became is a very interesting story. A tale of his response to these events and how he ultimately feels about it all is also very interesting. Heck, these precise events told from his PoV would be a fun read.

My point: Your skills with creating in depth and interesting characters that feel like actual living breathing people is an impressive skill. It's one that many professional authors struggle with across a host of genres. Nine times out of ten, the only characters in much of modern fiction worth paying attention to are the main cast that is front and center and nobody else. You managed to make, "Sir Not Appearing In This Film," (Luna's Love Interest, in case the joke there fell flat) into a compelling character that I am willing to bet a host of folks would love to read about.

If you ever do elect to go professional with your writing, please, let those of us who lurk on this site know. I'm reasonably confident that you have a built in buyer base for any novel you may choose to write. :)


This is amazing I love it keep it up

Congrats again on your story's reception. You worked hard and it paid off.

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