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My Little Pony: Age of War · 3:34am May 13th, 2021

So, I've kinda been working on this little lore thing of mine in my spare time when I'm not writing fanfiction or comic or my original novel. Seeing so many "Equestria At War" stuff and things of that nature has always made me want to do something like that. Over time, ideas have started to come up and now I'm writing lore stuff to go with this sort of idea I have in my head that is a major AU in a war time for all of Equus. I'm not sure if I'll make it into a fanfic, lore books, game thing, or just post it for fun. But I'm having fun with it and I figured I'd give you a little bit of what the factions are like without giving too much away.

A lot of it is still in the works, but I wouldn't mind hearing some thoughts. Feel free to ask questions and I'll answer what I can.


1. The Holy Solar Empire of Equestria

Leader: Prophet Queen Celestia Del Sol of Equestria

Political System: Theocratic Monarchy

Religion: The Way of Harmony (Polytheistic and Philosophy based) 

Racial Population Level: Earth Ponies (Majority), Unicorn Ponies (Majority), Pegasus Ponies(Majority), Deer (Majority), Fairy Ponies (Majority), Griffins (Minority), Minotaurs (Minority), Crystal Ponies (Minority), Diamond Dogs (Minority), Buffalo (Minority),

Bio: Upon becoming Queen of Equestria after the death of her mother, Queen Aeteru, Queen Celestia claimed to have a vision from her mother who she swore had become a goddess and Celestia was to be the prophet for a new faith called The Way of Harmony . The Way of Harmony is a belief system that combines the virtues of the Elements and faith to the gods in a philosophy that opens and unites all races into one united religion and order. Queen believed it was Equestria's destiny to unite all lands into one united harmony nation with alicorns leading them into a bright holy future. While half the nation began to worship this religion, Princess Luna, her sister, and believed Celestia had gone mad so she refused to follow and split the country into two. Now known as the Prophet-Queen, Celestia seeks to use either diplomacy or force to unite all of the worlds races into one nation and faith to bring heaven upon earth while casting down the heretical faiths and governments of the ignorant and purge the world of the wicked.

2. The Grand Lunar Imperium of Equestria 

Leader: Imperatrix General Luna Le Nocturna of Equestria

Political System: Military-Dictatorship

Religion: Traditional Pony Faith (Polytheistic)

Racial Population Level: Earth Ponies (Majority), Unicorn Ponies (Majority), Pegasus Ponies(Majority), Threshal Ponies (Majority), Lycan Ponies (Majority), Elf Ponies (Majority), Crystal Ponies (Minority), Kirin (Minority) (All non-pony predator races are exterminated while non-pony non-predator races live in isolate prison towns due to the nations xenophobic distrust of non-ponies)

Bio: While Queen Aeteru was in power, Princess Luna sought a career in the military. Princess Luna spent years fighting against the various enemies of Equestria where she and her troops were forced to stop the attacks of predator races such as griffins, dragons, and changelings who threatened her people. She also grew close to the Threshal and Lycan pony races who had been feared and mistreated by other ponies for their appearance and manners, but Luna saw them as fellow ponies. When her sister became Queen upon their mother's death, Celesia began ruling as a leader of a new religion that saw not only forsaking the traditions of their people, but also welcoming non-ponies into their borders. The final straw came when Celestia proclaimed that Threshal and Lycan ponies were cursed and needed to be purged. Unable to sit by any longer, Princess Luna rebelled and took half the nation with her. She now seeks to bring a world where all ponies and pony like creatures will be safe and rule this world with all predators eliminated and non-ponies ruled by ponykind.

3. The Confederacy of United Hives

Leader: High Queen Chrysalis 

Political System: Elective Monarchy

Religion: The Celestial Hive (Polytheistic) 

Racial Population Level: Changelings (Majority) Earth Ponies (Slaves), Unicorn Ponies (Slaves), Pegasus Ponies (Slaves), Threshal Ponies (Slaves), Lycan Ponies (Slaves), Elf Ponies (Slaves), Fairy Ponies (Slaves), Deer (Slaves), Minotaurs, (Slaves), Diamond Dogs (Slaves), Hippogriffs (Slaves), Buffalo (Slaves), Yaks (Slaves), Griffins (Slaves), Abysians (Slaves), Zebras (Slaves), Kirin (Slaves)

Bio: Since the dawn of time the changeling race has been persecuted and faced multiple attempts at genocide from other nations due to their appearance and abilities. Many hives were lost, even those of peaceful nature, and if the hives fought back, they were soon slaughtered by greater armies. The changeling hives realized that the world would never accept them and were starting to starve to death due to their need to eat love. It took all the Queens and Kings of each hive to come together for the first time in hundreds of years to decide a course of action. In the end it was decided to unite themselves as confederacy of hives where each hive respects the traditions, laws, and placements of the other hives, but there is a functioning government to help command and lead them for external issues and upload changeling law. The Queens and Kings all voted and King Stag of Hive Greenhorn was chosen as their first High King who helped revive the hives loves by establishing the Changeling Slave Trade. Allowing their people to no longer starve. Since then, High Kings and Queens have come and gone, with the current now being High Queen Chrysalis of Hive Camarilla who seeks to take over more lands to increase their power.

4. The Republic of Griffonia

Leader: Electorate Leader Weyden Ashfeather  

Political System: Federal Republic  

Religion: Aeonism (Monotheist) is the most popular religion, but there is freedom of religion so there are multiple faiths

Racial Population Level: Griffins (Majority), Saddle Arabians (Majority), Sirens (Majority), Zebras (Majority), Pegasus Ponies (Minority), Hippogriffs (Minority), Abyssians (Minority), Diamond Dogs (Minority), Yaks (Minority), Gargoyles (Minority), Kirin (Minority)

Bio: The Griffins of Griffonia originally were a powerful empire of advance science and technology that ruled for hundreds of years until corruption and tyranny sent the nation into a grand revolution that saw the overthrow of the royal family. However, with nothing to rule them, the provinces fell into disarray and independent leadership until one province, Eagleton, had some of its brightest griffins known as the Founding Falcons establish a new form of government never seen before. One where the people elected its representatives in a government known as "The Senate" as well as vote in the leader of their nation known as "The Electorate Leader" for a number of years. This Republic soon began to spread across the lands, either through diplomacy or conquest, and established the Republic of Griffonia. However, various politicians, businessmen, and others of interest believed that their way of life needed to be spread across the world to establish freedom and true liberty and as such begins their crusade to liberate the world from the tyrannic ruler ships of past governments and into the democratic age of enlightenment.

5. The Northern Crystal Empire

Leader: Emperor Sombra  

Political System: Social Imperialism

Religion: Various Spiritual and Pagan Religions, but all are state controlled

Racial Population Level: Crystal Ponies (Majority), The Undead (Majority), Yaks (Majority), Cyclops (Majority), Wyverns (Minority), Sirens (Minority), Earth Ponies (Minority), Unicorn Ponies (Minority), Pegasus Ponies (Minority), Griffins (Minority),

Bio: In the past, the Northern Crystal Empire was a highly autocratic state with slavery being the norm for those who were deemed "unfit" for society. One of those slaves was Sombra, an orphan who was purchased to serve House Sapphire and their daughter, Radiant Hope. The two became best friends and fell in love, but when it was exposed Radiant Hope and Sombra tried to escape only for Radiant to be killed and Sombra survived but believed to have died as well. However, enraged by the loss of his lover, Sombra vowed to tear down the Empire and soon found himself in a dark cave which was home to a dark force that would grant him dark powers so long as he sacrificed souls to them in exchanged. It was a deal, and Sombra became a dark magic user that lead a slave rebellion to overthrow the autocratic nobles along with his army of the undead to end slavery. He had become its new king, and now seeks to conquest on other lands to free them from their own "masters" into a new united world.

6. The United Soviet’s Diamond Dominion

Leader: Great Leader Jospeh Spottins 

Political System: Communism-Stalinist 

Religion: State Atheism 

Racial Population Level: Diamond Dogs (Majority), Earth Ponies (Minority), Unicorn Ponies (Minority), Pegasus Ponies (Minority), Lycan Ponies (Minority), Abyssians (Minority), Hippogriffs (Minority), Wyverns (Minority), Crystal Ponies (Minority), Griffins (Minority), Zebras (Minority),  Changelings (Minority), Kirin (Minority)

Bio: For many years, the Diamond Dogs were either seen as slave labor, outlaws, or trash to be disrespected and misused. However, one Diamond Dog was fortunate enough to be raised as an equal by the Ponies of Equestria and his name was Karl Barks. He had been an educated and privileged dog who had not forgotten his people's origins and the mistreatment they suffered. He believed that the problems of the world lay in a repeated cycle of those of haves and have-nots who changed places every few centuries. Believing that greed needed to be eliminated by having workers and common people in charge with no higher or lower classes, Karl Barks left his home to show his people a better way and soon he began united them in an underground world he helped established. After his death, his followers set up the United Soviet's Diamond Dominion with the idea of eliminating the concept of wealth, ownership, and property of individuals for the sake of the collective. However, the one to lead them, Joseph Spottins, believed the best way to do that was bloody revolution across the whole world and so they seek to overthrow all the "autocratic" powers for workers to be united in a glorious utopia.

7. The Great Draconic Kingdoms

Leader: Dragon Lord Torch/Prime Minister Balor

Political System: Constitutional-Monarchy with Parliamentary Democracy

Religion: Bahatumism (Monotheistic) 

Racial Population Level: Dragons (Majority), Wyverns (Majority), Sea Serpents (Majority). Kirins (Majority), Centaurs (Majority-Subjects), Hippogriffs (Majority-Subjects), Zebras (Majority-Subjects), Gargoyles (Minority-Subjects)

Bio: For thousands of years, the dragons have always obeyed the Dragon Lord, who was seen as their king/queen and absolute ruler. However, many times the dragons have found themselves in civil war after civil war with various clans agreeing or disagreeing with the Dragon Lord's leadership which has always prevented them from dominating what they feel is their rightful place as rulers of the world. This was soon fixed by Dragon Lord Magus The Wise's who decided to form a parliament of elected officials voted by all dragons equally so they had a say in government with the Dragon Lord only have absolute authority in certain roles while the officials had authority in others. This was known as The Magus Carta and it became the building block of the Constitution and the The Nobel's Council who would vote for a Prime Minister. Under this new government, the dragons have managed to take over various lands under their control and have become known as the The Great Draconic Kingdoms. While its subjects are given care and protection, they are withheld from voting or having any say in government and even civic matters.The GDK seeks to continue its conquest for a world once again ruled by dragonkind.

There you go. Feel free to share your thoughts, questions, etc. Again, I am not sure where I am going to go with this or what I am going to do, but I'm finding fun making it.

Comments ( 25 )

This would be a great world to make a story out of.

This would be very interesting to see some stories written about it. If my Shadow Hive Kingdom was in this world, would they be part of The Confederacy of United Hives or would they be independent?

Sounds interesting. Would Luna have a Karetocracy?

8. The New Human Empire

Leader: President A. Nonymous

Political System: Social Democracy

Religion: No official faith, so there are numerous beliefs, both human and otherwise

Racial Population Level: Humans (Majority) Ponykind in general (Majority), Pony-like beings (Kirin, deer, etc.) (Majority), Everyone Else (Minority),

Bio: The newest faction to appear in Equus, The New Human Empire is the smallest, consisting of a few thousand individuals who arrived in a fleet of spaceships in the hopes of finding a new place to live after their homeworld was destroyed. Though they are physically very weak and have no magical abilities whatsoever, these nearly-hairless apes compensate with technology millennia ahead of even the Griffons in their heyday, allowing them to augment themselves with mechanical components to increase their durability, stamina, and physical power, fly aircraft through the sky faster than even the swiftest Pegasus, and use weapons that can kill thousands and level cities in minutes. Yet, humanity's ability to wage war is matched by their surprising obsession towards Equus' inhabitants - especially ponies - due to finding them adorable. Ponies who settle within humanity's borders find themselves all-but smothered with affection and are treated like beloved pets by their neighbors and even strangers. Though embarrassing, most have come to enjoy the attention, with a surprising amount of ponies marrying humans and having families with them, leading to a surge of ponies and others species to the Empire's borders, all hoping to live with beings that want to adopt and pamper them, drawing the ire of Celestia, Luna, Sombra, and other leaders. Now desiring to bring the adorable inhabitants of this world under humanity's benevolent protection, the New Human Empire prepares for a campaign to to subjugate their warring neighbors and take this planet for their own.

This sounds awesome! Wouldn't mind having a fic about this

Two words: capitals and seaquestria

All hives are part of the confederacy
It’s more of a society that highly values loyalty and duty
I plan for no humans but I applaud you for writing this

Hippogriffs were annexed by the dragons and most are their subjects with others fleeing into other lands. But the dragons are capitalist

I meant capital cities and, since you brought it up, their main curency

Nice ideas, could lead to a good game or some good stories from the perspectives of each nation.

So you are making an alternative universe for your headcanon with EaW aspects? Great! After TCB-Deconstruction series of yours, it’s going to be nice to see anothet familiar franchise. Bol şans!

Ok. Good to know.

looks good is there going to be a human

What's the technological level here like? I'm guessing more advanced than canon MLP but how much I wonder.

As others have said it does all sound very interesting.

Late 1600's-Early 1700's level

Welp, I'll be sneaking into Griffonia. Seems like the best place to live to me personally. Anybody know any good smugglers?

So late Pike and Shot then? Cool not many people make use of that setting, and the idea of Magic in that style of warfare is reminiscent of the Empire from Warhammer Fantasy, which is always a good thing.

The negative side of Griffornia is that it's the Imperial/Manifest Destiny era of America basically, plus there are capitalist creatures with "specialist interests" in business and military who can somewhat manipulate the government.


I kinda figured the Republic of Griffonia wouldn't exactly be heaven on earth or innocent (especially when it comes to your darker form of writing), but it is the lesser evil out of all the other options in my opinion. I'm just saying if I ended up being dropped into this world against my will, I would end up moving to Griffonia and supporting the government. Besides, if it is based off of the Imperial/Manifest Destiny era of America, it would have the possibility of becoming the America of today at some point in the future. If you were dropped into a world like this, which government would you support?

Same as you but only because I am American. All the nations are designed to be grey on purpose though


I understand. The Republic of Griffonia needs to be grey here for good storytelling. I also realize republics aren't for everyone. A good chunk of people may like republics, but there is always going to be someone somewhere who doesn't like republics for one reason or another. We are all human after all. Differences of opinion come naturally.

I've been meaning to read this for a while but haven't come around until now. Are the Mane 6 or any of the non-mentioned canon characters part of this universe?

This sound like a great story.

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