• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2019
  • offline last seen 32 minutes ago


"If you're going faster than the speed of sound, keep going faster." - DangerDean

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  • 2 weeks
    What do you think of this car

    The 2026 Bugatti Tourbillon

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    Here's some I like

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  • 2 weeks
    Danger City Le Mans Hypercar Challenge

    I had this idea with the 2024 Hypercar line up for Le Mans so I thought I do a race with this inspiration

    #1 AMR Wonderbolt Racing - Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR Pro - Rainbow Dash
    #2 Cadillac Racing - Cadillac V.Series - Earl Bamber
    #3 Cadillac Racing - Cadillac V.Series - Scott Dixon
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    What are your thoughts on...

    A story based on this video I recently watched:

    with the characters: Danger Dean, Sonic Flash, Crimsonia Dragonsfire, Azura Dragonsfire, Blazing Lionfire and Sparkling Lionfire (aka Crimson Firestorm)

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Another idea for Akula's F1 story · 12:47am May 16th, 2021

I think that test driver could replace the main drivers if they are being held back by the FIA (brain thinks of Oscura) or had a really nasty crash.

Some ideas for test drivers

Mercedes-AMG Petronas (The Crimson Arrows)
Starlight Glimmer (STA) No. 25 (sorry Akula)
Sunset Shimmer (SUN) No. 6

Scuderia Ferrari (The Prancing Speedfreaks)
Azura Dragonsfire (AZD) No. 136
Aria Blaze (ARB) No. 114
Midnight Skies (MID) No. 4

Red Bull-Aston Martin
Lolestra Maledicta (LOM) No. 113
Estrella Dragonheart (EST) No. 73

Blazing 'Blazey' Lionfire (BLL) No. 11
Sparkling 'Sparky' Lionfire (SPL) No. 12

Adagio Dazzle (ADA) No. 69
Trixie Lulamoon (TRI) No. 26

Sauber Alfa-Romeo
Cassandra Gleamer (CAG) No. 65
Spiralling Thunder (SPT) No. 108

Violet Snowflake (VIS) No. 166

Racing Point
Sky Blitz (SKB) No. 5

Toro Rosso
Lily Snow (LIS) No. 983
Ceres Amethyst (CEA) No. 345

Report DangerDean · 71 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

I actually have F1 2017 and now planning for 2021 game.

I’m in Haas Team:twilightsmile:

That Haas to be awesome
(Sorry I couldn't resist

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