• Member Since 16th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


I'm a shameless neckbeard who has a knack for writing a LOT of smut. I have an Official Patreon page (Patreon.com/TheVClaw), and I also take commissions to help support myself as a freelance writer.

More Blog Posts531

  • 17 weeks
    First post in 2024 -- Technical Difficulties

    Hey, guys! I know its been a while since I made a blogpost, but I've been preoccupied with writing out commissions to keep up with bills. I also recently moved to a new place (dont worry, this one was planned better than the cross-country move back in 2022), and I've been settling nicely. I've been fortunate enough to work on a new series of my own accord titled 'To Nerd A Bird,' but at the

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    0 comments · 356 views
  • 32 weeks
    Someone has to say it...

    15 comments · 624 views
  • 35 weeks
    It's my Birthday! (Also, Patreon Updates)

    Hey, y'all! As of today, I'm now a whopping thirty-three years old! I know that isn't really a big deal, but it's a good enough excuse to swing by here and explain where I've been.

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    9 comments · 470 views
  • 45 weeks
    Commissions Still Open

    Heya guys! I finally finished a good amount of my backlog, so I'm open for commissions at the moment. My rates will be around $20 per thousand words, although it may vary depending on content or number of characters involved. I don't know how many projects I'll be open to accept, but I'll likely delete this blogpost when I have enough to handle. Until then, please feel free to contact me though

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    5 comments · 499 views

A Few Quick Updates (Urgent Edition) · 12:18am May 20th, 2021

Heya guys! Sorry for not making any update posts as of recently, but my schedule has been pretty packed over the past couple months. I'm busting my ass to get stories out as quickly and consistently as possible, but a lot of real life things have come up which distracted me. Because of this, let me just give y'all an update on what's going on.

1. One of my most popular stories has a Russian Translation! AlexWolfy03 surprised me by taking my M/M story, Big Mac and Caramel: Secret Agents?, and having it translated into a Russian version! https://vk.com/stallions_mlp?w=wall-173215888_11311

2. My SFW story prompt that won February's Patreon Poll, Spike's Parental Comfort, is currently in progress and available to read on my Patreon page. It's honestly really nice doing something that isn't porn again, and I'm hopeful that you guys will appreciate the characters I flesh out for this touching oneshot. Not only will the story feature Spike in a more vulnerable state (not like THAT, ya perverts!), but it'll also showcase a relationship we never got to witness in the actual show: his adopted parents Twilight Velvet and Night Light.
[Update: The story is fully written out and available to read on Patreon!]

3. Speaking of Velvet and Night Light, I should mention that due to dwindling funds (like, seriously bad), I'm taking on a new chapter to Showing His Place: Sacrifice - The Bad Ending for commission. I already have the overall plot planned out, which would follow the aftermath of Shining's big speech about a month afterward. Because of the confirmed details for this chapter, I'm not holding another Donation Pool for people to submit their own ideas to add to it. However, since my bank account is less than $6 right now, and I have some major bills to pay really soon, any amount would help out immensely to get this chapter off the ground by the end of this week: https://www.paypal.me/TheVClaw

[Another update: I've received several donations already, which I couldn't be more grateful to receive. The chapter is my next project I'll be working on, so expect some good dark content very soon!]

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