• Member Since 8th Sep, 2018
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Your friendly neighborhood writer of entirely too many trans ponies! (Dashie | she/her | Discord: velvetred2004 | pfp by Malphym)

More Blog Posts143

  • Saturday
    On Jellyfish: The Past, Present, and Future

    This blog post will contain spoilers for the anime Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night. You have been warned.

    So you might be clicking on this because you might be thinking “Oh she hasn’t uploaded a blog post in forever”. Or, you might be clicking on this because of the word salad in the title, but regardless it is time for me to talk about my new obsession.

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  • 4 weeks
    The Horse Exquisite

    So I participated in another exquisite corpse.

    It took a hot minute to get uploaded but there's a very good reason for that. If you are unfamiliar, an exquisite corpse is a story in which different writers only have the chapter prior to them to read through and write something out of.

    Except for this one we were given two chapters ahead to read.

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  • 12 weeks
    The Curse of Creativity

    I want to write a story.

    My last story was uploaded in January. It was a gift exchange over QnS. I’ve started on many stories since then, I haven’t finished a single one besides the ones I’ve written for QnS. That’s all you’ll be getting in the foreseeable future, probably.

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  • 15 weeks
    Hey I’m Here

    It’s really been 2 months since I made a blogpost. This shit feels unprecedented and wrong somehow. Many things have happened since I got on HRT, but my work has been sucking my life out of me recently. They’ve scheduled me for 6-day weeks and most of the time I’m too tired to do anything (but I’ve told a manager so fingers crossed, and even if that doesn’t work out I still have my own plans

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  • 24 weeks
    Important News

    So, I really don’t know how much I’m going to say in this blog post but my life is on the up-and-up atm and I wanted to share it. Not much has happened but what has happened makes me excited just thinking about it.

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Behind the Story: For You... · 12:03pm May 28th, 2021

I haven’t had a late night upload receive this universal of a response since Reinventing Music, honestly. Thank you, everyone who read it.

But enough of about that, what about the story?

When you hear the inspiration behind this story, you’re probably going to accuse me of not writing what I know, but I just felt like I needed to write For You... for myself as well as for other people.

I completely accuse myself of killing Fallout Equestria: Commonwealth. I was not the best person back then (I’m not now, but I’d like to think I’m improving), and I left a ton of scathing comments accusing the harem aspect of the story. It’s like that in Fallout 4, but I somehow took great offense with seeing it be written out in a story aspect. For all I know, I could’ve broken the heart of some polyamorous teen, and made it so they didn’t want to write anymore. So, I feel like I incidentally killed my favorite story of all time.

So, where does that come in? Well, I had my home screen as the FO:C cover art for as long as I could remember, and one night I told myself I just had to let go and changed my home screen to the cover art of Blue instead.

Then, I realized that that phrase would be a great starting point for a Scootalove story. So, I had it stew overnight. After that, and after I’d uploaded that day’s chapter of Scaled and Icy, I starting working on the specifics of For You....

I had an idea about Granny Smith dying, then I realized that Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are not the same pony, and had to make it so the CMC died instead. I like to think that the zipline broke in the middle and that Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle hit the side of a cliff, and comic physics didn’t protect them. Scootaloo managed to hover a bit so as to avoid take the brunt force of the hit.

Anyways, I had this take the simple path it ended up in. However, I realized halfway through that perhaps,”Sometimes you have to let go,” isn’t the best moral, because you shouldn’t always have to just forget about somebody who died.

So it evolved into sort of the ‘memorial’ route it took. I liked the idea of hanging up a picture with the note, and I would’ve made it, too, if people actually drew pictures with Scootaloo in the middle.

Then there’s the Scootalove aspect. Scootalove is one of my favorite genres of story on here, with two of my favorites being Scootalove stories. In fact, I like the genre so much I usually told myself I wouldn’t live up to it. However, when I have a particularly decent idea that would be good as a Scootalove story, I tend to write it, such as I did with Orion and this one.

For You... was heavily inspired by Blue, and it’s right there in the title! As I tend to do, I slipped in a song reference. For You Blue is a song by The Beatles, so, I made it so that people who knew the song might connect it and think For You... Blue. As for other influences, it’s always FabulousDivaRarity. She’s pretty much a writer influence on my stories as a whole at this point.

I don’t believe there’s anything else I can think of.

And until next time; be awesome!

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