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Admiral Biscuit

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Signal Boost: Luna and Bon Bon's Day Out · 3:27pm May 31st, 2021

Fresh off the presses from the same author who brought you dysfunctional train destination boards featuring the S1L7ER METPOR -T (my favorite train) comes another story of New York City back in the day:

ELuna and Bon Bon's Day Out
Princess Luna takes Bon Bon out for a day of sightseeing and shopping.
jz1 · 7.5k words  ·  72  2 · 1.2k views

Not only is it an entry in the uncommon pairings contest, but it’s also an easy addition to my not-a-contest!

One of the things I love seeing is somewhat obscure bits of canon or even merchandise making it into stories, such as Bon Bon being a S.M.I.L.E. agent.

JZ1 didn’t say, but I bet she’s packing heat

There’s also a nod to one of my stories, although I don’t think it was intentional. I’ll pretend it was, though. Some of y’all will spot it.

Not to mention the great dynamic between Bon Bon and Luna—an uncommon pairing indeed.

It’s also got trains!


I could give you lots of train facts, but in fact JZ1 included an author’s note blog post that’s got train facts.

Comments ( 9 )


Well, I was already planning to check it out before you mentioned the trains (and before reading your blog post, in fact, as I'd gotten separately notified; thanks for the signal boost, though), but... :D

AAAAAAAAAAAH, the hat's gone! :pinkiegasp:

It’s a fun story, and an unusual pairing.

I figured you’d like the trains . . . if you haven’t checked the blog post, see if you can figure out what the yellow trains with the blue stripe are.

Yeah, I figured it was time to take off the Santa hat. :heart:

And while I have already checked the blog post, I believe I recall having more-or-less (As I recall, I guessed they were Turboliners, but not which type or that they were the Canadian ones. (I think I remembered that there were Canadian ones.)) correctly guessed what they were before I did. :)

Yeah, your guess was correct. I kind of had the same image in my mind reading the description, then had second thoughts and when JZ1 told me what they were I had to look it up because I didn’t remember the actual name of ‘em.

I was right about which railroad livery they had, though.

Sounds like we both got at least part of it right, then. :)

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