• Member Since 17th Jan, 2017
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Just a massive MLP fan hoping to please you by writing decent fanfiction and reviews.

More Blog Posts172

  • 19 weeks
    MLP Season 8 Rewatch Thoughts

    Uh so I actually finished my rewatch of the whole series a long time ago and was just lazy writing my thoughts on a couple episodes which delayed the whole posting so uhhhhhhh woops hopefully the Season 9 review is out in much less time. Anyways.

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  • 51 weeks
    MLP Season 7 Rewatch Thoughts

    Season 7. The season where things finally started to go downhill for MLP after 5 seasons of pure gold. But despite this season having more mishaps than any before, it still had plenty of soaring highs to still make it a super enjoyable experience overall.

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  • 57 weeks
    MLP Season 6 Rewatch Thoughts

    Before I talk about the season, I think I need to address the fact that it’s been 3 months since I made my last season review. You may think this is because Season 6 was so bad that I had to take a break or something, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m actually midway through Season 8 now. I was just lazy when it came to writing this. With that out of the way...

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  • 70 weeks
    MLP Season 5 Rewatch Thoughts

    Season 5 may not be as godlike as Season 4, but it still stands on its own as an amazing season. Despite it happening every time, this season surprised me by surpassing what I remembered of it. 

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  • 72 weeks
    MLP Season 4 Rewatch Thoughts

    Wow. That was quite the season. I have a lot of overall thoughts to say, but since this is a season I haven't talked about before, I'm gonna save them for after the episode thoughts to maintain suspense. Episode thoughts are in the same format as the Season 3 ones, except I'm gonna be talking about every episode

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Happy Pride Month! · 9:43pm Jun 2nd, 2021

I know I'm a little late, but I still wanted to make a post about this to show my support. While I'm not personally a member of the community (at least I don't think so but I've been wondering about that for a while :unsuresweetie:), I have a lot of friends that are, so this is an important month both in general and for me. I don't really have any other things to say, just Happy Pride Month!

Report RainbowSparkle3 · 109 views ·
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