• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2019
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"If you're going faster than the speed of sound, keep going faster." - DangerDean

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Oscura's backstory (Oh boy) · 11:11pm Jun 3rd, 2021

Oscura was the fourth child to be born from Rosa Estrella Galaxia but what Rosa didn't realise, it was that Oscura was born with the ability that when she gets angry, her eyes will become bloodshot and her irises will go red... blood red. When Oscura looked about 19 or 20, she decided to become a racing driver having passed her test (not first time by the way) beforehand. She first competed in various races around Equestria and the DangerVerse with relative success in various such as the DVGT (DangerVerse GT Championship), F2DV (Formula 2 DangerVerse) and stock car races from throwback vintage to late model sporting the number 13.

I know what you're thinking, isn't 13 the unlucky number, well yes. But not to Oscura.

So when she looked about 24, she decided to immortalise herself in way that she wouldn't die from age, sickness or even be killed in serious crashes. So that means that she always looked the same (except when she's angry)

But then, three weeks later, she was in a race at Appleopolis Mile Track (the track Black Flame told Danger about in The Battle of Danger City Part One - A New Dawn) and herself and her two of her sisters, Anastasia and Lucia were in the same team as Oscura sporting the numbers 373 and 173. What she didn't realise though is that two cars was painted red-white-black and the other cyan with rainbow stripes. They were Danger and Rainbow and they qualified 3rd (Rainbow) and 5th (Danger) out of 27 cars. Oscura qualified 2nd. She got ready for 80 laps of racing when she passed the polesitter and lead comfortably until lap 73 where two cars crashed into the barrier at Turn 3. So having pitted on lap 52, she was 3rd at the time of the restart with Danger in 2nd. On the last lap (*sigh* brace yourselves) Danger gave Oscura the slightest of nudges and she was a passenger and crashed into the barrier at 75 mph, her car was totaled and Danger took the victory. Oscura though was, for the lack of a better word, totally livid and after Danger went into his motorhome (which he created himself) she went inside and... went literally berserk and said, in person to Danger, that he... was her nemesis and furiously went back to her motorhome and with her eyes already gone red, she collapsed in tear on her bed, hoping that she and Danger never crossed paths again.

She was wrong. Danger now developed sort of a tradition and it involves torturing Oscura in whatever race she's in.

Report DangerDean · 139 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

I have a question, do you want to see Danger's backstory?

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