• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2019
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"If you're going faster than the speed of sound, keep going faster." - DangerDean

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Danger's racing backstory (Part 1) · 12:39am Jun 8th, 2021

Well, if you thought Oscura's backstory was so crazy over the course of like... 15 years, but Danger's has a huge racing career. So huge in fact I can't put it a single blog post. So... brace yourself.

Danger was born in Cloudsdale before moving to New Equestria City to a long-established motorsport family, Total Voltage (a stallion with three-time Equestria 600 winner, a Equestrian Indy 500 winner, 24-time Equestria GP winner and twice Formula DangerVerse vice-champion and owned his own karting track called The Accelardrome Karting Circuit in NEC) and Hazardous Speed (who was part of the winning of the Pan-Equestrian Rally for 4 years, and was Pegasus Race of the Year for two years running). Danger's parents were also immortalised for their success in the motorsport Danger would practice for at least four hours a week to sharpen his skills and he was getting exceptionally brilliant at it. When looking at how well his son was doing, Total Voltage decided that Danger should embrace the journey of motorsport, which the young Danger was really excited about.

The first type of racing Danger did was the Equestrian Junior Karting Championship where he would sign a two-year deal with Obelisk Racing. Many other weren't thinking that Danger would be title contender and that out of the 26 drivers in the championship, he would be a mid-pack runner. But Danger... proved them wrong, in a big way.

In the two years he raced with Obelisk Racing he won both championships in succession as he completely swept the floor in the 10 races on the calendar. Danger, who spoke in an surprisingly British accent was literally a god of karting as he silenced his critics completely and he was given the name 'the British Speedfreak.'

After Danger whitewashed karting and about three years (probably around at least 1996), Total Voltage then told stories to Danger of the time he raced in the Equestrian IndyCar Series. Then after the stories were told, Danger decided to take the biggest plunge of his career and sign in for the championship, his team Obelisk Racing wasn't really doing that well in that field of racing, with team only managing to only settle for 31st in the last season. But Danger decided to convince them by saying:

It doesn't matter whether you build a team with skilled racers with a passion for victory, or dumbfounders who have no respect at all for racing. It's what's inside the driver's heart that tells them why should race and hopefully, taking the chequered flag. - DangerDean

What Danger said brought tears of joy to the team's eyes and it should in the races as Danger took racing to a whole new level of seriousness as when (for some reason) the portals opened to Earth and that... spark a big revolution in Danger's career. A big one.

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