• Member Since 16th Jan, 2015
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Hawker Hurricane

Yorkshireman and tea drinker.

More Blog Posts113

  • 49 weeks

    Yes. I've actually done another chapter. Almost two years of having half a chapter just sitting there. It isn't perfect, but it's a small step closer to finishing it.

    3 comments · 452 views
  • 122 weeks
    My nephew needs help.

    A quick update on story progression Put simply, I won't be doing any writing for some time more due to some sad news from the home front. I found out earlier today that my 4 year old nephew is terminally ill, and will be pushing it to see his tenth birthday. His mum (my sister), has set up a fundraiser to help send him to Disneyland Paris while he can. Any help would be appreciated.

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  • 139 weeks
    New story

    I'm working on a new story that takes place during Gen 5. I've a bit more to do before I release anything, but hopefully I'll have something soon.

    6 comments · 480 views
  • 146 weeks
    It's that time of year again.

    So another year has passed. I'm 31 today. Doesn't seem like five minutes since my last birthday.

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  • 146 weeks
    Deja vu

    So I see the latest chapter has gone down as well as the previous one.

    The Changelings were intended to be this brutal from the get go. Long before I wrote the chapter.

    And I just know that some of you won't like revelations that will be revealed in a later chapter.

    9 comments · 605 views

(Not) surprising revelations. · 12:05am Jun 13th, 2021

I think I might be transgender.

It’s been an on and off thought for around 7-8 months now. I can’t confirm it, but I can’t deny it either.

Report Hawker Hurricane · 451 views ·
Comments ( 17 )
Deep #1 · Jun 13th, 2021 · · 3 ·

Asking this with full sincerity:

Why care about what gender you are at all?

I'm a male, and I couldn't care less about what gender I happened to be born into by fate. Who I am has nothing to do with my biological sex or gender. Shouldn't it be this way for you too?

Don't listen to Deep. What gender you identify as is important, and unlike him, gender is not something you are born into but something that is chosen by you. No matter what, know that your identity is/will be valid. Choose what gives you satisfaction and peace.


What gender you identify as is important

Why is it important, though? I couldn't care less about my biological sex and gender, and my life has been immensely better for it.

you are born into but something that is chosen by you.

Why not just choose to be yourself? I'd be me regardless of gender, sex, race, sexual orientation, etc. All these labels are small fry compared to forming your actual individuality.

Also, make sure to reply to this. I'm not that scary :raritywink:

Because it simply matters to some people. You live on a placid lake of ignorance in regards to the matter. Some people are different inside than they show upon the outside. People are born as a sex they do not desire, people are pushed into gender roles they do not want. This disconnect is painful. And hearing yourself called your gender, who you yearn to be is an amazing thing.

Being Trans, Nonbinary, Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Pan, Ace, etc is being yourself. People give words and meanings to experiences, lifestyles and feelings that are shared. It's a beautiful thing. They are not small fry, they imply a human experience. Something that shapes and changes a person as they go through life. Your dismissal shows your wealth of ignorance.


You live on a placid lake of ignorance in regards to the matter

Why do you jump to assuming it's ignorance versus me genuinely disagreeing? I've heard this all before, understood it, and came out disagreeing. Just because you lay out an arguement doesn't mean that the other person has to agree with it.

Because it simply matters to some people

This is 100% true, though. It seems to matter a lot to some people. I just choose to make it not matter to myself since I choose to disregard all aspects of sex, gender, race, and sexual orientation.

People are born as a sex they do not desire,
Being Trans, Nonbinary, Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Pan, Ace, etc is being yourself.

I guess it's just impossible for me to see it mattering to myself. If you waved a wand and made me a girl, I'd just shrug and be like "Oh cool, guess I'm a girl now." And same if you made me gay, trans, etc. When I realized I was bisexual, all I could do was shrug with indifference. Because my core personality isn't dependent on my gender and sexual orientation. The same way race doesn't play into who I am at all.


Why do you jump to assuming it's ignorance versus me genuinely disagreeing? I've heard this all before, understood it, and came out disagreeing. Just because you lay out an arguement doesn't mean that the other person has to agree with it.

Willful ignorance is still ignorance. Regardless, no one here asked for your opinion. Especially when it is incredibly dismissive. Hawker wanted to share their revelation, not deal with you coming in like a teenager and going 'lel none of it matters in the end'. Nihilists are fucking annoying.

This is 100% true, though. It seems to matter a lot to some people. I just choose to make it not matter to myself since I choose to disregard all aspects of sex, gender, race, and sexual orientation.

Well congrats O Enlightened One, but your experiences aren't something that can be universally applied to others. They also aren't meant to be weapons levelled against other people because you disagree over petty reasons.

I guess it's just impossible for me to see it mattering to myself. If you waved a wand and made me a girl, I'd just shrug and be like "Oh cool, guess I'm a girl now." And same if you made me gay, trans, etc. When I realized I was bisexual, all I could do was shrug with indifference. Because my core personality isn't dependent on my gender and sexual orientation. The same way race doesn't play into who I am at all.

I'm sure the entire field of sociology and psychology is crumbling to the ground over your earth-shattering revelation that you believe that your own physical and mental self doesn't influence who you are. Never mind the paradoxical implication of saying that you are bisexual doesn't impact who you are at all. Can you be you and yet not you at the same time? You have no consistent arguments. You're an awful contrarian who slithers into comment sections like a wad of raw sewage and stinks up the whole place.


Regardless, no one here asked for your opinion

It's a public blog lol

Willful ignorance is still ignorance

It's always funny how people like you just spam "ignorance" over and over. It's like you can't wrap your head around the fact that someone can understand your points but come to the conclusion that those points are wrong for certain personality types (such as mine).

Nihilists are fucking annoying.

And here I am always being accused of being the head in the sky optimist haha. Didn't know it was nihilism to want a world where biological sex, race, gender and sexual orientation didn't matter. I always thought that was the goal.

They also aren't meant to be weapons levelled against other people because you disagree over petty reasons.

Weapons haha? I simply asked a sincere question to the author of the blog, nothing more. You guys are so similar to religious conservatives in that a simple question is seen as an attack. Emotionally unstable much?

You're an awful contrarian who slithers into comment sections like a wad of raw sewage and stinks up the whole place. Can you be you and yet not you at the same time

Once again, I was just sincerely asking a question out of genuine interest. I wasn't intending on being a contration to your religion.

As for the bolded: Literally NOTHING changed in my personality after I realized I was bisexual. My sexual orientation is a superficial trait, no different than my race. Sorry that I have a strong sense of individuality that isn't affected by my genetic and superficial traits :derpytongue2:

Edit: Maybe I am enlightened compared to you guys/gals obsessed with this gender stuff :rainbowlaugh: You're no different than conservatives who are obsessed with race.


It's a public blog lol

So? Do you harass strangers on the street unsolicited because it's a 'public space'?

It's always funny how people like you just spam "ignorance" over and over. It's like you can't wrap your head around the fact that someone can understand your points but come to the conclusion that those points are wrong for certain personality types (such as mine).

Yeah I can understand how sincerity and honesty doesn't fit a little shit such as yourself. Your personality consists of being a prick with a skull ten inches thick who comes in and says "dont be trans just be yourself!" like you just discovered the secret to happiness.

And here I am always being accused of being the head in the sky optimist haha. Didn't know it was nihilism to want a world where biological sex, race, gender and sexual orientation didn't matter. I always thought that was the goal.

When people say that. They don't mean that they don't exist. They want those labels to not disadvantage or bring discrimination upon those whom adopt or are those labels. Again, you are profoundly and willfully ignorant

Weapons haha? I simply asked a sincere question to the author of the blog, nothing more. You guys are so similar to religious conservatives in that a simple question is seen as an attack. Emotionally unstable much?

"Ehehe triggered libtard." Why don't you come up with an original argument? Maybe if you cared about your identity and identified as funny, maybe you could come up with an original comeback. You're insufferable. People have beliefs and convictions that matter to them. People have sincere identities, which I know is a shock to someone as irony-poisoned as yourself.

Once again, I was just sincerely asking a question out of genuine interest. I wasn't intending on being a contration to your religion.

As for the bolded: Literally NOTHING changed in my personality after I realized I was bisexual. My sexual orientation is a superficial trait, no different than my race. Sorry that I have a strong sense of individuality that isn't affected by my genetic and superficial traits :derpytongue2:

Edit: Maybe I am enlightened compared to you guys/gals obsessed with this gender stuff :rainbowlaugh: You're no different than conservatives who are obsessed with race.

What religion? I'm a Buddhist, where did I bring up the Dharma?

Well certainly, being Bi didn't make you any less of a slimy prick so I guess it doesn't matter in your case. Other people have their own personalities, and you don't get to act like yours is superior to theirs. Again, stop being dismissively ignorant by shouting like a moron: "Lol have you tried just not being trans?"

Race is also a bit different than simple genetics, again, you are ignorant. Race implies a shared experience and identity because genetics hardly fucking matter and are extremely malleable. Tell me, how do you define if someone is English? Is there a specific English gene you can point me to? Race is a made up concept, and it makes sense that conservatives are obsessed with it because they have to consistently affirm their made up racial identity in order to justify excluding others who don't fit in. It happened in the US with multiple European people who are considered white now, but weren't historically.

For someone named Deep, you're about as shallow as a wading pool for toddlers.


Yeah I can understand how sincerity and honesty doesn't fit a little shit such as yourself.

You do realize my entire shtick is honesty, right? I've literally never lied in years, not even for tiny things. And the fact that I can actually say that is so freeing. I can't think of a single other person who can legitamately say that.

They don't mean that they don't exist.

Dude, you're talking to the person who quite literally forgot that he was brown at points :rainbowlaugh: Like, I actually forgot that race existed haha. So yeah, these things don't exist to me. It's just how I live.

Maybe if you cared about your identity and identified as funny, maybe you could come up with an original comeback. You're insufferable.

That actually wasn't a comeback at all. You legitamately remind me of conservatives who get mad at people asking sincere questions. Having converted a legit white supremacist away from racism in Ohio a few years ago, I can confidently say that you remind me of him.

Also, just read your most current response. You come off really emotionally unstable, dude/dudette. Not a comeback. More like, I'm kinda scared to see how you are in real life :unsuresweetie:

People have sincere identities

My identity is that I am myself. I'd argue that's more sincere that superficial traits. If I transitioned to a female, nothing about my core beliefs, hobbies, likes, dislikes, dreams and ambitions would change.

What religion?

Religion as in you're getting mad at me for asking genuine questions and posting sincere disagreements. This is like arguing against a religious Christian who thinks I'm a bad person because I don't share their worldview. I've always treated LGBT people as equal individuals. However, I'm free to ask questions and disagree as much as I want.


Honestly, don't respond.

People who still value gender are never going to wrap their head around what I'm talking about. And I'm never going to be able to wrap my mind around the idea of caring about one's gender.

Let's just agree to disagree.

Then keep it to yourself.


Only if you agree to keep your thoughts to yourself as well.

It's hardly fair that I silence myself while you don't.

If you need to reach out to anyone, there are plenty of fine folk around who can help you with any questions you may have, or point you in the right direction :) The Transgender Bronies group is one place to start.

Comment posted by ARandomLonelyDude deleted Aug 14th, 2021

It is your choice on whatever gender you feel you are, in fact I think there is a few transgender brony groups somewhere that can help answer all your questions.

On a completely unrelated topic, when is the next chapter of A one step forwards, a huge shove backwards coming out? I like how the storyline is going.

I'm not sure. I've not had much motivation to write much on these stories lately. I do intend to finish it though.

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