• Member Since 17th Jun, 2021
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


I'm a creative artist and writer

More Blog Posts57

  • 1 week
    TMNT Action Figure, Tv, and Comic News

    Check out this Old Turtle Den video sharing some new clips from Tales of the TMNT, going over some comic news, and most of all, showcasing LOTS of TMNT figures...

    1 comments · 28 views
  • 3 weeks
    Tales of the TMNT trailer

    So here's the official trailer to the upcoming Paramount+ series, Tales of the TMNT.

    A little spoiler, Bishop is indeed the main villain and has xenophobia like 2003 Bishop. But let's just say that this Bishop is very different compared to every other version...

    5 comments · 77 views
  • 4 weeks
    TMNT Comics, Figures, Games, and Shoes

    Eight days ago, Old Turtle Den posted an update video going over the upcoming TMNT relaunch and showcasing other news such as an official He Man crossover comic, the upcoming Mutant Mayhem video game, action figures, Funko Pop, sneakers, and more.

    Check it out...

    2 comments · 40 views
  • 5 weeks
    Fic complete

    My adaptation of Point of No Return fic is now complete.


    0 comments · 65 views
  • 11 weeks
    TMNT Anniversary Comic + WWE Figures

    Check out this update video from Old Turtle Den.

    2 comments · 79 views

My Little Pony Tales G4 Redesigns · 1:09am Jun 18th, 2021

Hey Fimfiction readers.

For my first blog post I want show you some MLP art I've done. As some of you know, I'm an artist on Deviantart and have done a ton of Equestria Ninja Girls art. But I've also done some other MLP artwork as well. Some of those art pieces are redesigns of the characters from My Little Pony Tales, a lesser known G2 tv series. I've draw all the kid characters except Starlight and Bonbon since their already in G4. And some side characters too. I probably add more down the line, but for now here's what I've drawn so far...

Bright Eyes

Melody & Sweetheart

(I made them sisters)






Logan Berrytown

Corney Meadowsweet
(He's in the middle)

Half Note and Sweet Note

(I made them twin sisters)


Pretty Beat and Tuneful
(Their on the left of Melody)

Moki Sunbeam

She was an islander pony but I changed her into a Kirin to make her more exotic

Melody and Sweetheart's parents

Jing-A-Ling & Ting-A-Ling


Clover and Meadowlark's parents

Comments ( 6 )

Even though I never watched Gen 2. They do look like good redesigns

You saw 'My Little Pony Tales' too?

I've watched reviews of it.

I used to watch a few episodes when I was a kid. But yeah... the material made it clear it was definitely a girls' program even with some of the male casting. Unlike most generations, there were no unicorns or Pegasi. It pretty much lived up to the 'Pony' name by having mostly 'Earth' ponies living like humans.

Not a bad first blog.

I never watched Gen 1 to Gen 3, but these redesigns look awesome. :twilightsmile:

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