• Member Since 14th Jun, 2012
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I like big ponies and I cannot lie.

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  • 5 weeks
    Fun Police People?

    Just think about it, you and a couple of friends are watching classic South Park or something edgy. And then, some person comes who's not even a fan of it, demands changes (censorship) or outright turns off the program. Just why do people do this? Why do they ruin everyone's fun?

    13 comments · 156 views
  • 11 weeks
    A story based on this image would be nice

    I think it would be quite cute. Art by icey.

    derpibooru link: https://derpibooru.org/images/3327595

    3 comments · 172 views
  • 17 weeks
    My thoughts on Stellar Blade

    Her ass is not fat enough. That is all.

    Ponies got much better asses.

    2 comments · 211 views
  • 29 weeks
    MLP Gen5 Butts are too small

    Seriously, they are. This is by far the most important issue, if they made their asses fatter it would improve viewership. If they made the ponies thicc prudes would complain, which would only draw in even more viewers. Twilight Sparkle, the protagonist of the series has a fat ass, and her teacher Princess Celestia, who's ass is even fatter.

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    16 comments · 366 views
  • 32 weeks
    I don't like anthro

    The main reason is uncanny valley. When something looks human but not quite. A perfect example would be a robot trying to mimic being human, it looks unsettling. It's somewhat insulting towards the ponies, you have Twilight Sparkle there a beautiful unicorn and you can't embrace her just because she's not fully in human shape, even though she has all the qualifications to be a sapient-minded

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    17 comments · 295 views

Fimfiction's Lynch Mob Bullies · 6:59pm Jun 30th, 2021

Let's say for example, I write a very controversial story. It's offensive, or whatever. Does that justify it receiving what is the equivalent of a lynch mob? By all means, downvote it, but spamming them nasty DMs is a bit too far. (as in a large group of DMs from an organised group, I heard this what happened)

The user: PRlNCESS CADENCE seemed to be a victim of it recently. The story they wrote was very controversial. The story was called: Our Voices Matter Too.

Perhaps I write an evil character who does evil things, but that doesn't necessarily mean I agree with said evil character. Have we reached the point where you must write it in your description that I do not agree with what my characters actions do in the story?

Ok some of us might actually be literally conveying what we actually want to happen in real life in a story. But, that's not always the case. And even then, maybe don't raise your pitchforks and torches regardless? Maybe, at least stop and think?

Report Bendy · 627 views · #Bullies #bullying
Comments ( 28 )

Years ago we talked about something similar at school.

It's stupid to cry over a story. "STORY" of some person who does with the simple purpose of entertaining the reader.

Taking into account our human history, worse things have been done throughout human history, and many people got out without any lynching. In any case the evil acts were imposed or had a purpose, but the fact that a story is made, with something controversial, new or even offensive, should not be a reason to hurt someone who does something to entertain the reader.

If you are reading this, take into account that you are on a digital page that has different people with different tastes. Maybe you don't like it, but believe me, the world is bigger than you think. someone might like the Snoff or a human centipede and you can't tell. Worry about those double-faced people. Not by someone who makes stories. That at the end of the day they are STORIES. just give them negative feedback and go scream elsewhere. Don't bother someone who takes the time to write and maybe learn to write that kind of thing.

Because I find it stupid that someone who says they don't like something or criticize someone, doesn't even have a story made.

That said, I am sorry if what I say has spelling or dramatic errors, I am a native of Mexico, and English is not my strong suit.

Respect each other. Respect between individuals as well as between nations is necessary and that said, respect for the rights of others is peace.


Well said, you seem to have an open mind. What we are doing here is basically making stories at the end of the day. We are not hurting anyone in real life. Some are interpreting a fictional reality as a real reality it seems.

This basically.
I fear that the anonymity of the internet emboldens the mobs since they are far less likely to be delt with effectivly. Ban them and another account gets made etc;

I don't agree with some of the stories I come across, and based on the descriptions I don't even read them. If I read one and I didn't like it, then a simple downvote would be enough (if its written well, then I may even comment to say that). Hell, I don't like scat or bodiliy function stories, doesn't mean I go about downvoting them and sending threatening DMs. Personally I don't have the energy for such hate, I got enough problems of my own without hating on a fandom I came to love.

Hell a few of my teachers (I live in the USA) said if you don't like any story for any reasons close it up and walk away from it. Sadly a lot of people even here on this site is living in a bubble and wants everything that they hate to be gone.

Yeah, there are many stories I don't like; such as foalcon stories. But I simply don't read them. Unfortunately, some people want to scream to the rooftops about how much they hate said stories.

Those teachers sound good. Some users may be willing to burn the whole place down if they don't get their way.

It's not just here either, feels like the mobs are all over the place. Artists are constantly getting hit on twitter, Attacks against japan itself. Any sort of expression seems to be getting hit these days.

Imagine if Walt Disney or Lovecraft were around now. They'd be shot to bits.

Such a sad world, but atleast we have an escape in our favorite ponies (for now anyway)

Well, fimfiction and the MLP FIM fanbase is somewhat underground so it might help us to some degree.

We will be the resistance. XD

Secondhand knowledge here, but they're apparently still pushing for the same agenda that resulted in yesterday, right now on Discord. They view it as a sign that they're in the right and should continue taking action against people in the fandom, as well as absolution for the actions they're taking.

Of course, they are. And they don't care if they might have another potential victim on their hands. It's for the greater good after all.


It shouldn't be acceptable to bully someone over a story he wrote or even a stupid belief he may have. Criticize the story or attack the belief, but not the person - that's how it should be.

But... as we both know, we live in an age where many people really live by the 'it's OK to punch a Nazi :twilightangry2:!' mantra and 'Nazi' can be anyone - including people who 'normalize bad views' by writing stories...

When you dehumanize another person like that, it's very easy to cross the line between criticism and bullying without even realizing it. Or worse - deliberately bully someone AND blame it on the victim (as some people do right now when it comes to the latest... situation).

So to summarize... in my book, it's NEVER OK to bully someone over something he wrote. But for many people, it seems A-OK. Makes your stomach turn :pinkiesick:

It's insane. This is a site for cartoon pony fan fictions. Yet, we have people who take the stories way too seriously.

They act as if the pony fanbase has a powerful influence over the world. The power of cartoon pony fan fiction will bring down entire nations, and create whole new Empires. XD



It's the other way around - it's not that people here are special and think we have the power to influence the world; it's that these people truly believe they're 'fighting a good fight' in real world, and they bring their fight over here.

For me, the biggest irony is that the most vile and hating comments I saw lately came from the people who are allegedly a part of the LGBT community here and who are 'open and tolerant.' Not that it surprised me, but it is... sad :ajsleepy:.

I think its more human nature.

That is true. We find evil and stop it or whatever.

Open and tolerant.... anyone who disagrees with one little thing is evil and unredeemable in their eyes. Or something you did years ago.

Perhaps I write an evil character who does evil things, but that doesn't necessarily mean I agree with said evil character.

This person wrote a blog arguing for a crusade in support of foalcon (cp) writers, then wrote this e for everyone story where the apparent moral is that its ok for children and adults to fall in love, deletes any comments critical of that moral, then tries to put that story in an LGBT pride group. Then after kicking the hornets nest as hard as he can, he threatens to kill himself partly because his "love was considered sick" due to his pedo promotion story being removed from the LGBT group. I'm not so sure he doesn't agree with his characters...

I'm also unsure why he kicked the hornets nest this hard, then when it obviously backfired, decided to threaten suicide. Maybe its time he logged off for a while.

Which is totally understandable. I can see why they don't want MAPs in the group.

I obviously don't want this person to hurt themselves or anything like that. But they've been pushing disgusting messages the past few days, so of course people are going to get angry. Candence was pushing pedophilia, then tying it with the lgbt movement, then censoring anything critical of them, before threatening suicide. They need help.

This person might actually be mentally ill. They may need the help of professionals rather than going here. Perhaps some part of them thinks they are a monster and that's why they nearly killed themselves.



She definitely didn't do herself any favors by her behavior, but that doesn't justify the treatment she got. Removing story from some group? Fine - your group, your rules. Leaving a downvote and/or critical comment? OK - you can like/dislike whatever you want. But that's where it should stop.

But apparently, it didn't, and some people began sending her death threats and calling her a disgusting piece of shit for posting her story in a group dedicated to pride month, and telling her that people like her should die off. Some users closer to Cadance said that this wasn't the first time it happened either. Sorry, but NO - just because someone writes foalcon - which will always stir shit with some people - doesn't mean they should be prepared to get harassed for it (and that story wasn't even a foalcon - there was no sex there).

And if the author in question truly believes that it's OK for an adult and child to have a relationship, then frankly, people who told her to 'fuck off!' did the WORST POSSIBLE THING they could. Once pushed away, such a person really has two options, both of them bad:

  • end of the rope - because when everyone around you tells you you're a POS or a monster, for feelings you have no control over, what the hell are you supposed to do?
  • OR one of the pedo forums - where they will find people telling them that 'YES, having sex with a child is A-OK. Don't let society tell you otherwise!'

In the latter case, such a person will find validation and start thinking it's A-OK to fuck a child - and then tragedies happen. Several documentaries and articles where NOPs (nonoffending pedophiles) described their experiences when looking for acceptance and help have confirmed this 'flow.'

The only way to save children from such people is to CALMLY talk with them and explain why they can NEVER realize their fantasies. When a person finds acceptance and friends that won't judge him for feelings he has (not to be confused with ACTIONS!) and lend that person an ear that will listen, the probability of him hurting a child drops by order of magnitude.

Unfortunately, screaming 'fuck off and die you pedo piece of sh*t!' and feeling like a hero and patting yourself on the back is easier.

Yeah, it really got out of hand. I agree. It might work to calmly explain what they are doing is wrong.

But I don't think this will be the last. Fimfiction is not safe for thin-skinned people. You gotta be made of stone here, it seems.

Obviously I do not condone bad behaviour. But honestly, if you're pushing pro-pedophile arguments, I mean what do you honestly expect? Because ultimately that was the goal, to push a pro-pedophile argument, push foalcon and tie it in with pride. I don't condone the heated reaction, but it seems strange to not expect it.

I understand. The LGBT have enough problems than to be associated with pedophilia.

The person possibly could have been mentally challenged. Any sane person should expect such a reaction. That... or they planned to do this deliberately. But the suicide note complicates things. So I really don't know what really happened.



Yeah, you're both probably right. I'm just peeved because the whole situation could have been handled a hell of a lot better - by both sides. But what's done is done...

I just hope that bastards who sent death threats will be held accountable.

Somehow I doubt it, but there may be hope yet.

I've seen no evidence of any death threats or anything of the sort. Until I do, I'm sceptical that this isn't just a case of emotional manipulation. Lord knows its happened plenty of times on this site and beyond.

You hit the nail on the head

I'm glad to do my part, mate. As a 1000 plus follower user, I felt I must do something.

That said, try reading some posts from the other side. Don't just take my word for it. It's become a more nuanced issue. Some further things have some things come to light since I posted this blog.



I know it's possible, that's why I said and will keep on saying 'apparently' until we see some proof of direct harassment (which we probably won't, even if it happened). The only thing close to this I've seen so far was on her blog:

We need to take action NOW! - Fimfiction (archive.ph)

But that one user was temporarily banned...

That said, when it comes to general hatred towards foalcon writers like calling them names, telling them they're all pedos and should die off, and other indirect harassment - I've witnessed it many times here. It wouldn't be anything new.

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