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Pedophilia: A Growing Concern Over Artistic Expression And Lustful Perversion. · 8:25pm Jul 2nd, 2021

I would normally put a cute picture here to start the blog off, but considering the topic at hand, I believe that would be in bad taste.

Pedophilia is disgusting, abhorrent, and rightly deserves to be scorned. Beastiality is much the same. What has happened these last couple days has shown a light upon a growing issue on this site, and that is the defense of pedophilia in the name of artistic expression.

Now, to clarify, this is what I mean by that. I am not attacking those who have made stories around foalcon, lolis, so forth as they are fiction. What I mean is stories like what was posted by PRINCESS CADANCE to Pride and Positivity. A E-rated story in which an adult in an authority position groomed a child character into a romantic relationship. It was meant to be taken as something to not be ashamed of, but to take pride in.

Pride and Positivity was used as a way to write about pride of who you are in the LGBTQIA+ community. So, the fact PC added their story about a pedophilic relationship shows a lot about what the author meant with the story. It was rightly criticized for that. Electric Grace reposted their comment here about their criticism of said story, as it was deleted by PC.

Link to the blog she re-wrote this is Here.

LGBTQIA+ is not supportive of pedophilia. MAP's who try to say they are are just using it as an excuse to bring acceptance to their twisted perversion. They need mental help to control those urges and to overcome them to the best of their ability. Indulging them is not the solution. Adding that story to that group was just plain wrong, and it deserved to be kicked out.

But does that mean PC deserved the death threats and so on? Fuck no. That solves nothing and reflects poorly on those who send such vitriol. It is also sad to hear that they almost took their life. PC clearly has mental instability, given their willingness to being acceptance to minor and adult relations.

You can find their exact mindset on such here.

I think it's time to show these users that WE ARE WELCOME HERE! I'm encouraging every single user on this website to be a voice that foal/adult love is not only allowed here, it's something that anyone can enjoy, regardless of your personal, moral, or political opinions.

They knew what they were doing when they posted that story. They wanted to use it as a way to gain acceptance for their lust of underaged pornography and romance. And let me tell you, if I wrote something like that, I would expect to have backlash. Rightfully so. No one should be surprised their was backlash, especially when they say things like this. It's ridiculous.

But as I was saying, it was incredibly worrying to see them almost take their life. Despite all this they do not deserve death, especially suicide. They deserve the right mental help, and thanks to Estee and others, they were able to prevent PC from ending themself and hopefully set them on the right path.

I hope they get the help they need, and for them to learn why what they did was not right.

And honestly this brings me to a conflicted impass. Clearly there are those who write foalcon as a way to surrogate their lust for minors in some shape or form. That is something that worries me. Before PC there was Flutterpony, someone who also shown no shame for their pedophilic urges and wanted acceptance for it.

I am not saying everyone who indulges in foalcon is a pedo. Nor do I think those who do and don't bring acceptance to pedophilia, or act on abusing kids are as well. But I can easily see, especially with such heavy defense of it, that perhaps the glove fits in some capacity. And yet again, that is worrying.

I have always been for creative freedom. That includes works I do not myself enjoy or endorse. However, seeing all of this brings me great confusion. I want to say I am fine with this site hosting it in the name of artistic freedom, but the growing acceptance of the issues I pointed out above wedges a knife between my beliefs.

How many people are going to think it's okay for adults to have relations with kids because of the acceptance of stories like PC posted to Pride and Positivity? I do not know, I can only hope people can differentiate from reality and fiction. But as I said, that story in particular crossed a line.

While I have a confliction over foalcon and lolis as a whole, I do not have a single doubtful thought over pedophilia being a growing concern on this site. I want to have artistic freedom, but what has been shown clearly to me is that sometimes the cost of that is letting people into our community who will bolster their attitude of acceptance of something so gross and perverse.

I myself feel great guilt over drawing cover art for PC. I did it because I thought it would be funny to get a reaction out of the original artist who wanted their art taken down. Now, I wish I didn't. I wish I could go back and stop myself from doing that, but that is the past, and I'll just have to make better decisions going forward. I feel incredibly sorry to have contributed to that in some way.

But that brings me to conclusion. What limits are there to artistic expression when it is pushed to the limits as I have explained? I do not know, but as an abused victim I know I can't rightfully in my heart of hearts condone the actions that were done, and that I am worried for the growing sense of acceptance for pedophilia. If foalcon stays, I'll have to live with it. If it goes, I will not be sad for its loss.

Comments ( 43 )

An extremely well-written blog on the subject. I'll repeat what I said in my own blog:

The threat of suicide does not immediately absolve someone of criticism.

Should someone attempt suicide? Absolutely not.

But should someone who promoted pedophilic views and demands acceptance for them be criticized?


When you create a story to send a message, you should expect backlash if that message is as obviously controversial as pedophilia. As bad as it may sound, I don't feel sorry for someone being upset that they were fought back against for trying to make a statement about pedophilia being acceptable. If that makes me a monster, that's a hill I'm willing to die on.

Again, I don't think PC should harm themselves. Rather, I hope they get the help they need. But to turn around and blame others for the situation you've put yourself in is cowardly and selfish, and that also goes for the people so callously calling anyone who fought back against this "pedophilia is alright" rhetoric a 'murderer'.

Calling someone out for doing something disgusting does not make you a murderer. However, to those of you who actually did send death threats?

Shame on you.

Life is always worth trying to salvage, but pedophilia will also never be accepted, at least not by me.

100% agree man. Seeing people get called murderer for criticizing pedophilia was what sent me over the edge to write this blog.

Yes, I thought of that myself. Thus my confliction on the artistic freedom of said topic. There is obviously a gray area to be found.

Ice Star #4 · Jul 2nd, 2021 · · 5 ·

It’s absolutely baffling how this site is so surprised when people who had become known for cognitive dissonance and trying to imply that pedophiles ought to be treated like sympathetic victims of real discrimination in various comments and stories like this.

PC thought that his perversion belonged in a community with goals centered around equality, identity, and love. That anyone can think that people who diminish the alarming impacts of raping kids and trying to normalize those that want to is not something that belongs on a fan media site, or anywhere close to the public sphere. People who affirmed that PC wasn’t in the wrong for being a confessed pedo (who tried to ruin the pride event out of his own romanticism for his delusion, no less) or urging him to seek out real help for both of his predicaments had to when I wondered if what was happening was actually real. No one had noticed the dangerous, obvious admissions there or that efforts to help and provide resources could have been made without ever affirming that nothing was wrong to the very source of where all of that wrong was stemming from.

Aside from their oodles of horse CP, he had written two prior “SFW” stories that dealt with painfully clear child grooming and pedos-are-totes-real-victims plots. The apparently deleted Silver Spoon one was humanized and wasn’t an eleven year old with a character well into unspecified legal adulthood, but a nine year old with an eighteen year old. The other, which may still be up, is about Diamond Tiara (while still a minor in school) being a prey-prize to Starlight Glimmer who “wins” a child to groom in the end, and was filled with more obvious pro-pedo messages than the former.

This story was the third try. He failed two times before to get his shit entirely unnoticed as romanticized abuse. Instead of even trying to limp by with a disabled from the go comments/ratings story, this one was dumped in a large event’s group folder even when it broke every rule and held nothing that fit the group.

This was how strike three went. I think we all know what happens now, or at least what should. Therapy or inpatient. No kids. No horse kids. No porn. No one who won’t see past his attempts to leech off goals about expression and Pride, and can point out just how fucked up it is to say how the rape he called “love” to be accepted.

Good fucking blog. I’d tell you to batter up for when the pedo brigade comes, but they don’t have any balls to strike.

It is extremely depressing now days that pedophila is seemingly growing more and more accepted amongst some communities, it makes me sick.

The fact that Pedophiles have been worming their way into LGBT is nothing short of a travesty, because it both simultaneously tricks people with good intentions into defending pedophilia alongside homosexuality and transgenderism, but also only makes LGBT look worse by association.

I just despise the idea of using children for self gain. Pedophilia is just gross and I ultimately don't care what's going on in your brain. If you're a pedophile, you sexual interests should not be worn with pride, but with a vigor to be better and ignore those urges. There is no excuse for hurting a child and we all have the ability to say no to something so vile.

Yes, everyone, including those who are afflicted with what you mentioned, have the ability to do better. No child EVER deserves to be treated as sexual relief. It's disgusting. That sticks with children for life and ruins it. It's just so sick.

I 100% agree. It is clear that this god-forsaken website has a chronic issue when it comes to pedophilia and the people who support/defend it. PC is just a symptom of a greater problem, that being the attempted normalization of degenerate behavior while hiding behind “muh creative expression.” It’s sick and disgusting, and I wish the site staff would just ban this shit once and for all.

To be fair, a full ban like that would mostly likely come with banning all mature content in the site completely.

Which would put me and some other authors out of a proverbial job XD.

But no, I agree, a full ban on Foalcon and all pedophilia related content would probably be for the best.

I'm sorry if I caused any damage to your cause. I didn't know if there person was really MAP. Plus I clicked the panic button when I thought they were going to commit suicide.

Not an issue at all, broski. It's an issue that has its gray area, and it was very quick and I can see how people can come from the perspective of people attacking artistic expression. I just kinda was sent over the edge after reading comments on Dumbdog's blog.

No one can blame you for panicking when you saw the suicide note, without the context, which you, I, and most certainly other people, didn't have, your brain always defaults to siding with the person claiming they are going to kill themselves.

Pedophilia shall be deserved to rot in the deepest crevice of thine ass to the point it's knock, knock, knockin' on the asshole's door... so far up the asshole it can become friends with its biological equal: a log of greasy feces.

I appreciate your concern. The inaction of moderators on stories and other content that go beyond artistic portrayal to grooming and normalization tipped me to the banning side of the fence. If they are unable to properly moderate that type of content, I don't feel it should be present at all.

It's actions like what happened with PC and Pride and Positivity that makes me lean towards that as well, yeah. If it was curated more to prevent stories like such I wouldn't be as conflicted as I am now with my stance on artistic freedom, but considering that isn't the case, I am indeed very concerned with the growing acceptance of them. I, as I said, think a line was crossed and I'm really upset to see it.

I agree the moderators should have done more, but to be fair, I hope this doesn't lead to an explosion if idiocy like what happened on Derpibooru, where everyone started knife fighting over something that didn't matter, only for to lead to mass bans and censorship, only for thing to go back to normal right after, though with significantly less members.

I don't think anyone with a stake in the site wants that, but we've already started losing folks over the inaction. I could get behind stronger enforcement of existing rules with warnings to creators of older nonconforming content that gets deleted/reclassified/unpublished. There's just real danger in the status quo.

Very well said

Excellently stated, and thanks for featuring my comment! :raritystarry:

I myself have many concerns over artistic expression. I generally have the view that we should keep things loose and allow free expression and encourage creativity... but certain kinds of content, like this, can end up doing the exact opposite of attracting more people and more good stories; if we allow it to run rampant. And by now... things have gotten pretty damn out of hand if you ask me.

And more specifically on the PC situation... PC deserves sympathy for any psychological issues they may face, but certainly not for the backlash they receive for content like this they create, or for their endorsement of "foalcon". (Backlash that doesn't escalate as far as abuse and personal threats, which are always unacceptable) It's about time that there was widespread backlash against the growing normalization and presence of content on this, particularly when minors are a decently large part of this fandom

Yeah, that has always been a bother for me. When minors are around anything remotely sexual in nature. Though we do have a mature content filter, if kids are anything like me when I was a kid, that gets ignored in a blink of an eye. It's important to moderate a good community less it turns into a drama, sexually perverse as shown here, cesspool. It's something that bothers me greatly.

Me and Ice Star have been talking about this subject for months now, and the more I dig into it, the more I understand just how much this is a growing issue that needs to be addressed and dealt with. What happened with PC aiming to gain acceptance for his clear pedophilic desires was just the straw that broke the camels back for me. That, and people calling one of my best friends a murderer for criticizing his content for what it was. That really ticked me off.

But yeah, he didn't deserve all the death threats and so on. That is unacceptable. But as Lucky Seven said, he is not above criticism for putting that story in Pride and Positivity and derailing something that was really good. Pedophilia is not, and never will be pride.

P.S: Your comment inspired me.

Good fucking blog. I’d tell you to batter up for when the pedo brigade comes, but they don’t have any balls to strike

Mate, every time I make a post on this subject, no matter how well constructed, the Pedo Brigade comes out swinging.

Their favourite line:
“Stop bullying us!!!”
Indeed, because others putting their foot down to say that child rape and child grooming is a step too far equates to bullying.

It is not unkind to say that PC had issues, because they laid them bare in that blog.
Stating that the decision had already been made to place the outcome of their life on the acceptance of a pedophilia story is not something done by someone who has a sound mind.

Yes, yes, I know... suicide survivor. A close friend in high school didn’t survive his attempt. I know this shit is real.

But answer me this - does that make the nature and proclivity to such topics as pedophilia any less unnerving?
No, it should not.

And to say that “the bullying must end on Fimfiction” and waving this person’s experience as a banner is sick, as it is using PC and their experience to rally the cause of rape and porn and pedophilia at large, when it was quite clear that the author’s mind was set.

Because uploading that story into the group and breaking every rule in the way they did is not a gamble.
It was a means to an end.
And PC has our support and encouragement to find a way through this. I’m glad they didn’t end up the way my friend did in high school.

I had been wondering myself whether it was deliberate self-sabotage, concealed malicious intent, pure delusion, or wanting to play the victim. Social self-harm isn't unheard of but I can't help but think that whatever was going on behind the scenes was too muddy for any users to be able to say what went on with PC, especially when I was just an onlooker.

I see you’ve already got a downvote for your conjecture.

*gasp!* How dare you say that a person who literally played the dumbest round of Russian Roulette ever - by placing the fate of their life on a pedophilia story, in a place where they KNEW pedophilia was unwelcome - did so in earnest with 100% conviction!

Guys, I know it is against every social norm to say that someone’s suicide attempt was a call to something else.

But PC said they were at the end.
The act of suicide is very hard. It is not easy to bring yourself to actually committing the act.
Having that choice seemingly made for you is one way of finally going through with it.

I think most of us will come to the conclusion that PC was already wanting to go through with it. They just needed that extra nod. I mean, honestly... what did they expect would happen? That their pedophilia story would be upvoted and praised, in a group where pedophile stories are not even allowed?

Guys, guys... no one is that stupid.

But sometimes people are in a world of pain.

Seeing someone with a mind in such pain and turmoil that they WANT and NEED a final reason to do it, is understandable.

So for that, my heart goes out to PC.
Not for a second I believe they were pushed to this because their pedophile story was rejected.
But that they felt a final rejection over pedophilia would take the decision away.

This is not an unkind thought towards PC.
It is understanding the turmoil they were going through.
I do hope they get the help and support they need as we all have a reason to be in this world.

But please, Princess Cadence, pedophilic inclinations are seriously not ok.

You ban one thing,then they'll ban human/ponysmut fics. And freedom of expression will be no more. Leave things as it is. Or we'll loose good fics.

Huk #26 · Jul 3rd, 2021 · · 12 ·

But I can easily see, especially with such heavy defense of it, that perhaps the glove fits in some capacity. And yet again, that is worrying.

Man, with respect to you, this is the n-th blog I see when people seem to think that defending Cadance = defending her beliefs in some capacity :unsuresweetie:. As one of the people who jumped to her defense, let me set the record straight:

I defended her because I believe that no one - including people with stupid/dangerous views - deserves to be bullied/name-called/harassed to the point of being suicidal. Granted, Cadance did a pisspoor job here herself - deleting comments and blocking bullies AND normal people who were just asking non-hostile questions. But if she didn't want to talk, fearing more backlash then turning off comments and not replying was her right. At that point, people should have moved on and left her alone.

Instead, once the comments were locked, a bunch of blogs went up (some polite, some... not so much) going on about how some disgusting people just tried to raid the 'pride month' and pointing to the story (directly or in the comments). That only fueled the backlash and alleged death threats, and... well, we know how that ended up.

So, no, no one in his right mind was defending Cadance's alleged views. Instead, people supported a person who was pushed to the brink of suicide due to alleged threats of violence and after being told to 'fuck off the site :flutterrage:!' for writing a story. I would do the same for anyone regardless of what kind of story it was.

In the end, people who tried to boot her off the site succeeded - her account was deleted, and she's gone. Most people seem to think it's a good thing... I'm not so sure. See, a few months back, I spent almost two weeks reading hundreds of pages of studies on pedophilia AND testimonies of real-world NOPs (non-offending pedos) who described their struggles for getting help and acceptance. They were all different people from different countries, but most of them shared an alarming flow that may have just started here:

  1. Society/group learns someone is a NOP and boot that person out, calling him monster/pos/etc.
  2. NOP starts looking for someone - anyone - that he could talk to.
  3. He finds one of the many pedo forums where people tell him, "Having sex with a child is A-OK! Don't let society tell you otherwise - they're all just bigots!"
  4. If someone close to NOP and whom he trusts won't explain, "These people are crazy! Sex with a child is NEVER OK, and here is why [...]" then sooner or later, the outcome will be another molested/raped child.

The above 'flow' ain't really special. Since the beginning of human civilization, rejected and/or ostracized people have been looking for someone who will accept them and often ending up being a part of some bad element. A basic, old as dirt truth: treat someone as a monster and you have a high chance of creating one.

That's another reason why this whole situation personally troubles me like hell:

Suppose Cadance really is a pedo who truly believes that having sex with children is OK. In that case, everyone should ask themselves, is harassing her and others like her until they leave the site to look for a more 'accepting' place a good thing or a bad thing? After what I read a few months back, to me, it seems like it's the WORST possible thing to do that can only end up badly (depression, suicide) or VERY badly (molested/raped child/children).

Treating and labeling such people like monsters, telling them to fuck off, and keeping a generally hostile attitude towards them, doesn't seem like the proper solution to anything. CALMLY and COOLY talking them out of it and convincing them to go to therapy, does seem like the only real approach.

I had people come out in droves to attack me on that suicide blog PC posted when I tried to explain foalcon was essentially pedophilia and shouldn't be allowed on here, but all they wanted to do was call me a bully. One guy even said he liked to put himself in the foals place...Its worrying and sickening that society has degraded so far that pedophilia and pedophiles is accepted and celebrated by some people.

Yes bullying is wrong, and pushing someone to suicide is worse and I sincerely hope PC gets the help they need. But in my humble opinion, pedophilia is the sickest and most immoral thing on this planet. I ask anyone who wants to defend it if you'd let a grown adult have sex with your underage child and think it's okay and nothing's wrong with it.

Okay, uh... Jesus fuck. Like, I've been hearing second-hand accounts that this was a thing and *wow*.

Now, is the attempted suicide or more accurately what led up to it excusable? Hell no! Bullying someone to take their own life is sickening and sometimes I wonder if people watched the same show I did.

That being said, pedophilia is never and should never be allowed. The LGBTQ community has enough problems with mainstream acceptance, goodness knows we don't need it to be made worse. I have mixed feelings about this, understandable illness sure but I do sorta hope PC gets the help they need.

I dunno, maybe I'm too kind.


No, you're good. I don't wish death on PC, I wish for them to get help for their issues, but not like this.

The real compassion to show PC is to not indulge their perversions of children, but instead hope that they seek out and get the mental help they need for their issues.

You are not wrong for wanting that. Indeed none of that sickness belongs in LGBTQIA+

Bit of a stretch, I think. Sounds paranoid. Human/Polyship fics are a bit different compared to outright pedo content. Unless of course a human and/or polyship fic includes pedo which in that case ewwwwwwww

Well said. Very well said indeed.

Well said

See I’m trying to defend her cuz for the sake of creativity in those foalcon stories cuz of creative freedom (I DONT LIKE FOALCON I USUALLY TRY TO AVOID THEM). But ever since the last few days of PC’s controversy and downfall this tips me over so hard that I can’t even think anymore. THEY LITERALLY HAD THE BALLS TO DO AN E RATED STORY THATS FOALCON. If they never allowed foalcon to begin then none of this would’ve happened.

Mega oof

iisaw #35 · Jul 4th, 2021 · · 1 ·

At the very least, they should be tagged M for mature.

I would also like to see FiMFic end it's schizophrenic rules about such stories. At the moment, pedophilia stories (ones with humans or anthros) are banned, but "foalcon" ones aren't.

Yeah. It's a bit all over the place.

PC intentionally made their story rated E, and it was gross and called out rightly as such. I agree with you with it having to be mature rated, always.

Slippery slope fallacy is a fallacy for a good reason. If foalcon stories are banned (as they should, IMO, and good riddance), that does not in any way imply that all mature-rated stories w. sexual content will also be banned.

How about you not post memes built on completely baseless Trumpist propaganda?

That's somethingemoandedgy. It's a joke account. Rule of thumb is to not take anything they say or post at face value.

Ah, thanks. Didn't know, obviously. :twilightsheepish:

Yeah, lol. It's all good, bud. They have been around for a little while, and just write shitposty stuff.

Princess Cadence made a terrible, terrible mistake by trying to advocate pedophilia. That said, it's a shame to lose to her stories because she was a rather good author, though her stories crossed over far too many lines for me to enjoy most of the time. While she may have been unable to separate fiction from reality, those of us on Fimfiction who can, lost something.

As to whether or not people who are attracted to minors belong in pride-affiliated groups, I don't have anything to offer to that discourse. I am proud only of my accomplishments in life.

I just hope whoever PC is, she hasn't actualized on her desires and destroyed a defenseless child's life and that she is getting the mental help she needs to deal with her illness.

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