• Member Since 27th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Friday

Jack of a Few Trades

beak enthusiast

More Blog Posts214

  • 9 weeks
    The Dastardly Duo (also a quick check-in)

    Recently, I realized that I needed to get some art for the less noble side of Set Sail. Our main villain has existed for years now as nothing more than words on a page and ideas in my head, but now we've got photographic evidence that he exists!

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    4 comments · 211 views
  • 26 weeks

    I made my account here exactly 10 years ago today. A whole decade of occasionally posting words about silly little talking horses and birds. I wish I had something planned but this kinda just snuck up on me. All I have is my thoughts, and I've only got one of those right now.

    I'm getting old.

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    9 comments · 223 views
  • 50 weeks
    It is that time again


    Set Sail will update on Thursday. Check below the break for a sneak peek!

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    8 comments · 307 views
  • 53 weeks
    Guess what

    Also I completed a rough draft and Set Sail will be updating soonish :)

    4 comments · 246 views

Life update, but no story update :( · 1:27pm Jul 3rd, 2021

Remember how I said I was going to have more free time and be paid for my stress instead of paying tuition for it? Only the latter was true. Turns out moving to a new city and immediately commencing a 7-day a week work schedule between two jobs can take it out of you. I still haven't even had time to finish unpacking from my move. Just work work work, every single day. In fact, I'm at work right now as I write this!

Yeah, it kinda sucks even though I'm getting paid a pretty nice chunk of change for the trouble. But the end is in sight! This is my last weekend with my second job, so I will have my weekends free. It's amazing what having a little time off can do for the soul! I never fully recovered from the burnout of my last semester in college. Really, just as I was starting to feel more mentally healed from that, I started this work schedule. 2021 has been the most taxing and work-heavy year of my life so far, but also one of the most rewarding. I complain about the workload a lot, but I'm enjoying what I do for the most part. I guess even the best job ever can be made not-so-cash-money if you don't get a break every now and again.

But hey, at least the moving costs were covered and I could still afford to build my first real PC!

Ain't she pretty? Ya boy is no longer a laptop peasant. :)

But anyway, writing news. In the midst of all of this life upheaval and near 60-hour work weeks I've been pulling since the start of June, work on fanfiction projects has been sluggish. I've managed a little work here and there on that Smolcellus story, but it is still very much in the formative stages. It could be a while yet before I get that one out. And of course, since I haven't even had time to finish a warm-up oneshot, that also means that no progress has been made on the next chapter of Set Sail.

I'm feeling the need to get back into writing the nautical birb drama. We left off right as we started getting to some of the juicier plot points. It's about time to get the next chapter off the backburner. I'm planning to get some work done on the words today, so I'll stop wasting my keystrokes with this scream into the void.

also holy shit I literally just checked derpibooru for an image to close this blog and this was waiting for me on the front page. Totally unrelated, but have some Spabby cuteness :)

EDIT: Not two hours after posting this blog, my boss called me. I am needed to fill in tonight. Hooray for a 16 hour day of work :))))))))

Comments ( 9 )

Glad to hear you're doing okay, hope things get easier for you ^^
Thank you for the shared art, it is really nice.

Jeez, 7-day work weeks are horrible. Glad to see you have a new PC though!

giving you all the hugs bud!

Imagine going to college, getting a job, and not having the free time to write My Little Pony fancition. That's not sarcasm. That's pure sympathy. You should hire me to take care of your workload.

If the end is in sight then keep at it my dude, it will all worth it in the end. PCs looking sweet though

Makes me incredibly lucky.

I'm tired of love, I'm still more tired of rhyme
But money gives me pleasure all the time.

--Hillaire Belloc (not the one who exploded when they opened the Ark)

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